Chapter 16: Swimming Part 1

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"Good night my sweeties, we'll see you tomorrow morning," Bella cooed to the kids as she quietly shut their bed room door. It was now Thursday evening and after spending the day on a long hike i was most definitely tired...

"Baby can we go now?" I asked as we both walked into the living room. I've been able to call Bella, baby, babygirl, cutie, sweetie, MINE... For a whole week and i truly haven't felt this way before. Its like every day my feelings for her grow and grow...

"Yeah, come on, i'm poofed out," She yawned and walked over to me. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her waist as she wrapped hers around my torso and leant her head on my chest. I kissed the top of her head as we began to walk out of the 'Otters' cabin and head to our own.

"Whats happening tomorrow?" Bella asked as we walked down the path.

"What do you mean?" I asked as i rubbed her arm.

"You know, with the surprise and what not... The owners are opening up something," Bella explained mindlessly drawing shapes in my chest.

"Oh yeah, we're opening a huge swimming facility, like an indoor swimming pool but its huge!" I explained as i remembered the plans for the indoor swimming pool. That shit is gonna be cray!

"Oh... right, are we g-going to g-go swimming w-with th-e kids then?" Bella stuttered as we turned round the corner towards our cabin. I stopped and turned so my whole body was facing her.

"Bella, baby you ok?" I asked her with concern in my voice. She never stutters around me or the guys any more. Well except when she's scared or upset...

"Y-yeah i'm f-fine," She stuttered out again not making any eye contact with me.

"Baby, i know you and somethings wrong. Please tell me," I pleaded as it tried to search for her eyes but she still wouldn't look at me.

"Its embarrassing..." She whined shaking her head. I then caught on and shook my head.

"Baby its ok to be on your period, all girls get it--- NO JUSTIN! ITS NOT THAT!" Bella cut me off looking at me with a slight smile on her lips. I smirked and asked her again...

"If its not that, then what is it?" I asked as i took both her hands in mine. She looked down and shook her head and mumbled something...

"What was that? I couldn't hear babe," I asked her again.

"I can't swim," She said just above a whisper. I awww'ed at her cuteness... In my head of course...

"Thats ok sweetie, we can just stay in the shallow pool and i won't let you out of my sight ok?" I asked her, she looked up to me and finally i got to see her beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"Thank you," She said then embraced me in a tight hug. I chuckled lightly and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Thank you for what?" I asked as i gently pecked her head.

"Thank you for being there for me," She sighed in admiration. She pulled her head away from my chest and looked up to me. I couldn't help but let my heart flutter as her shimmering eyes bored into mine. It felt like a movie as we both leant in...

"No need to thank me, as long as your happy i'll do anything for you," I whispered against her lips then connected them in a sweet passionate kiss...


"Bella, Bella," I heard Justin coo as he shook my sleeping body. Well actually i wasn't asleep, i was just laying in my bed lifeless... I did not want to swim today... I didn't want people staring at me in my bikini or at me trying to swim... And i know people will stare because ever since Justin and i became a couple, thats all people do... Stare and whisper, stare and whisper, stare and whisper... It gets annoying but then again, if thats the small price i have to pay to be Justin's girlfriend, then i'm willing to do that because i truly have never felt this before, its new to me...

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