{25} Chapter

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{25} Hush, Howl

He pulled away slowly, seeming reluctant to break the kiss. My cheeks were flamed from the obviously intimate contact, although I saw the happiness beaming on Darren’s face. He had a smile tugging on the corners of his lips. Still, I think it was contagious because one began tugging on mine as well.

“Sapphire,” He said, caressing my cheek with his thumb. Just that touch sent tingles running down my spine.

I opened my mouth, attempting to speak . . . but I failed. Not a single word escaped my throat, so I ended up mouthing his name. No voice.

My face faltered into a sad frown. I ducked my head in shame, but Darren’s fingers caught my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. “Saf, it’s okay. You don’t have to speak. What important is you’re here.” I appreciated his reassurance and smiled sadly at him. I pulled him into a hug, I just cannot believe I found a boy who is ready to accept me for who I am—no requirements, just be myself. He understands my situation unlike any other person I met. “With me.” He added.

I closed my eyes, my chin on his shoulder as his broad arms wrapped me up into a warm embrace. The hum of electricity seemed to have a never ending source. Still, like the past days when we first met, there is no pain—only pleasure. Darren’s scent was comforting. He smelled nice, actually. This hug felt the same, like I’m hugging Darwin as well—well, they are basically one after all.

Something cold poked my nose. I pulled away from the embrace and looked down at my face, only to see a small bud of white snow. Darren saw the bud and we both simultaneously looked up in the sky. Snow was falling slowly. Dark clouds loomed from a previously, sunny sky.

“It’s snowing.” Darren said, and then pulled me up on my feet. I snatched my flute from my lap and tucked it inside my coat. “We should get back to the house before it gets any colder.” He wrapped his arms around me and started tugging me to the trail leading back to my house.

Along the way, I felt so ashamed of running away from everybody. We followed the usual trail leading back to my house.

Somehow, a part of me believes that Darren can change into a wolf, but the other half can’t seem to get itself to believe that fact—I guess it’s rationality. I must be hallucinating. I got the bad habit of being unable to accept complicated things. I did not expect Darren to be a shifter. That seems utterly impossible! Even more complicated than my parents’ death. Still, seeing him change into a form of a wolf felt as if I was born for that moment. Despite of the irrationality it beholds. It’s odd. How hard can it be to accept that your parents died on a car crash when you easily accepted the fact that the boy whom you fell in love with is someone who possesses the ability to change into a gigantic form of a wolf? Then again, there is something odd.

I felt really sorry for running away. “Saf, please don’t be sad. It’s your birthday remember? You should be happy.” Darren reminded. “We planned a lot of surprises for you, you know? When my mother learned that it’s your birthday, she began panicking. She’s really frantic at these kinds of occasions and got everything ready.”

His words somehow lightened my mood. I looked up and smiled at him, nodding my head as we continued to walk our way back into the house. The snow made the temperature drop a few degrees, but Darren's arms kept me warm.

"It's all going to be alright, you know." He murmured, kissing my hair.

I wanted to tell him how much I'm thankful that he came to my life. I wanted to tell him the way I feel, the way I felt when he's around, holding me close with his warmth and comfort. How he gave me hope and took me out of the dark, filled the hollow void in my heart.

But there's something which I fear.

What if he doesn't love me back?

"You don't have to worry about anything." Darren said. "Everything's going to be—“ He was cut off when a sudden sound echoed high above us. It sounded like a high-pitched call coming from an eagle or a hawk maybe.

Darren's head whipped up towards the sky in alarm. I followed where he was looking and spotted a gigantic bird soaring just above us, its wings heavily flapping.

"They're here." He said. He suddenly took hold of my hand and began pulling me with him.

I can feel my heart hammering inside my chest. Darren kept in check of the bird, constantly glancing at the sky. There was no sign of it.

Darren stopped at his tracks and looked at me with urgency. "Listen. Sapphire, you need to run."

I shook my head, knowing it really is dangerous. I racked my brain for the biggest possibilities of danger. And all of a sudden, I got a clue of what it is. Birds equal Aves.

"Sapphire, please," His face was twisted into an expression of mixed panic and worry. "You need to go back to your house."

The eerie silence gave me a sense of panic. I stared into Darren's eyes, my gaze telling him exactly what I had in mind: I'm not going to leave you.

He invaded the gap between us in a flash. His soft lips landed on top of mine with an unclear message. I don't know if it means 'I love you, goodbye.' or 'I love you, I'll be back.' but all I know is that there is love. Somehow, it made me happy, but the other half was like a punch in the gut. Why do every tragedy has to happen on my birthday? Of all the days of the years, why my birthday?

He began backing away, his hands reluctantly leaving mine. I called to him through my teary eyes.

He accelerated his pace. Then into the woods, he jumped in the air and shifted into his wolf form. His clothes were shred into pieces as he landed in all fours.

Knowing my ability to stop him was low, I ran back towards my house as fast as my feet can get me. I burst into the backdoor with urgency and ran back into the living room which surprised me, even a few of Darren's family are there.

Rosy ran to me and crushed me into a tight hug. "God. Good thing you're back." She murmured. She pulled away with a smile.

When she saw the look I had on my face, she asked, "What is it?"

I began to frantically wave my words in the air. But I guess it's going nowhere because of my panic. My signals were too fast.

"Wait," she said, her hands held up in front of her. "Take it slow." She advised.

Everyone in the room was practically confused of what I am trying to say.

I suddenly came upon a simple word. "Aves."

Rosy gasped. “Aves?”

“Aves?!” Darren’s mother, Zoe, and Daniel’s cousin—another Zoe, stood up from their seat in alarm. Daniel practically spat out his drink in shock.

“I’ll get *cough* the pack.” Daniel bolted out of his seat and took out his phone from the back pocket. “Hello, Alpha Ryder? Code red. The Aves are back. Darren’s taking them by himself.” I heard a ramble on the other side of the line. “Yes, I will.” With that, he shut his phone close and began running to where I came from.

“Daniel, where are you going?!” Rosy ran after him, grabbing his arm.

“I need to help Darren. The Aves are our serious enemies. He won’t be able to take them all alone.”  He answered.

“B-be careful.” Rosy told him, quite hesitant to let him go. I can see the death grip she has on his arm.

Daniel briefly kissed Rosy’s forehead and was gone in the very next second.

I collapsed on the nearest couch and started crying. This event only made it worse for me to hate this very day.

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