{3} Chapter - Edited

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This chapter is not edited! Forgive me if there are any grammatical mistakes!

Hush, Howl {3}


“We are the winners!

Aves-High the losers!

Jackson High,

Home of the wolves.

Champion of all!

The missing trophy in that stand now solves,

The high hall of fame we are trying to resolve!

In this game we will call!

We winners shall stand!

And you losers shall fall!

Aves-high, you hear?

Our words are loud and clear!”

The high-pitched chants coming from the cheerleaders rang in my ears, followed by the screaming excitement coming from the crowd. I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed quietly as I watched the cheerleaders wave their pom-poms in the air. They finished their jobs with an incredulous cartwheel and backbend poses with their incredibly flexible muscles.

        Ugh, I can’t stand this! I shouldn’t be here in the first place.

        Rosy should learn confronting me when deciding. Especially I will be the one to do the job and not her! I am not a child anymore for god’s sake! 

        We stood on the corner of the field, Rosy pumping her fists in the air while cheering for the cheerleading team. I rolled my eyes as I watched her. I gripped the body of my silver flute in my other hand and used the free one to throw some signs in the air, knowing Rosy would notice me.

        She then turned to me with agitation. “It’s not good cursing you know.” She pointed an accusing finger at me while I just shrugged.

         “It wasn’t meant for anyone, though.” I told her, letting my hands drop after tiring from the continuous signals I made.

         “You still cursed.” She said before turning away and looking ahead of her, giving me no chance to respond. I sighed and blew the strangling hair off my face.

        This is the worst night ever! The sun had now set from the sky and the field was lit up by bright, fluorescent lights that were attached on the high walls of the sports arena.

        After our rival school's cheerleading team had performed their little ‘stunt’ against my school, someone grabbed the microphone from the speaker. His voice often croaked so I instantly knew who it was. Our principal, Houston Dorothy.

         “I would like to say something even before the game starts.” He cleared his throat. “Jackson High only happens to have taught some of the best, talented students. Here and now, I am proud to present, Sapphire Stronghold for performing her talent tonight . . . playing the flute!” He said, his words followed by a small round of applause from the audience.

        My heart practically lodged on my throat when I heard my name called. My fingers instantly felt clammy in that very second. I felt sick to my stomach, which was maybe caused by my anxiety.

        Rosy pushed me towards where the speaker and the principal were. They were standing just by the corner of the arena, so I headed towards them and looked nervously between the two men.

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