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Ashton sat in his room peacefully, his pencil drumming to a familiar tune that has been stuck in his head all day.

"Come back when you can, let go, you'll understand. You've done nothing at all to make me love you less. So come back when you can."

"Ash, have you seen my shirt? Mum told me it's sitting in my closet, but I checked and it wasn't there." Ashton snaps out of his daze, his eyes directed towards his younger brother. Luke walks around his older brother's room, not even caring about Ashton's privacy.

"Which one?" Ashton responds before letting out a sigh, his hands tangled in his hair. He turns around in his desk chair, his eyes meeting Luke's.

"The one with the smiley face," Luke replies bluntly. Ashton points to a certain spot in his room before turning back around, drumming along to the same song as before. "Found it!" Luke triumphantly says."Mum must've mixed up our clothes by mistake." The sound of footsteps become lighter, before the sound of the bedroom door slams shut. "Don't think about her too much," Luke coos loud enough for Ashton to hear.

Ashton snickers at his young brother, the new thought of the girl he always loved filling his mind. Everything about her always caused him to smile, from the way she crinkled her nose when she wasn't very fond of something, to the way her eyes lit up whenever she was intrigued.

"Ash, c'mon. We're going to be late," Luke called out, his voice muffled because of the blocking door. Ashton quickly snapped out of his gaze, his eyes fixed on his alarm clock. He quickly grabbed his backpack off his bed and rushed pash Luke, heading downstairs to slip his shoes on. "It's about time," Luke waltzed down the stairs only to be interrupted by his shoes thrown at him by Ashton.

"Just hurry up, or else you're walking."

"So what was it this time? Stress? Mum?" Luke joked, a smirk plastered on his face.

"You already know why I doze off." Ashton grumbled, shoving Luke away.

"I don't see why you just can't talk to her, she's just a normal person like you and I." Luke commented, picking up the pace a bit. Ashton quickly catches up to Luke, pushing past several people in the already crowded hallway. Just as Ashton caught up to his brother, he took notice his brother's friends had already greeted him and began talking to him. Ashton slowly walks over to the three boys, as if he hasn't just spotted them.

"Oh hey Ash," Calum greets him. Ashton just waves to the dark haired boy, watching the three boys talk.

Ashton was always the quiet person with not many friends, he usually just hung around his brother and his friends. Halfway into the conversation, Luke nudges Ashton a bit, cocking his head in a certain direction. Ashton's eyes follow the direction Luke showed him and saw what Luke was so antsy about. Standing across the hall was the girl Ashton had always dreamed about. He would always come up with such unrealistic scenarios that would never happen, and her being in most of them. The two other boys stopped their discussed and turned their heads in the direction everyone was fixed on.

"Dare me to shout her name?" Luke challenged. The two boys nod their heads, already knowing the outcome. "Emery!" The three boys play it cool, continuing on their fake conversation. The girl from across the hall looks over in the direction her name was called, and looks at Ashton. Ashton stands their in a complete standstill, frozen. She smiles and waves at him, waiting for him to return the gesture. Ashton stiffly waves back, a smile plastered on his face. When the girl turns back around and continues to talk to her friend, Ashton walks in the opposite direction of the three boys, pushing Luke out of his way in the process. "Ashton! Wait up!" Luke quickly runs after his brother, Ashton's speed picking up at the sound of his brother's voice. "Ashton!"

"Go away," He shoos. Luke continues to bug him, trying to get him to speak to him instead of using simple answers.

"What was that?" Luke question, his hand now resting on Ashton's shoulder.

Ashton has always been older, but Luke was always taller. People usually mistook Ashton as the younger brother due to Luke's towering height.

Luke spins Ashton around, so now they're both facing each other. "What happened, bro? You were doing it! You waved at her!"

"Do you know how embarrassing that was?" Ashton exclaimed, his voice breaking. "I froze Luke! I was frozen! I can't wave back without looking like an idiot, and you expect me to talk to her?"

"Baby steps," Luke reassures him, trying to calm him down. "We just have to work on a couple things, and you'll be talking to her in no time." Luke shoots Ashton a synthetic look, hoping it'll calm him. "It wasn't that bad anyway, no one noticed." Ashton tries to control his sniffles.


"Yeah, we."

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