iii. House Visits & Invatations

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He hit the alarm clock, the alarm clock falling off his nightstand causing him to groan. As he picked his head up sleep still overpowered him, his eyes still adjusting to the morning light. Next door he hears the sound of light guitar strumming and the sound of his younger brother's voice. It puzzles Ashton to think that his brother is up before him, but then his gaze wanders over to the fallen alarm clock which reads 7:18.

"Dammit," he curses under his breath before hopping out of bed and heading towards his closet. Ashton rummages through the clothing before finding what he had been looking for. He grabs the clothing and heads for the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

He fumbles with his shoes before finally getting them off, ignoring Luke's rambling.

"Are you even listening, Ashton?" Luke snaps at his brother, the sound of Luke' footsteps stopping.

"Yeah, yeah, so she kicked out of school for underage drinking." Ashton grumbles before sitting in the driver's seat, waiting impatiently for his brother. "Can we just get going?"

"What's up with you?" Luke snaps at him again. Ashton's grip tightens, his fists becoming white.

"No reason," he says through his gritted teeth. The car stays quiet for a bit before Ashton quickly glances at Luke, a smug plastered on his face. "what?"

"It's her, isn't it?" He quizzed him, as if he didn't know already.

"Yeah, it's her. Last night I was talking to her and I got the angry text from mum, and I kind of just left her so I need to apologize for it." he explained to him. Luke muttered a small 'mhmm' before the rest of the ride went quiet.

He rushed through several hallways until he finally spotted her. He brushed off his shirt while casually walking towards her, the familiar nerves finding it's way back. He tapped her shoulder, receiving weird looks and glances from her friends. When she turned around, her eyes went big, shocked by his presence.

"Hi Ashton, I like your shirt." she greeted brightly, her eyes glancing at his shirt. He glanced down at his shirt which read 'Lone Star Music' prior to focusing back on her. "So how are you?"

"Think before you speak, or else she'll think you're an idiot." went through his mind. "I'm fine, how about you?" he repeated this about 10 times in his head, and yet he still couldn't say it.

"I - uh." he stuttered, his eyes shifting to the ground. An erupt of laughter filled his ears, her friends mocking him by his presence.

"I don't see why you waste your time with him, Em." one girl mocks.

"Let's just leave, all this desperation is killing my vibe." another suggests. The crowd of girls walk away, one girl dragging Emery along with them. He ran out of the hallway as fast as he could before he approached a small janitor's closet, locking himself inside.

"Has anyone seen Ashton?" Mr. Matthews asked the class. Luke looked around the room, some classmates shaking their heads. Luke starts to worry about him, his mind being filled with terrible outcomes.

"I saw him this morning, he was talking to one of my friends." Luke turns his head in the direction of the voice, a girl with deep red - purple hair sitting a few rows back from him.

"Thank you, Valerie." Mr. Matthews addresses her. He begins to scribble things down on the attendance roster as the class falls silent.

"Mr. Matthews, can I try to find Ashton? It's not like him to skip." Luke speaks up, trying to grab the teacher's attention. Mr. Matthews looks up and gives him a nod, excusing him from class.

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