Chapter 7

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There was someone in the room , who was whispering, soon a few other hushed voices joined in, her groggy mind pegged her to wake up and ask them, what is the big secret , but then she also felt lazy ,may be she would do that after five minutes. But the buzz didn't stop, and therefore she asked , "What is it that you all are talking about, that it cant wait?". There was sudden silence, predictable, she mused.

"Well my dear, nothing serious, sweet dreams?", Philip answered quickly, his reflex was the first to recover amongst all the other rather stunned members of the family.

"Well, I don't remember much about my dreams,"

"Oh!! That's obvious, you slept like a log," Chase interrupted her stream of thoughts.

"I think you hardly sleep after you became a doctor", Stephen added.

"Why don't you sleep some more", her mother suggested kindly.

She could not help but smile, her parents and Uncle Phil, might look intimidating, but she knew, they were nothing but softie to the core. Uncle Phil, perhaps would take the crown, who would actually think he was the mysterious Alpha of the Wind Wolves, right now as he handed her favourite hot chocolate with Oreos on the side.

She smiled at him gratefully , she was feeling a bit hungry despite the wonderful lunch, her eyes became glassy when Michael made an appearance in her mind, but she held herself strong and took a sip of the alluring drink. As the rich chocolate pervaded her senses, she felt bliss and had this dreamy look when she opened her eyes.

"Still make the best hot chocolate eh?". Uncle Phil asked her.

"Without a doubt", she replied with a her trademark happy smile.

Zach knew, he had to act fast , because it seemed no one would broach the elephant in the room, Mia's mate, his eyes fell over to the royal invitation pass, and decided to ask " Well Mia, I got invited to the Royals, would you like to join me?"

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