{5} Chapter - Edited

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Hush, Howl {5}

         My father swerved the car to the side, trying to regain control. My mother hugged me tightly in her arms while she shielded my vision from the ongoing event. I can feel the direction in which we are going, but I can't see what was happening.

           "Get Sapphire out of the car!" I heard my father say, his voice tight and full of urgency.

           Even before I know it, I was practically thrown out of the window and was sent rolling incessantly on the ground. I recieved a sharp pain, slicing through my body as I landed on my back. I would cry because of how harsh my mother did to me. But after all, I can feel her trying to be as gentle as possible. I struggled to get on my feet, but as I did, I spotted my parent's car crashing through the protective fences of the road. They flew of the cliff and the car fell, crashing against the steep slopes. The deafening sounds of my mother's scream mingled along with the sharp ring of the clashing and crushing metals. I stumbled on my small feet, stood up and ran towards the corner of the cliff, sobbing as tears continuously strolled down my cheeks.

           There was a balcony-shaped layer of rocks sticking out from the cliff. That was where my parents' car fell. I could feel myself sobbing at the sight of their car tipping over the edge. The car was halfway to falling, the tail sticking out first. 

         "Mama! Papa!" I yelled, eventually sliding down the dirt. I didn't care if my bright, green dress was stained with grime. All I care about now are my parents. The car was severely damaged, smashed at all possible parts and the shattered glasses of the window that lay among the grass added a horrifying scene.

         I reached for the knob and pulled the door open. It came crashing down my feet, making me stumble backwards in surprise. I felt my heart lodge to my throat as the car slid a few inches back towards the edge. The car groaned lowly.

         The sight of my parent's body lying on the crushed leather seat came to my view, making me scream and cry even louder. I grabbed a part of the car and tried hard pulling it back up to a safe ground. But I was too weak. I realized I still have injuries myself. But they are nowhere from severe.

           When I realized I can do nothing but suspend the car from falling off the cliff, I came to my mother's side and cried over her limp form. "Mama!" I shook my mother's shoulder to get her to wake, but the lower part of her body appeared to be trapped between two crushed objects. "Mama." I muttered in a low voice, my throat tight from crying.

         Her eyes parted but only in a small gap.

         A smile broke into her face and her hand reached for my cheeks. Her thumb caressed me affectionately. "Remember what I always tell you, hon." She told me. "Never give up hope and always believe in yourself. Someday, you'll be just great. Even without us, you're going to have a bright future." A tear strolled down her cheeks. That tear which is the last that I'll ever see. Her hand dropped beside her, a sign that the life is leaving her body. The color drained from her face and her head dropped to her shoulder.

         I cried . . .

         I cried so much I can feel my eyes getting sore. My wails rang across the wide-open sky, a sharp pain piercing my heart as I thought of my parents leaving me alone in this world. They are the most important persons I treasured the most. And they will always be. 

         It was all a mere dream.

         I sat right up on my bed and mouthed my mother's name, though no words came out from my mouth. Sweat trickled down my forehead and strolled down my face. My breathing was ragged, my chest rising and dropping. I can feel my heart pound incessantly, unusually fast. I felt the tears edging from the corner of my eyes and trickling down my cheeks.

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