[11] Where I Began...

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Alright guys I've decided to just go ahead and post the chapter. I didn't want to sit on it any longer plus 8 pages is a pretty lengthy read...hopefully. Yah but i wanted to inform you guys this chapter is very heavy towards the end. Deals with child abuse so please if its to much or if i need to tone it down. I will write a separate chapter for those readers but this chapter i worked super hard on. I really wouldn't want to cheat anyone out of a pretty good read but i know child abuse is not to be taken lightly so please understand i put this in here because in my original story it was there and here i wanted to expand upon it here. It really made Yuki and I wanted her to be a tough heroine/possible anti-hero? I wanted her to have her scars like any mutant does in the X-Men so yea... Also the paragraphs are pretty large lol I couldn't stop writing once I started so they are quite lengthy but I wanted you guys to have a long ass chapter to read till I'm done with finals. I probably wont be updating. But I have the week of the 22nd to write so I might lol but for now enjoy this I really worked my butt off for you guys to get a good chapter so don't forget!!

If you're new follow me I will do my best to regularly update. Vote! cause why not? Finally comment helps me know you guys are addicted to my stories xp

Anywho, prepare you guys like I said its a heavy chapter so let me know what you think!

Much loves,

Yuki or Nicole :p

p.s. If I repeat my self in the story its a bad habit lol any spelling mistakes I've missed let me know! but ok go on read!!


I had tied the sword to my belt, giving a bit of a glance up to the sky. It gave off a feeling that finally everything that had to be right in the world, was so. Its bright blue color peeking from between some of the clouds, the sun as well joining it in its play.

'Huh, weird.' I gave a glance back to the house; its features gave the old house more respect, and it's been though much, too much I could add. But somehow old and young can always find a compromise between each other. Just like the sky of did with the old house making it stand tall in the morning light. I smiled, 'Now I think you may be right there luv.' I rolled my eyes as Akuma appeared next to me. Even after all we've been through somehow we get along.

"I'm always right." I had a smug look on but then dropped it. I hesitated and glanced at her. 'You want to talk about it? I know it's never been this bad.'

"I don't remember ever having live, awake hallucinations. Never that bad, it always happened in my sleep." She stuffed her hands in her jacket pocket-her look didn't differ only in her clothing having a band named roughed up tee and tight jeans with rocker boots. 'I wouldn't trust it but you are going to tell daddy dearest about him so it could've triggered a sever PST moment.'

I rubbed the back of my head, then strubbed it off I needed to be at my best now. The day called for it and Logan deserves the best I can be in this moment. 'I agree let's get in there the sooner the better. You know I hate stories.'

I laughed now and nodded. "Don't worry tonight we'll start the new chapter in this shitty story with some fine beer." She smiled and nodded. 'As I stated before with a hell of a lot more conviction, you're absolutely right there luv.' She faded away as I got closer to the barn.

I hesitated for a second, thinking of the possible outcomes that could occur with this talk. I placed my head against the door took a deep breath and walked in. Within moments of entering the barn my mood took a dip.

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