Chapter 50: I Love You (Last Chapter)

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Stepping off the plane and welcoming the cold Canadian air was such a natural high for me. I wasn’t ashamed to say that i missed being home because the truth was, i did but being home brought an added factor, the end of Camp.

I turned to Bella who had a wide smile on her face, similar to the one she had on the whole flight but i didn’t see much of that as we were both tangled with each others lips and hands... I guess neither of us were to fond with Camp ending...

After collecting our bags, we met the rest of the guys outside although none of the campers were in sight, seeing as when we got back, the campers parents’ met us all here at the airport to collect their children... It always happened that way...

“So you guys ready?” Chaz called as a smaller mini bus came up to the curb outside the airport. I looked down to Bella to see her huge smile had gotten smaller but nonetheless she still seemed happy. 

“You ready baby?” I asked as i picked up my suitcase and then Bella’s, pulling them swiftly to the back of the mini bus.

“Jay, i told you i can carry it,” Bella complained at my side as she tried to take away her luggage from my grip. I shook my head and plopped the suitcases in the trunk of the mini bus before taking Bella’s hand and pulling her round to the door of the vehicle.

“And i told you that i didn’t want you lifting an unnecessary finger,” I reminded her and pecked her nose and watched in adoration as her face screwed up slightly. She rolled her eyes jokingly then allowed me to lead her onto the bus.

We sat ourselves towards the back next to each other, of course, whilst every one did the same... Well except for Liam and Chaz who were lazily seated at the front trying to catch some more sleep.

“I can’t believe its almost over,” I heard Bella sighed and as i looked down i saw her fiddling with my hands, her own slightly shaking.

“But remember what we talked about. I won’t be leaving and neither will you,” I tilted her chin up so i could see her beautiful eyes again. They were shimmering with happiness and a hint of sadness but that was expected.

“But still, its like the ending of a huge era. I’ve made friends here and found someone who cares for me and -- and i just really didn’t think i would come out of this with anything close to that,” Bella gleamed and kissed my lips softly.

“All i know is that out of this, i’ve gained you and that it has been one of the best summers of my life and i can’t wait to introduce you to the rest of my family and to spend more time with you,” I spoke honestly although the words ‘I love you’ kept trying to pry themselves out of my mouth. It had been bothering me the whole journey back and i tried to show as much passion through all the heavy make out sessions we shared on the plane. It was like i couldn’t keep them inside of me anymore but then again i had no idea if she felt the same way.

I must sound like such a pussy right now but i couldn’t help it. Her feelings meant the world to me and if she didn’t love me... I could loose her. She could run away and never want to see me again but then again, we made love a total of 3 times on this trip. We didn’t ‘fuck’ or have ‘sex’, we Made Love. Making Love is something you do with someone you love, so does that mean we’re in love?

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