Chapter 36: This Is Our Summer

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Listen to or watch This is Our Song from Camp Rock 2!
---------------------------------------------BELLA'S POV

Saturday. Our last day with the kids. They were going home tonight and i wasn't looking forward to it. The past week Me and Justin and the kids had become so close. Aidan is ok by the way just slightly shaken up by the whole ordeal and as for Roger, if the kid has a death wish, i'm sure Justin, Jason, Ryan, Liam or Chaz would be happy to grant it...

"Baby, you ready?" Justin asked as i zipped up my last suitcase. It was Saturday obviously and tomorrow we would be going to the Bahamas' and i didn't want to shorten my time with the kids because i didn't pack so i got up extra early to pack...

"Yeah, lets go," I said to Justin in reply as i linked our hands together. He smiled down at me and pecked my lips then he began to lead us out of the Cabin and towards the 'Otters' cabin to wake them up. Today was going to be a fun day but i know that all of it will end once we have to say good bye.

We walked up the path hand in hand and opened the door hearing nothing but silence. It was about 8 in the morning now and so none of the kids would be up, so we get the pleasure of waking them up!

"Ok you do boys, i'll do girls," I told Justin he smiled and went over to the boys' side of the room whilst i sat down on the edge of Ally's bed.

"Ally baby, its time to wake up," I said softly and watched as her eyes flickered open. They looked puzzled at first until she began to look around and her eyes found me. She smiled wide and crawled over to me, sitting in my lap and enveloping me in a nice warm hug.

"Hi," She mumbled into my neck. I smiled and hugged her closer to me, already knowing that i'd miss the feeling of her little arms.

I remember the first time i met Ally and that she was so upset and scared because she didn't have a toy


"My names Bella, whats yours?" I asked softly. I heard her mumble something but i couldn't hear it.

"I'm sorry i didn't catch that, can you say it a bit louder?" I asked. She looked up and her hazel eyes looked blood shot and puffy. My heart strings were about to break...

"Ally," She said. I smiled at how cute she was being.

"Thats a very pretty name. Now are you scared?" I asked soothingly. She nodded and looked back down.

"Have you got a toy that protects you?" I ask but she shakes her head no.

"Is that why your sad?" I ask again. She nods and i hear her sniffle.

"Baby, don't cry. You don't need a toy to protect you, i will and so will Justin," I cooed into her hair as i pulled her into a hug. She buried her head into the nape of my neck and began to softly cry. I couldn't be around the noise so i picked her up and kept her on my hip. I gently bent down and picked up her bag and then began to make my way out of the main cabin to go and find Justin.

"Ssshhh baby, please don't cry. I don't like seeing sweet little girls cry," I soothed as i set her down outside the 'otters' cabin. Which is where she'll be sleeping and we'll be playing...

"B-but i-i d-don't h-have a-a t-toy a-and d-dey d-do," She sobbed even harder. I used my thumbs to wipe away her tears as i sat down in front of her.

"Ally, i know your scared but i promise i won't let anything hurt you, and since you don't have a toy, it just makes you stronger! Not every one needs a toy," I told her. She calmed down a little.

"Do you want me to tell you a secret?" I whispered to her. She nodded her head and stuck her thumb in her mouth. SO CUTE! I patted my lap and she waddled over and curled up looking up at me as i held her like a baby.

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