{9} Chapter - Edited

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Hush, Howl {9}


         It was the weirdest moment in my life. Once I was finish playing my flute, the wolf licked my face and stood up. My face was previously stained with tears. . . but now he licked it off. He nudged my hand to stand, his head looking to the direction where I came from.

         I guess he knows that I’m finished pouring all my emotions. He wasn’t that typical wolf you see everyday—if you’ve seen one. I was confused by his actions and that was clear on my face.

         He nudged me to stand up again and I complied. Once I was on my feet, he nudged my back and started pushing me to the direction where I came from. I looked behind me and straight to the wolf’s eyes. He seems to be communicating to me through a different way. It was strange. He looked like he was telling me to go back and face the day with more confidence. He licked my hand and I crinkled my nose in disgust.

         Ew! Darwin has cooties. I thought.

         Even if my hand is covered in his saliva, I flashed him a thankful smile. I crouched down his level and started petting his head—he even returned the gesture by licking me on the face. Urgh. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged his head. Even though his built was enormous . . . he was tame. I eventually enjoyed the feeling of his soft, warm fur against my skin. He was cozy and I can’t seem to find the strength and pull away.

         Coercing myself to stand up, I took the handkerchief from my pocket and wiped off his saliva. Flashing him one more smile, I began to jog away.

         Even if he’s a wolf… I feel a certain connection towards him. Though I don’t really know what the cause of that feeling is, I’m glad that I have him around.

         Maybe it was because of what my mother told me, then.

         I think I just made a new friend.


After placing all of my things on my locker, I hurriedly ran to my first class. I realized that the bell rang a few minutes ago. I have never been late in class and this will be the first time. Rosy will sure be pissed off . . . she doesn’t want anyone of us getting tardiness cards since we both wanted to graduate with a clean record and full scholarship until college.

         My first subject was biology. That was the subject that Rosy had gone first thing in the morning. I never noticed how much time has passed when I was on the woods and I eventually came to class late.

           Mr. Gordon, on the other hand, allowed this event to slip because it was the first time that it happened but he told me he will not tolerate this next time. I made a mental note to never let it happen again.

         Tying my hair into a messy bun, I hastily slipped into my lab apron, gloves, and put on the safety goggles waiting for me by the table of Mr. Gordon. Walking towards my usual place in the laboratory, I was dumbfounded to find my place preoccupied by someone else. Rosy looked at me and shrugged, she waved her hands in a sign language saying something about being punctual next time for class. She doesn’t want me getting any tardiness cards.

          That's a relief, she isn't actually angry about it.

         “I’m sorry, Ms. Stronghold. Since you’re late for class you’ll be working on the project alone.” Mr. Gordon notified.

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