xiv. Aspen The Fortune Cookie & Lip Locked

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Ashton woke up to the smell of warm pancakes, the sweet aroma hailing from the kitchen. It surprises him to think that there isn't any guitar strumming until he recalls what happened the previous night. He lazily starches his hair before getting out of bed, the smell getting stronger and stronger as he makes his way towards the kitchen. He's surprised when he sees his brother trying to cook instead of his mother, Luke's cooking failing miserably. The sound of Ashton's footsteps alarm Luke, who instantly turns around a his bloody lip starting to heal.

"Oh, it's you." Ashton mutters, his eyes fixed to the ground. "I thought mum was cooking."

"No," Luke replies simply, his voice trying to sound happily even though he still feels guilty from last night. "she's still in bed sleeping. I thought I'd give cooking a shot."

"Why?" Ashton questions, his eyes now locked on Luke's. "You don't know how to cook, you tried cooking in year 6 but dropped out because you were terrible at it. That's when you chose music instead, that's why you're amazing at music today. All because you couldn't cook without burning something."

"Yeah, it's quite funny actually." Luke added. "Wow, we're actually talking. And I've just realized it,"

"Not for long," Ashton comments, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl just metres away from Luke. Luke lets out a sigh before his facial expression changes, going for calm to distressed in just a matter of seconds.

"Aw, c'mon, Ashton." he begs. "I was going to say 'I'm sorry', I was just caught up in the moment. I didn't mean any of that, you're my brother."

"The brother you're stuck with?" Ashton adds prior to heading out of the kitchen. Footsteps trail behind Ashton's causing him to pick up his pace.

"Don't say that, I'm sorry!" Luke shouts at his brother. "Ashton, please, I need you. You're my brother for God's sake." The door slams in Luke's face, every little bit of that conversation going out of Ashton's ear. On the other side of the door lays a conflicted Ashton, his thoughts scattered everywhere.

'Maybe I should forgive him,' he thinks. 'but he insulted you. Are you really going to take that? Let him whine for a bit then forgive him. You just can't let him off the hook that easily, he'll be able to walk all over you if you do that.' He makes his decision and waits it out, letting Luke apologize constantly. "It's only just for the weekend."

"I can't believe you fought thought," Aspen comments prior to taking a sip of her morning coffee. Aspen sits directly across from Ashton at the kitchen table, Ashton thought it'd be best to talk to someone about it and his best bet was Aspen; so now, here he is in her home at nine in the morning.

"Well all siblings fight," Ashton adds. "don't you fight with your siblings?"

"I don't have any siblings," Aspen informs him, causing him to look up. "I'm an only child."

"Well you fight with your parents don't you?" he asks.

"Of course I do," she replies. "but it's different because they're older. But when it's with siblings it's easier to relate to because you are on the same level with them. Parents are adults and that makes them wiser and more mature. Not all siblings are mature as adults, therefore their fighting and bickering are all caused by the little things."

"I swear every time you give me advice, you sound like a human fortune cookie." Ashton comments, causing him to smile as well as Aspen. "Seriously, though."

"My parents are psychologists." Aspen tells him. "They always give me advice, and I guess it just rubbed off."

"Well that's pretty cool." he adds.

"So, anything else I can help you with?" Aspen questions. He shakes his head prior to taking one last sip of his coffee.

"I think I'm good, thanks, Aspen." he says, wrapping things up. "I think I'll just show myself out." He gets out of his chair and heads straight for the door, Aspen following behind. She waves him goodbye prior to shutting the door. He shoves his hands in his pocket as he walks across the front lawn and into his own, a sigh escaping his mouth as he approaches his front door.

"Mum, I'm home." Ashton announces, closing the door behind him. No response. He heads to the kitchen, a white piece of paper easily spotted. He walks over to the counter prior to picking up the note, his heart sinking a bit. A note from his mother saying how she was called in and how it was supposed to be a 'one time thing' but she was wrong. His mother's schedule doesn't surprise him anymore, the sudden loss of his mother's presence causing his heart to break.

"It's like I never get to see you anymore," he thinks to himself. He places the note back on the counter prior to heading up the stairs, his feet stopping right in front of Luke's room. He knocks, before waiting for a response. Nothing. Instead of knocking once more, Ashton opens Luke's door, surprised at what occurs right in front of him.

Before him, is Luke and Valerie, both lip locked.

"Shit," Ashton mutters beneath his breath, Valerie's eyes going wide as she notices his presence. Instantly, she shoves Luke off of her, prior to straightening herself out. "I am so sorry." he backs out of the room, his hand practically glued to the door knob. He starts to think over what just happened, prior to heading towards his room, his thoughts scattered everywhere. He decides to sit at his desk, hoping things will sort themselves out.

"Ashton," he immediately snaps out of his thoughts, his brother knocking. "can we talk?" Ashton didn't respond him, his brother's haunting words still wedged into his mind. "Ashton, Valerie isn't here anymore."

"Come in," Ashton mumbles, his voice soft. Luke opens the door, a weak smile placed onto his face. He sits down on Ashton's bed, while Ashton remains at his desk.

"We need to talk," Luke states, his voice growing weaker. "Ashton please." Ashton spins his chair around, his eyes locked onto Luke's. "Look, I know I didn't tell you but -"

"What haven't you told me?" Ashton exclaims, his voice becoming barely audible as tears begin to form. "You and I share everything, and all of a sudden you keep things from me? We were so close, Luke."

"Of course we're close, but some things are just meant to be kept to ourselves. Some things in our personal life don't need to be shared."

Ashton holds his tears from spilling before he inhales a deep breath, his internal barriers just seconds away from breaking.

"I get it, everyone has a personal life. But I'm just trying to be here for you." he tries to exclaim, but only causes Luke to raise his voice.

"What? As a brother?" Luke shouts, his figure starting to tense up as he gets off from the bed, his figure starting to tower over Ashton. This time, Ashton stands up, which takes Luke back a little, surprised his brother decided to take the upper hand.

"As a father," Ashton responds.

"What are you going on about?" Luke scoffs. "I have a father, he's just on a business trip. He'll be back,"

"You've got to be kidding me," Ashton scoffs causing Luke to tense up even more, his fists clenched. "mum told you that when we were younger just so you wouldn't cry. You don't get it do you? Dad left us, he's never coming back." Tears spill from Luke's eyes, his fists no longer clenched, his body no longer tense. Ashton remains his position, trying to remain strong even though he just shattered his younger brother. Luke walks out of Ashton's room, tears falling.

"He's coming back, just you wait."

Ashton kicks the pebble in front of him, everything in his world crumbling down. He feels as if he wants to tear down his walls already, but something is telling him to stay strong. He picks his head up, a familiar figure leaning against the light post near the bakery. The same black hoodie covers her figure, white smoke filling the dark night. He walks towards her, his footsteps quiet so he doesn't alarm her. Without knowing, Ashton accidentally kicks a small pebble, causing her to turn around in shock, her joint falling to the ground.

"Emery," he pauses, horror written all of her face. "why?"

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