I woke up and trudged into the living room, to find my two favorite sisters bawling their eyes out. I whimpered and looked around, the house was a mess, but shouldn't be a problem to make them cry. I walked up, and sat from April's perspective, knocking her over in the process, but she didn't mind, she just kept crying, but harder. I looked around again, "What happened?" Then it was, that I noticed, that... gasp! "JULIE...
'S COAT IS GONE!!!" I started to cry harder than the two girls combined as I busted through the mess to get to the coat hanger by the front door. "WHYYY?!?! WWHHHHAHAHYYY???!" I screamed. "THAT WAS MY FAVORITE! IT MADE HER LOOK SO MUCH LESS MENACING!!!!"
Ariel looked up, her face all red and puffy from what seemed like hours of crying.
"Isn't that why you guys are crying? Hey where's Julie?" I looked around the house, and outside for her! I even looked in ALL of the hover crafts. No Julie.
"Oh well, can't find the mean one of the group, let's just kill Elementar and go home!" I said. April got up and jumped on me, I flew across the room! I was in the center of her storm, which was kind of a good thing metaphorically, because the eye of the storm is the most calm, but in this case, it meant that she was targeting me. "DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT JULIE, AND WE HAVE TO GO FIND HER! SHE PROBABLY GOT KIDNAPPED!" She furiously yelled to me, as she shot little bits of hail a my feet. "AND TAKE A SHOWER!" She finished. Ariel walked over to her, whispered something into her ear, and April stopped the storm. I sat down. "We think that Julie may have gotten kidnapped. She is gone, the house is a mess, she didn't leave a note, and-"
"And her coat is gone?" I interrupted. "No... and, all of the transportation devices are still outside." Ariel said. "Well, she could have teleported away from here, and betrayed us!" I told them the obvious thing that probably happened. "She wouldn't." April sat down and cried some more. Girls are WAY too emotional.
"We have to go find her, if she was kidnapped, the only person (or thing) that would be low enough on this planet, is-"
"Elementar" we all said in unison.
"But, if he got in here," I pointed, "then the security on this thing is wearing off, and he knows where we are!" I exclaimed nervously. "Uh, Oh." Ariel responded.
"Well-" she sniffled a few times, "if that is" sniffle, "t-t-true, about Elementar." She blew her nose. "GET IT OUT!" Ha ha! Both the words and the nose goo! "FINE! If Elementar does know where we are, then we have to get some soldiers to put extra security, and have a few trusted advisors pack up all of our things so we can say goodbye to the old base." She patted the wall.
"Yeha! And this base, would be used as a distraction!" Ariel caught on.
"Then! In the new base! We can have a HUGE training field, and a cheeseball factory/kitchen!"
The girls looked at me weird for a minute, then we left the house giving orders on the way.
Rise of the Elements
DobrodružnéThis book is about four teens that need to stop the all powerful Elementar who is taking over all nine worlds. He gains full power on August 1st, this is when the final battle takes place on Earth.