Chapter 43: Drugs

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Its been 3 hours since i brought Bella here. The hospital. Somewhere where i have no idea whats going on.  After she had passed out, this was the only place that came into mind. 

They’d whisked Bella away from me, even with me running after her, trying to tell the doctors what happened but i just couldn’t get everything to them. 

Every one was here except Jason and Sav who were trying to track down India and Jenna. Just her name made me what to hit something. I would never hit a woman, ever. But Jenna. What she’s done to me. I can’t say the thought hasn’t crossed my mind but i don’t think i would be able to forgive myself if i ever did...

I scrolled through Bella’s contact until ‘Daddy :)’ came up. I clicked onto it and let the ringing dial channel through my ear...

“Good afternoon princess,” Her dads voice spoke through the phone, even though it was 10 o’clock at night here.

“Mr. Antoine, its Justin here sir,” I spoke down the phone, informing Will that it was me speaking instead of his daughter.

“Oh Justin, how are you son?” He asked and i couldn’t help but feel such a huge pit of sadness fill me.

“I’m fine Mr. Antoine, how are you doing?” I asked politely as i tried to keep in my everything in me that made me want to break down.

“Just enjoying to sunny Californian Weather but call me Will, Justin. Is Bella with you?” He asked and again that pain of having to to tell a man that his own daughter was --

“Justin?” His voice broke me from my thought.

“I’m sorry Will. I’ve let you down,” I spoke as i stood from my seat and began to walk over to the exit. I shook my head as Ryan stood up, I needed to tell Will...

“Whats wrong? Is Bella ok?” He suddenly asked and i could hear the panic in his voice.

“I was so supposed to protect her,” I croaked out feeling nothing but an empty feeling fill me.

“Justin, whats going on,” Will spoke calmly.

“We’re in the Bahamas right now and -- and “ I began to stutter as i tried to configure what i was about to say.

“Spit it out boy,” Will snapped softly.

“Bella and I went to a club with some of our friends,” I paused as i heard Will sigh. “And on our second round of drinks Bella offered to get them and so she went but then we realized she had been gone for 15 minutes. I went out to look for her and then she began to to vomit blood and we didn’t know what was going on,” I ranted out.

“Oh God. Is she ok? Look i’ll be there as soon as i can book a flight,” Will said frantically as i could hear things being shuffled around.

“Will don’t, there won’t be a point,” I said to him as i walked outside only to have the warm night air of the bahamas brush against my face and arms.

“I’m not just going to sit back while my sweet little girl is in hospital Justin!” Will said. I knew exactly how he felt.

“Will if anything serious happens i will tell you, no i will keep you posted. Just don’t come down, it will be a wasted journey. I just wanted to let you know as Bella’s mom wasn’t picking up,” I explained and heard him let out a sigh.

“Don’t blame yourself,” Will then spoke.

“Sorry?” I questioned as i could feel my heart to swell. I just needed to know if she was alright.

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