Chapter 6

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Stephen Kindheart found support within his pack and in allies, they joined forces and attacked.  The alpha rogues were quite strong and they managed to stall the joint forces for a long time. Time tested warriors and the most skilled warriors had difficulty in subduing the rogues. When the allied forces were almost desperate to give up, a sudden strong howl emerged from the depths of the forest, and almost a resounding group of howls joined, the message was loud and clear, Alpha Philip had survived the torture chambers and was out for blood. It was indeed a bloody war, that came with consequences.

The first as Stephen realized that , Alpha Philip  Grey-Wind was half-brother, luckily few people understood the link, but they promised never to speak about it outside the pack. The second was deadly,  Philip Grey-Wind had  indeed in his rage managed to be killing machine,  but he was a tad bit  late rescuing little Mia, he had tried his utmost to protect her from the savages trying to run away with her or harming her. His wolf had recognized his kin, and despite the hatred for his sperm donor, he managed to carry her safely while fending off the rogues. What he didn't account for was the skilled archer sitting high above the branches of the Old Elm. It was bull's eye, as the killing machine went down with his sweetheart.

Alpha Silver Mist and his men had treated the injured, and most people recovered soon enough, except two. Philip Grey-Wind had drifted off to coma, and Mia Kindheart had woken up feeling nervous, scarred and edgy. Alpha Silver Mist had utilized his healing powers to the maximum,and soon it was time for his pack to retreat to their territory. Nearly three months later, when Alpha Philip wanted to convey his gratitude to Silver Mist Pack, he discovered that the pack was obliterated. There were no survivors, and thus the werewolf community lost its natural Healers.


Mia's wolf-less condition was not a problem for most of the times, until she entered high school, and found herself alone.Everyone around her had that special someone.  Her friends did not avoid her because she could not transform, they just didn't understand that while they went out on dates with their soul mates, Mia sat alone in the corner. Soon she felt left out, and depression followed.

She raised her head , looking outside as the rain relentlessly pounded against the glass. She wanted to cry out, but she knew no matter how much she cried , her Mate, Michael would not return. She felt helpless and at that moment she thought of her escape. She had begun to rub her nails against the delicate skin of the wrist, but it did not satisfy her, it was not enough, and she started rubbing vigorously and soon it converted to scratching, she wanted to draw blood, may be then it would be enough.

Stephen rushed inside the room once he smelt blood, the horrors of past flooded his mind. He almost started screaming in panic when he realized that she would not stop, his wolf however, took charge of the situation and commanded her

"Stop Mia Now!"

She did stop, she turned around and gave him a crazed smile, but the darkness of her mind gave way and she soon collapsed into unconsciousness.

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