xx. Packed Boxes & Band Initiations

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A couple weeks have passed, moving boxes scattered among the house, the house walls and floors bare. Meanwhile in the garage, the boys cause a ruckus, the loud sounds of the drums blaring though the practically empty home.

"And if the earth ends up crumbling down to its knees then baby, we just gotta get out, we just gotta get out." Michael, Luke, and Calum chorus in unison. After the last drum beat, they all stop, all eyes on Aspen. Eager looks are plastered on all the boys faces, hoping for a positive response from Aspen. She inhales a deep breath before speaking, causing even more suspense.

"I liked it," she responses, earning massive smiles from all the boys. "I've never heard such song, who's it by?"

"Luke wrote it," Calum replies on behalf of Luke. "it's an original."

"Well I enjoyed it, I like the tune." she comments. "The performance was amazing, can I just make one minor comment?"

"Go for it, you're here to make sure we have an amazing performance, we'd love to hear your feedback." Calum states.

"I don't understand why you would use acoustic guitars with a drum? I mean, you kind of need a drummer and I get that, I just wish there was some kind of -- acoustic drum. I feel like it would sound a lot better like that." Aspen comments.

"Well there's actually such thing," Ashton tells her. "it's just that the drum kit was in the garage already so I thought 'why not use it since it's already here?'." he continues. "I have on of those acoustic drums, it's just I'm a little to lazy to get it, but I do agree with you. The song might sound better with the cajon then the kit."

"What do you guys think?" Aspen then asks, turning towards the other three boys.

"I like the idea," Michael comments. "I think it'd be cool if our first performance was acoustic, it'll be something to look back to when we're famous."

"If  we're famous." Calum corrects him, causing an eye roll from Michael.

"But other than that, that's my only comment." she wraps up. Aspen addresses her goodbyes with the boys before exiting their garage, making her way back to her home. But before she leaves, she stops in her tracks and looks back, causing concerning looks from all of the guys. "Do you guys have a name?"

"Name? Name for what?" Luke asks.

"Like, for your band?" she responds, as if it were already obvious.

"Well Michael thought of '5 Seconds of Summer', but Calum thinks it's a real shitty name." Luke continues, Michael elbowing Calum in the side. A small groan from Calum erupts, a satisfied smile present upon Michael's face.

"I like the name, it suits you guys." was Aspen's last comment before finally leaving. Luke shrugs prior to packing up all the band equipment, Michael and Calum helping out.

"You know she's right," Ashton states. "the band name is pretty cool, it has a 'ring' to it."

"Eh, if we can't think of anything else we'll go with that name, I guess." Calum shrugs.

"Pft, I like the name." Michael snickers, his arms folded over his chest. "And another thing, is Ash going to be our temp drummer? Or like is he in the band?"

"Do you want to be in our band?" Luke asked his brother, turning towards him.

"Sure, sounds fun." he replied with a shrug. Michael and Calum exchanged grim smiles, both wiggling their eyebrows.

"Well Ashton, if you're going to be apart of 5 Seconds of Summer you're going to have to go through our band initiation." Calum tells him.

"Initiation? What initiation? We don't have one," Luke comment, but was soon cut off by Michael.

"I thought you didn't like the name," Michael added.

"Eh, changed my mind." Calum responded.

"Why do I have to go through some stupid initiation?" Ash asked, thinking the idea was stupid.

"So we know you're serious about being in our band. And to make sure you won't back out at anytime. Once you're in, you're in. If you back out at anytime, you won't be able to join." Calum adds.

"Fair enough," Ashton agrees. Suddenly a thought occurred to him. "how come you guys didn't have to go through initiation?"

"Because we all joined the band at the same time, and you're joining in late so it's only fair."

"Actually Calum, Luke was the one who started the band, you kind of joined last so -"

"Shut up Michael!" Calum exclaims, his arms thrown in the air. Both boys turn back to Ashton, who's arms are folded across his chest, a smug smirk on his face. "So what if I joined last and didn't go through some 'band initiation', Ashton has to prove he's committed to this so he should go through it."

"Shouldn't you have gone through one?" Michael questions. Calum turns to him, his facial features tighten, showing he's irritated with Mike. " To you know, show your commitment."

"Well isn't my presence in the band enough proof? I'm still here aren't I?" Calum snickers. the garage falls silent, Calum turning back to Ashton. "Prepare yourself, you're about to get yourself into some crazy shit."

"How much more do I have to do?" Ashton groaned, brushing his hands off against his jeans. His face was covered in a strange mixture of various powders, beauty products, and food. He's done so much already, if you asked him how he got whatever on himself, he won't know due to going through so much in just a day.

"Just a few more, we're almost done." Calum says, in a no so promising tone. Luke grabs the two other boys by their back collar of their shirts and drags them both over to the side, anger washing over his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? I thought you'd do something harmless, but look at him! He looks like he'll pass out at any second." Luke snaps at them, both Michael and Calum shocked at Luke's new profound confidence. All three boys look in Ashton's general direction, the color lost in his face. He's on his knees, heavy exhales leaving his lips. Calum and Michael feel bad, hiding it by shooting him a thumbs up, fake smiles plastered on their faces.

"Oi, Ashton, can you c'mere for a sec?" Michael calls out, Ashton picking his head up prior to jogging over to the three boys. Beads of sweat trail down his face, his hair limp and drenched in sweat. "Uh, we've discussed things and uh - you're in man." A bright smile replaces his weary one, his smile grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah," Calum joins in. "after all we put you through a lot today, we thought it would only be right. Congrats, mate." The three boys give him pats on the back, Calum even messing with his hair until he realizes the sweat on it - rubbing his damped hand on Michael. "Sorry for getting you fired from your job, by the way."

"Both jobs." Luke adds, a glare shot towards Calum. Calum mutters another 'sorry' before bowing his head. Michael fakes a cough, quickly breaking the awkward tension between everyoe amongst the group.

"Well we better get going, I promised Calum my mum would give him a ride home. See you around, I guess." Michael says, dragging Calum in the opposite direction, Calum waving to both boys as he's being dragged. Both Luke and Ashton laugh at their friends before Luke and Ashton head in the opposite direction as Michael and Calum, heading home.

"Did you bribe them to let me in?" Ashton asks his brother.

"Nah, maybe they just came to their senses." Luke responded.

"Or you guys are really desperate for a drummer." Ashton concludes. Luke laughs at his brother, slinging his arm over his brother's shoulder.

"That too," Ashton can sense the cockiness in his brother's voice, a smirk worn on his face. "welcome to the band, new guy."

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