i. Video Shops & White Flour

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The faint noise of the wall clock ticks while noise roams around the small video shop. Ashton bores to death, his eyes gazing at the clock every other minute. The small bell goes off, signaling someone entering. Ashton's eyes linger towards the door, a tuff of red hair visible. Suddenly, Ashton tenses up, the familiar butterflies reappearing.

"Should I ask?"

"Go ask the guy at the counter." Shortly, the two girls walk up to the counter, Ashton's breathing becoming short.

"Hi," a familiar voice beams. A big grin appears on her face, her hand just inches away from his.

"Hey," Ashton replies sheepishly, before bringing his hand to the back of his neck. "how are you guys?" Ashton focuses on the petite girl, completely ignoring the impatient customers whom are waiting and her friend, who looks completely bored from the conversation.

"Would you just ask him?" Her friend asks, clearly aggravated.

"Diana, shush." She hisses prior to returning to the conversation. "I'm sorry, but do you have the first through third seasons of Skins on DVD?" Ashton nods, stepping away from the counter and guiding the two girls over to a shelf full of various DVDs. The two girls thank him before he returns back to the counter, confronting the line of angry people.

"Mum, I'm home." Ashton drops his backpack at the foot of the steps, his voice echoing through the house. The sound of footsteps become louder and louder each second.

"Hi sweetheart, how was school and work?" his mother asked him, engulfing him in a hug. Ashton bent down to hug his mother, telling her all about his day.

"School and work were fine, how's work for you going?" Ashton replies, asking the same question.

"Waitressing went well, and tending the bar went well also. It's just the smell of all the alcohol is bugging me a bit."

 "Don't lie to me, I know you hate it." Ashton murmured. He let go of his mum noticing the tears in her eyes.

"I know, but the only reason why I'm taking up two jobs is to support the family. And I'm very grateful that you took a job at the video shop," she brings her hand up to Ashton's face, creasing over his cheek. "but I'm not sure that's enough. I might have to take up another job." Before she could continue to ramble on, Ashton cut her off.l

"Mum, no need. I'll take another job, it kills me to see you like this." he reassures his mother, his eyes nearly tearing up as well as he watches his mother's unstable state.

"No, there's no need for you -"

"It's fine, mum."

Ashton nods his head, ending the conversation. Ashton quickly says goodbye to his mum and Luke before making his way back downtown, in search for another job.

As Ashton walks into the small bakery, the smell of warm bread hits him.

"Ashton!" a familiar boy greets. The boy walks up to Ashton, white flour covering his apron.

"Hey Michael, new hair color?" he jokes, causing Michael to smile.

"Yeah," Michael shrugs, running his hand through his bright blue hair. "So, what brings you 'ere?"

"Just looking for a job," he replies, casually.

"Isn't that ironic? We're looking for someone." Michael quickly walks towards the display window, removing the 'Help Wanted' sign then walking back over to Ashton. "You think you can work a register?"

"Yeah, I know how to. I work a register at my other job." Ashton informs him before following Michael behind the counter.

"What's video shop boy doing 'ere?" a familiar face snickers. Ashton narrows his eyes towards the familiar face, causing her to roll her eyes.

"He works here now, Diana." Michael defends him.

"Yeah? He wouldn't last a day." Diana bickers. Michael leaves the two right before disappearing out back, informing his boss about the new worker.

"Look, you don't need to make my life a living hell when it already is." Ashton hisses towards the girl.

"Uh-huh." Diana says, her voice lifeless. "If we're making rules here, don't socialize or stare at any of my friends, got it?"

"What does that have to do with working here?" Ashton retaliates, making up an excuse.

"I just thought we were making general rules." she comments. "But seriously, don't talk to them. I don't want you creeping them out."

"You don't own them," Ashton snickers.

"I might not own them, but I'm doing what I think is right. Keeping them away from a screwed up little bastard." Before Ashton could yell at her, she walks away from her work position, leaving Ashton alone. Ashton quickly stormed after Diana, not caring about the customers.

"Take it back," Ashton hissed, his hands pressed against the wall, blocking Diana's path.

"No," she replied, bluntly. She tried to push Ashton's arm out of the way, but he was much stronger than her. "move."

"Not until you take it back," he repeated. "tell me I'm not a screwed up little bastard."

"You're not," she responded, her teeth clenched.

"No, say I'm not a screwed up bastard. I don't want a short answer." he demanded.

"Okay, fine. You are not a screwed up bastard, happy?" The anger washed off of Ashton's face and became replaced with relief and happiness. He gladly loosen his grip, allowing Diana to pass.

"Wow there, Ash." Ashton suddenly turned around to the familiar voice. Michael stood by him, his expression completely blown away. "I didn't know you were into Diana." Ashton let out a groan, disgusted by the false accusation.

"I don't like her," Ashton sighed. "You know who I like, Clifford."

"I know, but it's fun to watch you squirm." Michael comments. Ashton quickly picks up a nearby dish rag and throws it at Michael causing him to jump back. Michael takes this as a challenge and picks up a handful of flour before throwing it onto Ashton, flour covering head to toe. The two boys laugh it off before exiting the small backroom, heading towards the front. "So, I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah," he says, half of his body already out the door. "without a doubt."

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