x. Misconceptions & Chocolate

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The room clears quickly, the petite figure standing before him.

"I know what happened," A sigh escapes Ashton's lips, as he scratches the back of his neck with one hand, reality hitting him.

"You do?"

"Well, only some bits. I forget a whole lot of it, but I remember some." she adds.

"What do you remember?" he then asks her, a bit of relief sinking in.

"I remember our drinks tasting funny, and us dancing together." she says. "But that's all that I can recall."

"Em, c'mon we have to get going. Your dad will kill you if you're not home, it's already noon." Diana cuts in, yanking Emery away from the conversation.

"Wait, we missed school?" she questions, surprised.

"Technically no, school is still in session. We just - slept in?" Diana responds, pulling her even more. As both disappear out of the room, their voice grow quieter and quieter, until it becomes barely audible. Footsteps are hear all of a sudden, the petite girl hugging him, her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Even though I don't recall much from last night, I still enjoyed my time spent with you." she mumbled. She shoved something in his back pocket before pressing a light kiss to his neck, her presence soon gone. Ashton reaches for his back pocket, a crumpled piece of paper tucked deep into the pocket. He un-crumples the paper, a phone number scribbled down on it along with a small note.

"Call me whenever you want to talk, hang out, or possibly...go out? Em xx."

The note attached threw him off, leaving him questioning if it was really her who wrote this. Usually, she isn't this straight forward - let alone very flirty. Ashton sees her as the 'shy girl who never says much', this leaves Ashton asking himself if this is really her or if it might've been a cruel prank done by Diana. Half of him wants to think this is fake, but the other half believes it's real, an actual shot given to him.


"Are you sure mum won't be mad?" Ashton asks his brother, whilst Luke and Calum drag Michael inside.

"Yeah, she won't be mad, I told her that we slept at Mike's house, and that we were both feeling nauseous so we took a sick day and didn't go to school. She'll understand." Luke reassures Ashton, prior to plopping Michael on the couch.

"Remind me why Michael and Calum are here?" Ashton then asks, his arms folded across his chest.

"Because Michael's parents are coming home today in just hours, and they can't see their son drunk, we'll just tell them that he came over after school." Luke replies, leaving Ashton tied up. "And other questions?"

"What about his house? It's trashed, and the smell of reeking alcohol filling his house?"

"We opened all the windows before we left, turned on all the fans in the house, and Calum and I cleared up most of the trash among the house while you loaded Michael into the car." he answered simply. "Anything else?"

"Why is he wearing a chicken mask?"

"I don't even know,"

"Michael, take the damn hat off!" Calum yells, causing Michael to fall off the couch. He yanks the mask off his head, eyes blotching red, and face pale. "Damn, you're really hung over aren't you?"

"How much did you have?"

"Between seven to twelve." he mutters. "My head hurts."

"I'll get the medicine." Ashton announces, heading into the kitchen.

"I'll go with you." Luke adds, following him. Ashton walks over to one of the cabinets prior to taking out a medicine bottle, taking out the recommended number of pills. Luke runs a glass under the sink, the cool water filling up. "Ash, can I talk to you?" Luke asks, his voice only heard by Ashton.

"What about?" Ashton asks.

"It's about Emery," he responds, his voice lowered.

"Go on,"

"Last night Calum and I were looking for you, so we checked the living room expecting you to be there. You were completely out of it last night, you were on the couch next to her - and keep in mind you were drunk and out of it, completely oblivious to everything around you. And she pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one, it looked like hers. Then Calum and I discussed how she doesn't look so shy and quiet, and how she might be completely different from what people say. I just wanted you to know," Luke explained.

"Maybe she was pressured? Or maybe it wasn't hers, I find that unlikely of her to do such a thing. She's sweet and clearly innocent, it's written all over her face." Ashton retaliated. "She could've been holding it for someone."

"It was in her pocket, Ashton. It's hers, maybe you shouldn't go after her. She could mean trouble, there's always Aspen, bro." Luke rebuttals.

"Luke, just let me be. She gave me her number and I'll talk to her about it through messaging, talking, in person, whatever. I'll sort it out."

"She gave you her number? That's not like her, you sure it wasn't some joke?"

"That's what I thought, I thought it was a prank from Diana because Emery is never this forward let alone flirty. I told you, I'll sort it out." Ashton tells him, ending the conversation.

"Guys, where's my medicine?" Michael whines from the living room, his voice sounding a bit strained.

"Calm down," Luke says, rolling his eyes as he enters the room. "You sound like a girl on her period or some shit like that."

"I'm not a girl!"

"Have you seen your hair lately?"

"You're a prick,"

"At least my hair isn't pink." Luke mutters to himself. Ashton hands Michael the medicine while Luke hands him the glass of water. "By the way, you're breathe smells terrible."

"And who's fault was that?" Michael snickers.

"Yours, you were the one who drank seven to twelve beers last night." Luke informs him.

"Technically, it's your fault. You promised me that you'll watch how much I drink, and you failed." Michael adds, his voice coated with cockiness.

"Whatever, you're just lucky we saved your ass."

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