{24} Chapter

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Hush, Howl {24}

The ride home was quick. Rosy remained silent, allowing the music blaring from the radio to overcome the thickness of the silence that might've probably occurred. Daniel was following us closely in his car as we traveled back home. The voice of Christina Perry kept me preoccupied as I sang her song mentally along with the music.

"The whole . . . supernatural thing," Rosy blurted, her fingers drumming at the steering wheel. "I don't know how much I can handle."

I gave her a wry but encouraging smile. Using my sign language, I spoke as she began watching my actions carefully. "Don't worry. Everything will be alright. Let's just let the boys do whatever they are about to do. They're doing this for our own sake."

She sighed, "Yeah, I know. They're doing this for our own protection, yadda, yadda. But can't you see what we are getting ourselves into?" she rambled, her hands moving according to her emotions—which maybe is currently frustrated and scared. The tone of her voice made it obvious. She glanced briefly at the road and looked back at me again.

"You need to start seeing the bigger picture Rosy. You always refuse to accept the truth. Be open-minded, it'll be easier." I advised.

She took a sharp breath and focused back on the road.

The conversation was cut short. Rosy decided to keep herself quiet until we reached the house.

As we pulled up, Rosy and I disembarked the car. The house was eerily quiet. Normally, Aunt Farris would be busy cooking with the radio blaring in the living room. Either that or she’s out on a simple call for work. So as soon as we stepped up onto the front porch, I spotted Daniel fiddling with the keypad of his phone. There was a beep, and then he closed it instantly.

"I forgot my keys," Rosy quipped as she stepped aside and gestured for the keyhole. "Can you use yours?"

I don't get it. Why would it be locked during the day? Aunt Farris kept it open at all costs, but gave us spare keys so that we can enter if ever she leaves due to an emergency and locks the door with us out.

I looked suspiciously at her and pulled my own spare keys from the pocket of my coat. I fumbled through the lock and twisted it until I heard a click. Pulling the knob open, I was greeted by a dark living room. With my hands flying towards the room, I flipped the switch open. 

Light beamed through the room.

"Surprise!" Trumpets blared in my ears followed by a chorus of voices. A banner fell from the wall and greeted a 'Happy 17th Birthday, Sapphire!'

Memories from my sixth birthday rushed through my brain. Instead of seeing this people currently standing before me, I saw my mother and father holding out a cake with six lit candles. They are happily singing a wild chorus of the Happy Birthday song with party hats on top of their head.

Tears brimmed in my eyes. The memory was so painful to remember, my throat suddenly felt tight. My eyes were starting to well up with tears. My chest heaved as I let out a quiet sob. So, not willing to show anyone my emotion, I ran straight to the back door and bolted out into the forest, willing to be alone.

Why don't those memories just go away? The memory of my parents occupy a sore spot, that even if I don't want to remember, pries into my mind . . . just to show me what I've lost.

Why do I have to cry over this? Get over them, Sapphire! Get over them! They'll probably want you to be happy right now! Not mourning over their death!

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