{23} Chapter

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{23} Hush, Howl


We ascended the stairs leading inside the café. Pushing the glass door caused the bells to jingle in my ear. Rosy and I looked around and spotted Daniel sitting on the very corner of the café, southwest of our position. The minute we entered, Daniel’s eyes were on us. He looked a little bit shocked when he saw me with Rosy, but I just flashed him an encouraging smile and nudged my cousin to head towards his direction.

Rosy looked at me through her white, nerdy glasses and sighed. I nudged her elbows once more and began striding forward, making Daniel stand up from his seat and pull open two seats for me and Rosy.

“I see you brought Sapphire,” He sat on the opposite chair from mine and Rosy’s.

“That isn’t a problem, is it?” Rosy mumbled.

Daniel shook his head, “It isn’t. Not at all. Maybe she could also use an explanation, right? But it better come straight from Darren’s mouth.” He sighed, lacing his fingers together on top of the table.

“Excuse me, ladies and gentleman.” A waitress came up, holding a pen and a notebook. “May I take your orders, please?”

“I’ll just have lemonade,” Daniel quipped, tipping a finger at the waitress while flashing a smile. The waitress merely smiled back before turning to Rosy and me.

“Saf and I are getting a bowl of ice creams for ourselves.” Rosy said. Again?

“What flavor to you like?”

“Saf’ll have double chocolate, I’ll have butterscotch. Please.” She took a few seconds to say the last word.

The waitress nodded at us as she scribbled down our order. “Anything else?”

“No, that’ll be fine.” Rosy answered. I’m not really going to order anything else. That’s mainly everything I want. Daniel nodded at the waitress and turned to us as she scampered off.

“I know it’s confusing—“ Rosy cut him off.

“You know it’s confusing.” She snapped. “It’s not only that. It’s really hard to accept.” She paused, and then sighed. “Daniel, I’m sorry, I know I’ve been sensitive and a little bit overreacted. But you can’t blame me. I’ve lived and grew in a life full of logical explanations based on the facts that I’ve learned from the past few years. Having you…” She referred to him, sticking her palms out at Daniel. “Transform to a wolf seems…” She paused to search for the right word. “Irrational.” She finished.

“I was planning on telling you after a month or so when you’re ready after I’ve shown you that I bring nothing but good intentions. Rosy, I swear, what forced me to tell you was that the need to protect you. You don’t know how hard it is protecting someone if you don’t show someone your other side—the other part of yourself. This isn’t something that I really wanted. But the Aves are threatening our pack—we don’t know how can we be able to protect our mates since—“ Daniel rambled on and on, tension clear on his face. But the last few words caught both of us off-guard. Aves? Mates?

I remembered Darren mentioning, “Mates, are short-term for ‘soul-mates’.”

I nudged Rosy’s elbow and she looked at me before Daniel could answer. I moved my hands in the air, using my sign language. “I remembered Darren saying something about ‘mates’ being short-term for soul-mates.”

Rosy sighed—she’s really been doing that a lot. I guess this is harder for her to accept since she pretty much lived in the world of logic, as she said a while ago. Rosy really have been dedicating her life in studying the different branches of Science. No doubt she feels so confused and frustrated right now. It’s all written on her face.

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