v. Canned Fruit & Strolls Through The Park

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The next two periods for Ashton goes by slow, his usual glances towards the clock present. As his teacher lectures the class, Ashton grows bored, his mind zoning out.

"Ashton?" he comes back to reality, realizing the current situation. All eyes were on him, his cheeks starting to heat up. "Do you understand the assignment?" He slowly nods, reassuring the teacher right before she continued on. Minutes after further explaining, the bell went off, signaling kids to go on to their next period class.

Noise fills the hallways, mass groups of people crowd the hallway, making it tougher for Ashton to get through.

"Ashton!" a small exclaim catches his attention, the redheaded girl from before approaching him. "Hey, so I kind of saw you zoning out during science and I just wanted to give you this." she handed him a couple of papers, both papers filled with paragraphs and small pictures. "They are the notes she wanted us to jot down, she wanted us to refer it when it's time for the test."

"Thanks," he said to her, his eyes staring at the paper instead of focusing on her.

"So about us hanging out," she began. He looked up, his eyes finally meeting her bright green ones. "I was wondering if you wanted to do that today." It took Ashton a couple seconds to comprehend all that happened before he finally responded.

"Yeah, I'd love too." he replied.

"Cool, so just meet at the front of the school at the end of the day?" she suggested. He agrees to it, before she heads off in the opposite direction. "I'll see you later then."

As he walked away, a smile crept onto his face while the thought of seeing her later stuck in his mind.

Ashton approaches the usual lunch table, his usual expectations of Luke, Calum, and Michael messing around surprisingly not present. Instead of that, a blonde girl sits in between Michael and Calum, a conversation starting between the three of them.

"Uh, hey guys." Ashton says as he sits across from the three. "Where's Luke?"

"He had to get something at his locker." Calum replies.

"Hi Ash." the blonde girl says. Ashton waves towards her before soon recognizing her.

"Hey Aspen, how are you? You liking school so far?" he starts.

"Yeah, I guess." she responds. "I forgot to get a fork, I'll be right back."

"I'm back, what I miss?" Luke announces, taking a seat next to his brother.

"How do you know the blonde? She's hot," Calum comments, ignoring Luke's presence.

"Who? What did I miss?" Luke exclaims.

"Aspen, it's a girl I work with." Ashton explains to Luke. "She works at the bakery with Michael and I." he tells Calum. They all remain quiet for the remainder of the period before Aspen rejoins them.

"Did I miss anything?" Aspen asks as she takes her seat.

"Not really, Luke just came back, that's all." Ashton replied, prior to taking out his half eaten sandwich.

"Who's Luke?" Aspen asks, clearly unaware of his presence. Michael points to the boy next to Ashton, Luke gives a small wave before returning to his lunch. "Are you two twins?"

"No, we're just brothers." Luke responds.

"So, you're older right?" Ashton lets out a sigh while the other boys laugh, Aspen clearly lost.

"Actually I'm older, Luke's younger." Ashton explains. "People think he's older just because he's taller than me." Aspen mumbles a small 'sorry' before the conversation moves along, lunch passing by quickly.

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