Chapter 22: Caught Red Handed

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"I'm going to head in now, i'll see you all in the morning," I told everyone as i stood up. We were all currently sitting around a camp fire and when i say all i mean Me, Justin, Jason, Savanna, Ryan, Annie, Chaz, Liam and then on the opposite side of the fire was Christian, Zac, India, Jenna, Robyn and Ash with Miranda and Rachel sitting next to Liam. All the kids were now asleep and it was just us adults now.

I stood up and brushed off my behind to get off all the dirt. Justin stood up too and stretched his arms up and yawning.

"Justin, you don't have to come in as well, stay out here and hang," I told him as i picked up the blanket i was sitting on.

"Nah, i'm tired too. The kids were pretty tiring today," He smiled and rubbed his eyes.

"Well ok but you still have to stay out here for a bit," I told him as i pushed him to sit back down.

"Why?" He asked as he looked back up to me. Everyone was mostly in a conversation with each or they too were drifting off.

"Because i need to change, come in in like 10 minutes or so," I told him.

"Bellllaaa, i won't look! And i've seen you in a bikini so whats the difference?" He asked with a smirk as he stood back up.

"Please Justin, i know your my boyfriend but i-i just need to change ok?" I asked as i looked down.

"Bella i'm not forcing you into anything," He told me lifting my chin up so i was looking at him. He leant down and whispered "When the time is right, it will happen but right now, i'm just enjoying every second i get to spend with you," He pecked my ear lobe and pulled back. I smiled wide and leant up to capture his lips with mine in a sweet kiss...


"Don't worry, i'll wait out here for a bit then i'll come in, in 10 minutes," I told Bella as we reached the tent.

"Ok," She said quietly. I watched as she entered the huge tent with a flash light and turned left heading towards our section.

I sat back down on the grass with my back leaning against the tent just thinking about this up coming weekend. I had something small planned on the Sunday with the help of some of my friends down in L.A and i had also gotten Bella something that i knew she would love... I also thought back to the conversation we had just a couple of minutes ago. I wanted everything to be special for when me and Bella do make love because even though it may not be our first times, it will be our first time together and i'm willing to wait because a relationship in my eyes isn't just about the sex, its about the time you spend with each other.

I looked down to my watch to see that 10 minutes had passed so i stood back up and walked into the huge tent. I took a left turn and began making my way to our section. I passed many other sections looking in to see most of the campers asleep in their sleeping bags until i reached Jason and Jenna's group and noticed that maybe 2 or 3 sleeping bags were empty. I brushed it off and continued my way down the tent hall towards my section.

As i came close to the last turn towards the entrance of the section, i heard muffled noises. I stopped walking and tried to make out where this conversation i could hear was coming from. I couldn't make it out so i walked further but the noise got louder and louder as i approached the turn to my section entrance. I furrowed my eyebrows together and popped my head out and looked towards the entrance...

There were 3 boys standing there peeping through the zipper of the entrance. All their backs facing me...

"Damn..." One of them hissed. I looked to the entrance of the section to see a light and a figure being transferred onto the material of the tent...

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