Chapter 2: They Find Out

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It was early in the morning, almost 5:30 a.m. Meyrin was in her bed, awake. Her glasses were on the nightstand beside the bed. She was staring off at the ceiling. Her clock was the only sound that was made in her room. She kept thinking about yesterday and the promise she made to Lady Ruby. "Promise me, Meyrin. Promise me". Meyrin turned to the side and looked out at her window. She saw the sun almost rising. She got up from her bed and headed toward the bathroom to start the day early. She turned on the water to let it warm up she unbuttoned her tightgown and let it fall down to her feet. She went into the shower and cleaned herself up.

When she was done, she got out her uniform and put it on. She also put 2 spare guns under her dress. One on each side. She swore to the Phantomhive manor that she would protect it and her master, as well. Those who threatens the Phantomhive manor, will be killed by her. She put up her two pigtails and put on her glasses. She walked out of her room and did her chores.

Sebastian and Ciel were in Ciel's studies, working on paper work and other crime scenes. "Sebastian." "Yes, mi'lord?" Ciel was still look down on his desk at his paper work. "Yesterday, I didn't hear anything break. Not even a sound from the kitchen. Is Meyrin, alright. " He gave a glance towards Sebastian. "I do not know, mi'lord. Yesterday, I did see Meyrin acting somehow strange." "Strange? How strange? ". Ciel looked at him and was ready to give Sebastian an order on doing some investigating based on Meyrin, but wanted further details.

"Well, as you know, Meyrin has a crush on me and blushes anytime I'm near her. But as I was near her, yesterday, she wasn't as red as usual or have a nosebleed. She was just surprised. I thought she would act like a little schoolgirl with or without her glasses but I guess not." "Hmm, and did she have her glasses on? " "No, mi'lord." Ciel started being curious. "That does seem odd. Mostly, she would keep her glasses on at all time, unless it was a threat emergency. " "I agree, mi'lord, but that's not all I saw" Sebastian had a smirk on his face "There was also a certain pentagram on the back of Meyrin's hand" Ciel, was shocked by this statement. "You mean to tell me that, a... " "Yes, mi'lord. Another demon. Such as myself ". Ciel had his hands over his head. He never knew Meyrin was a demon. He knew that Meyrin was a assassin in the past, but this was too shocking to believe. "Are you sure, Sebastian" Ciel looked at him. "Yes, mi'lord" "Another demon in the Phantomhive Manor? This can't be". Ciel took a deep breath "Do you think she is an enemy?" "I highly doubt, mi'lord. What is your order? " Sebastian bowes and was on one knee with his hand over his heart. "Bring Meyrin to me, right now. I want to know everything" Ciel stands up and walks towards the window and stares at the outside. "Yes, mi'lord" He stands up and goes after Meyrin

Meyrin went into the kitchen to do the dishes and was greeted by Bard and Finny, who was eating breakfast.
"Mornin, Meyrin. You want some breakfast? I made some eggs and toast. " Bard had a boyish smile with a cigarette in his mouth. "I would love too, Bard. But are you sure, the eggs are cooked right? Last time you cooked eggs, the stove was on fire."
" H-h-hey! I was only using the flamethrower, to cook the eggs faster." Bard was looking away, pouting. "Anyways, I didn't burn them this time." he had a boyish smile and had he's thumbs up. Meyrin smiled. "Well, I can't wait to try them. Cause I'm starvin". Meyrin got plate and filled it with eggs and toast and took a seat at the table. She was about to dig in, but her stomach stared to hurt again. She was moaning in pain again. "Oh please, not again" she thought. Finny and Bard notice this. "Oi, Meyrin. Are you alright?" Finny asked with a concern look on his faced. "Yeah he's right, luv. You don't look so good. Stomachs got you in the knots?" " I'm alright, Bard. Just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, that's all. " Bard and Finny, didn't get fooled that easy. They knew something was up. "No, I don't think so. You looked pale. Maybe, I should tell sir, Sebastian you're taking they day off? " "Or maybe your stomach is not agreeing with you on Bard's eggs". Bard grabbed Finny's head with his left arm and rubbed his knuckles the top of Finny's head. "I SAID I DIDN'T BURNED THEM THIS TIME. NOT POISON IT!!" he yelled at Finny "OW!! ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! I'M SORRY!! BUT IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU DON'T COOK WELL!! " "WHY YOU!!" Sweat dropped on Meyrin's head. She sighed and took off her glasses. She was serious this time "Oh, you two. Will you both stop fighting?!" her voiced raised. They both stopped and were a little frightened. Anytime Meyrin took off her glasses, it gave them both chills up there spine. It was like Meyrin was scary like Sebastian.

Meyrin sighed in relief they both stopped and started to be calm. "Finny, don't worry. Bard has nothing to do with my stomach acting up" "Bard, there's no need in telling Sebastian about me. I'm fine" "Tell me, what? ". They all turned there head to see Sebastian by the door. "Nothing, Mister Sebastian. Nothing at all. " Meyrin said with a serious look. She turned her head toward the 2 boys "Right, fellas? " she says with a smile. Finny and Bard looked at each other, then looked Sebastian and gave him a nod

"Good then. Meyrin, the young master would like to see you" "Yes. O-o-of course." She stands up and turns her head toward the 2 boys and puts on her glasses "Sorry, Bard. I'm gonna have to skip breakfast. I'll see you boys, later" she smiles and waves goodbye. She then follow Sebastian, heading for the young master's studies.

Finny and Bard sat back down at the table to finish up breakfast. "See, I told you I didn't poison the eggs. I'm a great cook" "Yeah, Bard. In your dreams " Bard had grab Ginny's collar and a fist up in the air, ready to punch Finny. "What did you say?!" Finny had his hands up covering his face from the upcoming punch. "NOTHING! "

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