Chapter 26

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"A decision that changed the course of lives of so many individuals. Luna Olivia's decision to visit Knight territory, brought in the changes ", Master Ben's voice wavered.

"If I am not wrong that's why Edward hurt Michael, because he feels that Michael is hiding something or rather his mate is. Right?", Jon asked 

Edward simply nodded, he was tired of finding the answers, it seemed that whenever he was close to finding it, he lost the trail completely. Years had passed by, but there was no easy solution to that riddle, why Olivia had decided to visit Knight Territory.

"I know this is strange, but Michael also lost his brother Xavier, around the same time right?", Mia looked at Edward for confirmation. He was startled, he had no idea about it, and then slowly he came to realize that Michael's anger directed towards him was not unjustified, they were both puzzled by the same question that haunted the deaths of their family. He looked around uneasily and said,

"There are only three people who could actually confirm the events that led to their deaths. Luna Knight and Olivia's cousins."

"Surely you don't expect the comatose cousins to answer us ?", Philip huffed. This poisoning issue was getting on his nerves and he had the distinct impression, that some one in the Royal family was waging a unknown war on them, while they were discussing petty semantics.

" ladies and gentlemen , I believe that we should return to our respective territories given the circumstances, as most of us have a close member to the Royal Family. Its best we scatter their concentration, on their attack.", Zach emphasized. For the first time in his life , he felt reassured when he realized the identity of Beta Shawn. Seraphina SilverMist's heir to the throne.

"I agree with Zach, Mia should come with us", Stephen announced. At the same time 


"The Smith territory is the most secure place."

Philip's patience was running out,  so he used his alpha speed and just as he was about to tug her arm. Edward stepped in front of her and Shawn did not hesitate to give his warning growl. Then there was Jon Smith, who used the back door approach and pushed Mia towards the elegant French Windows.  It would just be a simple two storey jump and his wolf would manage it easily even with Mia safely strapped on his back. 

"I am not going anywhere Jon," Mia told him, Jon did a once over, but did not hesitate to push both of them towards the window. Just as he decided to make a run for it, some one managed to capture his arm in a strong hold.

"Not so fast Alpha Smith.", Master Ben's voice was low, a clear indication of danger. Jon gritted his teeth and decided he has to use his power, and he responded with a sharp hook. Ben was startled, he had underestimated the eccentric Alpha. The blow was precise and deadly , but he managed to block the intensity and responded with his lethal upper cut.

Mia discovered that she was standing all alone, and everyone in her family was now involved in an altercation of sorts over her. Even Ed. She was exhausted, and when she saw that Ed's wounds reopened, she had decided to barge in front of her uncle and put an end to this madness. This was however not an easy task, so she screamed.

Superhearing was useful in some ways, as soon as the men dropped to their knees  with hands on their head.

"I am not going anywhere Dad. Ed is hurt and I will be here for him. Jon stop poking Master Ben. Mom , I know you will understand.  Uncle Phil I promise everything will be fine."

She had answered all their arguments, questions and worries without hesitation, and then she voiced one of her own thoughts, "Jon you said your Mom tried to Poison  your wife. Why would she do such a thing ?"

Jon was slightly ashamed at the revelation, but then Mia and her family already knew about it, and technically Edward was unconscious, so it was not awkward for him to say ," She was hypnotized. Which is why Mia, you should come to Smith territory, you have to reverse the hypnotization."

"What do you mean hypnotized? Eh Boy.", Philip asked impatiently. This was just getting out of hand.

Stephen stepped forward, "Hypnotized, but that would mean someone in your pack was involved."

"No, its not someone from my territory, she would always return from the forest with a slightly crazed look and smelt different. So it was no one from our pack."

Zach jumped in and said " Describe the smell or scent please."

"Sweet like a lavender but there was a hint of lemon."

Two gasps were heard in the room. Edward quickly reached Mia, and started massaging her shoulder, when she replied ," He is back." As she started sinking towards the floor, Philip's body went on autopilot and said ," and this time he will not escape. I'll kill him" and rushed out of the room quickly. Stephen and Helena  hugged Mia and quickly followed after him.

Edward had no doubt, that this person was also behind Olivia's death. He  kissed Mia's forehead and made a promise to himself, he will get his revenge for Olivia and Mia.

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