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Years have passed, 5 Seconds of Summer becoming a household name. Emery lied in her bed, her bed spread covers masking her petite figure.

"And that was Five Seconds of Summer with their latest single 'Don't Stop'." the radio host announces. Emery is tempted to hit the snooze on her radio/alarm clock, but is contemplating on hearing the rest of what the radio host has to say. She decides not put her radio on snooze, the host continuing his rambling. "I remember when I first heard about these boys a couple years ago, it was during their first ever live performance at the Sydney Locals festival. I felt like it was just yesterday, now the boys are currently traveling around the world with boy band, One Direction."

Lately, Emery has been doing better than she has before. Her addiction to smoking ended, her relationship with her parents stronger, and her moods improved. It's been a little while since she kept in contact with Ashton, but she still remembers his appearance as well as that goofy laugh of his. She's seen recent picture of him as well as the other boys, their faces aged while their youth remains strong in them.

"The four boys are back in Sydney today for the Where We Are tour, hardcore fans already lining up in front of the venue. Best of luck to the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer."

And with that, Emery threw her covers over her and got out of bed, dressing for her day ahead. as she set foot into the kitchen, her father hands her a mug of chai tea, the radio blasting 'She Looks So Perfect'. Her father grumbles something about the song before he's about to turn it off, Emery quickly stopping him.

"Please don't!" she cried, practically lunging in front of the radio, preventing him from shutting it off.

"Emery," her father starts, taking a sip from his coffee at the kitchen table. He flips through the newspaper, his eyes not even meeting hers. "I never knew you were interested in this type of music."

"Well I'm not," she starts off. Her fathers look at her on confusion, confused looks on both their faces. "I mean, it's okay. But I wouldn't listen to it 24/7." she adds. "I just wanted to hear this song because my friend is in this band, he's the drummer for them. And I wasn't sure if he sings in this song, so I wanted to find out if he does."

"Which friend?"

"Ashton, he was over a couple years ago. he looks so different now." she informs them.

"Was that the boy who left the house with teary eyes?" one father asked. A lump built up in her throat, her palms becoming sweaty.

"Y-yes," she stuttered, swallowing the lump in her throat. Instantly, her idea of wanting to see him after all these years were crushed, her parents ruining it for her.

"Well what about him?"

"Never mind, I uh - never mind it was stupid to bring him up. I'm going to get a start on the chores now." she says prior to exiting the room.

Hours later she finishes, her back aching while he hands lay limp, tired. She excused herself to head out for fresh air, a cool breeze hitting her face as soon as she sets foot out. She thanks herself for not driving into town, the narrow streets overcrowded with cars. Some cars blast One Direction songs, Emery's assumption those cars heading to the venue for the concert. A small band of people walked closely together, black hoodies covering their heads and bodies while dark sunglasses masked their faces. As soon as one of them catches her glance she immediately turns around, picking her pace up a bit. She starts to hear heavy footsteps behind her, her heart racing faster as she quickly hurries into a random shop, her breath hitching. Confused, a worker looks at her before going into the back, Emery eyeing her surroundings.

The shop is the familiar ice cream shop she used to work at, memories filling into her mind. Everything still feels the same, the stripped wallpaper slowly peeling off, the booths still marked with holes, and the generic ambience slowly playing in the background. Her breathing slowly turns back to normal, her heart no longer racing. The shop bell goes off, the band of people before standing right before Emery's eyes. One of them looks over at her, mumbling something to the three other boys, those three boys heading over to the menu sign. The one boys removed his hood, a red bandana wore across his forehead, dimples peeking out slightly. He removes his glasses as well, the familiar face standing in front of her. Ashton.

"Ashton?" she gasps. "You're here."

"I am,"

"Why?" she questions, confused. "Shouldn't you be at the venue getting ready to perform?"

"Nah, the boys and I decided to head downtown to grab something quickly. Besides the concert doesn't start for another hour and a half."

"Oh," she says, dumbfounded.

"Why are you here?" he quizzes.

"I ran in here because I saw you down the sidewalk with the rest of the boys and you looked like you were going to mug me." she explains.

"Sorry about that, I wanted to see if that was really you. You're the only person I know with red hair, but you never know who could be out there nowadays." he defends himself. The three others boys call for him, ice creams all in their hands, one boy paying.

"We're done." one says. "We can head out whenever you're ready."

"Okay, can you just give me a minute?" they all nod their heads in response. He dips his head, leaning towards Emery, his plump lips pressed against hers. Wolf whistles are heard from the three boys behind them, their fists pumped in the air. Both pull away, Ashton shooting her a wink before leaving. "Hope to see you soon,"

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