xiii. Showcases & Ungodly Hours Of The Night

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He felt as if white smoke blew into his face, making it harder for him to breathe. He opens his eyes, his brother towering over his bed, the light from the window behind him shining brightly.

"Morning," standing before Ashton is his shirtless brother, which surprises him a little considering how shy and insecure Luke is about his body. "mum wanted me to wake you up." Ashton prompted himself up before sighing, shooing his brother out of the room, allowing him to do his morning routine.

As usual Luke talks to Ashton about random nonsense, Ashton somewhat ignoring him.

"I can't believe the showcase is tonight,"

"Are you nervous?"

"A little bit," Luke admits, prior to taking his usual spot in the passenger seat.

"I'm sure you'll do fine, all that practicing will pay off." Ashton says, reassuring him. The car shortly starts, another dreading day of school awaiting him.

He forced himself to smile throughout the day, internally, he continues to dread the day on. Shortly, the bell rings, dismissing him, allowing him to head to his locker. The commute to his locker is short, but still hard to access due to the crowded hallways filled with students. Usually, he doesn't go to his locker, because he finds it pointless and usually people scribble mean and nasty things on it. Today, instead of nasty comments a small white note is tapped to it.

"She doesn't like you cunt, I don't see why you even try." thoughts fill his mind as tears fill his eyes, the cruel joke done by Diana going too far. Meanwhile, arms link around his waist, a sudden shift in weight pressing against his back.

"Hey, I've missed you." he turns around, the perky redhead smiling brightly at him. "You know, I've been thinking about you."

"I've been thinking about you too," he says, his statement not a lie. "oh, I've been meaning to ask you something." Her interest grows bigger, her current mood intrigued. "About our second date,"

"Oh, did you not want to go on one?" she asks, worry filling her voice. "Was I coming on to strong?"

"No, no, I enjoy being with you." he denies, causing her to smile. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me to the showcase tonight. I was thinking that could be our second date."

A small squeal of excitement leaves her lips, her smile growing bigger.

"I'd take that as a yes?" he asks. She nods her head before getting on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his nose. "So we'll met here at, say, seven?"

"Seven it is." she agrees, before saying her 'goodbyes' and heading off. He looks back at his locker, the note still hanging. He takes it off his locker, before crumpling it, throwing it away prior to heading to lunch.

He arrives cheerfully at the table, the usual crowd greeting him.

"I did it," he announces, prior to taking a seat next to Aspen. "I asked her out on our second date."

"You did, that's great." Aspen comments, following Luke, Calum, and Michael's comments.

"When is it?" Michael asks, prior to taking a bit out of his sandwich.

"Tonight, she's coming with me to the showcase." he responds. Everyone smiles, happiness reassuring him.

"Well I hope your date goes well tonight, Ashton." Aspen tells Ashton, a small smile forming on his face. Soon enough the lunch bell rings, teachers in the lunch room escorting them out of the canteen. Aspen cheerfully follows Ashton towards the food tech classroom, Ashton spilling details to her about tonight.

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