Chapter 3: Realizing

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“What was that all about?” Jason asked Chaz who was lying down on his bed staring at the ceiling.

“What?” He shrugged.

“You asking her all those questions? Dude she probably thinks we’re all up in her case!” Liam adds as he turns on the plasma.

“Me! What about those two, fighting over her like a piece of meet!” Chaz exasperated and stood up.

“Dude, you know I’m only joking, Justin’s the one who needs a girl,” Jason snickered. I shot him a glare and blew him off.

“Shut the fuck up,” I sneered. That girl, Bella... She’s so shy and nervous around us yet she seems so familiar although I’m definitely sure that I would remember her if I saw her...

“Snap out of it!” Ryan chuckled as he shoved my shoulder.

“Calm down. So Chaz what was up with all those questions?” I asked.

“Dude, I’ve seen her before but like in High School. Doesn’t her name like set anything off? Especially her last name... Antoine, I swear I’ve heard it!” Chaz claimed as he sighed and lied back down.

“Hate to admit it, but he’s right,” Liam shrugged.

“Yeah well don’t you guys feel shit that we were all too rude and up our own asses to even remember her? She probably thinks we’re all assholes!” I explain.

“SHIT!” Chaz shouted as he shot back up.

“What?” We all asked in unison.

“I knew I knew that name somewhere!” He exasperated but as he thought more his face dropped.

“Who is she?” Jason asked.

“God she has definitely changed,” Chaz mumbled as he stood up and scratched the back of his head.

“WHO THE FUCK IS SHE?” Ryan shouted from across the room. Chaz looked down and sighed.

“Remember Coach Carson?” He asked as we all searched our brains to go back to our High School days. We all nodded.

“Remember that woman he fucked on his desk and Carissa walked in?” Chaz questioned.

“What does the woman have anything to do with it?” Jason asked.“Dude, that woman had a daughter who was in our year! Don’t you remember?” He exasperated.

“What the fuck are you getting at?” Liam asked out of frustration.

“That was her daughter! Bella was her daughter for Christ sake!” He yelled. And then it all came back to me…

“Yo, Ant tell your mom I’ll pay her $20 to suck me off,” Chaz smirked to the small girl who just carried on walking to class.

“YO SLUT BAG, I’M TALKING TO YOU!” Chaz yelled as he then stepped in front of her and pushed her into a locker.

“Sorry,” She squeaked out and bowed her head.

“God, I wonder who your mom fucked to get you?” Chaz smirked and looked Bella up and down.

“Please just leave me alone,” She mumbled into her books.

“Just tell your mom I’ll be expecting a discount, like Coach got,” Chaz winked at her and then carried on walking down the hall. I looked over to the girl and caught a glimpse of her watery eyes, she pushed past me and walked down the hall having every one throw papers at her and calling her names... Well, she’s not my problem...

“We are all going to hell!” Ryan groaned as he leant forward and placed his head in his hands.

“No, we’re not! We just have to make it up to her,” Liam shrugged as if it was nothing.

“Don’t you understand? We made her life fucking hell in High School! We bullied her because of her moms mistake! I don’t even know how she is so nice to us,” Jason shot.

“Well, we can’t do anything now. Its time to go!” Chaz sighed and got up.

“She probably fucking hates us!”i exasperated as I lied back down in my bed feeling like a pile of shit for being like a gigantic dick in my HighSchool years...

“I’ll see you guys later,” Chaz mumbled as he got up and walked out, probably feeling guilty.

“Justin, don’t blame yourself too much. If anything, Chaz was the worst,” Liam tried. I shot him a small smile and waved him off as I got up and watched him leave.

“Yo Jason, if you’re just flirting with her to get her in bed, can you just stop and find like a hooker or som--Justin don’t worry man. I was only doing it to piss you off, I thought we grew out of that,” Jason smirked. I rolled my eyes as he patted me on the back, i let out a sigh and stood up.

“Can’t believe its her,” Jason shook his head out of disbelief.

“Neither, I just hope she forgives us or this arrangement is going to be so fucked up,” Ryan added in.

“Yep,” We all then walked out of our room and down the hall to the entrance.

We walked into the living room to see Bella talking to some other girl. Both seemed to be sectioned off from Miranda and her friends who were looking at their nails and filing them down... I waved to Bella and she caught my eye, she said something to the other girl then hugged her and walked over to us.

“Hey, you ready to meet the kids?” I asked as she made her way over to us.

“Uh yeah although I’m a bit nervous,” She squeaked going back to her shy demeanor that she had when she first walked through the door.

“Why?” Jason asked as he opened the door.

“What if I like uh scare them or they umm don’t like me,” She said nervously as she picked at her nails.

“Why wouldn’t they like you?” I asked as I held open the door for her she thanked me quietly then looked back down.

“Not many people like me,” She mumbled and I instantly felt a pang of guilt rush through my body. I looked to Jason and Ryan and they both had their heads hanging low.

“Well, we like you,” I tried to cheer her up. She lifted her head and a small smile crept on her lips. Wow... Her smile is beautiful... 

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