vii. Recreating Memories & The Ways Of Aspen Fowler

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Silence fills them quiet household, no sign of Luke or his annoying guitar strumming present. Ashton wakes up peacefully, his arms stretched outward, stretching. He walks down the stairs to be greeted by a small note on the kitchen counter instead of his mother.

"Ashton, I've been called out to work today. This will only be a one time thing, hopefully, this won't turn into a regular thing. I should be home within a couple of hours, also, Luke has gone out to Michael's house to practice their song for the showcase. Be sure to call him and make sure he's doing okay, and if he asks for you to pick him up, please do. It'll be easier for me. Love mum xx." Ashton reads out loud, his voice echoing through the empty house. He lets out a sigh before making his way to the refrigerator, grabbing the milk prior to getting the box of cereal, bowl and spoon.

Whilst he munches on his breakfast, the sound of the doorbell goes off. He brings his bowl with him to the door, the bowl just inches from his face. When he opens the door, small mutters are heard from the other side of the door. Standing before him is a perky Aspen.

"Why hello," she greets him, her voice sounding lively. She takes notice at his current state before a smug plays at her lips. "morning sunshine."

"Why are you 'ere?" he questions her prior to shoving a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

"I'm here to prepare you," she respond simply.

"For what exactly?"

"I'm here to help you get that pretty girl of yours." she adds on. "Well c'mon, we don't have all day. Go get changed." she shoos him off. He invites her into the house before heading off upstairs, with bowl still in hand.

Aspen continues to talk to Ashton whilst he drives, trying to get a decent conversation out of him.

"So tell me, what do you want to acomplish out of this?"

"I don't know," he mutters. "to have her be my girlfriend? You know, if that's even possible."

"I'm sure it's possible," she reassures him. "you just have to put your mind to it."

"I've been doing that for quite a while now, yet, it doesn't help." he explains.

"Maybe you're not doing it right," she suggests. "you've done it your way, now let's do it my way." Ashton opens his mouth for a moment before closing it, completely lost for words.

"Tell me why you're making me drive us around town." Ashton questions, his eyes focused on the road.

"We have to collect a few things before we can start." she tells him. "Take us to where you work,"

"Which place? I work two jobs." he asks.

"Both, first stop at the video shop." she directs him. He lets out a long sigh before making their way to the video shop.

The familiar tune of the shop bell goes off, some customers looking in the direction of the door.

"So what are we collecting?" Ashton asks Aspen, walking with her through the several isles of videos.

"Tell me, what does she seem interested in?" Aspen quizzes Ashton, ignoring his question. "What type of films or shows is she interested in?"

"I don't know," Ashton says, scratching the back of his neck. He replays all that's happened between him and her within the past couple of days, before recalling something a couple days ago. "Skins? I remember her walking into the shop with her friend asking for seasons one through three."

"Nice taste," Aspen comments before picking up the first through third seasons of Skins on DVD. "wait in the car while I purchase these."

"Why are you -"

"Don't question me," she says to him. "just go, you'll see in a little bit." Ashton does as told and heads back out while Aspen purchases the DVDs, curiosity fills his mind.

"Next," Aspen announces. "the bakery."

"We have to go to the bakery now? You just made me drive us to the supermarket so you could get ice cream, and now the bakery?" Ashton groans.

"Yes, it'll only be a moment. Then we can head back to your home," she informs him. Ashton turns the corner before dropping off Aspen in front of the bakery, his mind anything but as ease. Within mere minutes Aspen walks out with a small white box. She opens the door before sliding into her seat, the small white box in her lap.

The smell of warm bread fills the air causing Ashton's stomach to grumble.


"Yup, we can head back now." she tells him. Without another word, he drives back home the bright green numbers on the car dashboard catching his attention. He mutters something to himself about the time, his voice barely audible.

The front door swings open, a stumbling Ashton making his way towards the kitchen, bags in both hands.

"Can you please set them on the kitchen counter." Aspen asks him, her question coming out more of a statement than question. He slings the bags over the counter, the contents of the bag making a loud thud noise.

"Ashton, what is the meaning of all this -" his mother gets cut off by the presence of Aspen, his mother's eyes directed at Ashton. Ashton takes a quick minute to breathe before explaining Aspen.

"Mum, this is Aspen." he directs her attention towards her, Aspen giving a small wave. "She lives next door to us, she's a -"

"Friend," Aspen responds for him. His mother walks over to her before introducing herself properly.

"It's nice to meet you." she tells Aspen. "Now if you excuse me, I'll be off. Ashton, I have to go pick up your brother. I'll only be gone for a little, that is, if traffic isn't bad." She waves the two off before walking out the front door, the sound of the door slamming heard throughout the whole house.

Aspen makes her way over to the plastic bags before the two of them prior to taking out the contents. Presented in front of Ashton are the first three seasons of Skins on DVD, the tub of ice cream, and the small white box containing bread.

"I still don't understand," Ashton says, still confused.

"You don't get it?" Aspen questions him. "The Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, the bread, the DVDs?"

"Nope," Ashton says, popping the 'p'.

"I'm trying to recreate memories you've spent with Emery. Good memories." Aspen explains. "You've told me while we were driving in the car as well as in the stores and bakery about all the good memories you've had with Emery. Getting ice cream during that party, taking her order at the bakery, helping her find the DVDs." At that very moment did Ashton finally understand all the items.

"You're trying to help me by reminding me of all the good times I've spent with her?" he quizzes. "Is that all?"

"This is just the beginning."

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