{12} Chapter - Edited

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I apologize for any wrong spellings or grammatical mistake! I'll fix em' sooner or later!

Hush, Howl


           I sat upright from my bed with sweat trickling down my forehead. A trail of tears ran down my cheeks so I wiped it off. Hastily removing the cover off me, I lifted my feet off the bed and stood up. I entered the bathroom, flipping the lights on while running in front of the mirror. My heart was thrumming erratically inside my chest and if I don’t do anything to regulate its beating, it may soon explode.

           I clamped my hands on either side of the sink and stared at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was tousled like a bird’s nest and my eyes were puffy from crying. There are many events to look out for today and tomorrow . . . there are many things that needed to be done. I can never say that I’ve gotten over my parents’ death because until now, I cannot manage to speak. The doctor had stated something about ‘something’ triggering all my emotions to be out . . . but I didn’t get what he was saying.

           He said he can compare me to a bomb that hasn’t exploded yet . . . but when lit with a fire . . . it will cause it to explode. So if I’m getting it all correct, my voice can be compared to a bomb . . . a source of energy that had been bottled up. The question is, who or what will the fire be that’ll cause me to release all the energy I have . . .. and explode? If that actually makes sense.

           I don’t know, it is only getting me more confused.

           Shaking away the thoughts, I pushed down the taps and allowed the water to whoosh down. I cupped my hands together and splashed some water on my face. The water was warm and very refreshing. I think this would call for a bath.

           After rinsing off and dressing up into a neat pair of clothes for the day, I noticed that I’ve taken at least forty minutes in taking a bath. I just can’t help it. The water felt warm . . . and I can’t seem to leave it until my skin wrinkled from so much exposure to water. It felt really relaxing and it helped calm down my nerves.

           Glancing once more at the clock, the hands were ticking six o’clock in the morning.

           I trudged towards the kitchen after packing up my book bag and taking hold of my flute. I spotted Aunt Farris cooking up some of her best homemade pancakes alongside with bacon and egg. She was surprised to find me walking into the kitchen early in the morning when I usually go straight into the woods after my morning routine. I just smiled at her and grabbed a Tupperware and a couple of her finished products then covered it with the lid.

           Aunt Farris looked at me suspiciously while I flashed her a sheepish grin then bolted out of the door with my flute and the Tupperware in hand. Actually, I don’t think that having breakfast with my cousin and aunt is a good idea.

           When I eat the bacon that Aunt Farris cooks . . . it tastes exactly like my mother’s and by the dream I had this morning, I know I’m going to tear up. It’s just way too much emotional and I don’t want to see my only relatives to see me this way again. They’ll only bring me to another doctor.

           After arriving to my usual spot as always, I sat down the stump and placed the Tupperware beside me. Lifting the flute in front of my mouth, I started blowing through the lip plate. I allowed my fingers to travel through the right places and my music started flowing in the air. I know the song was ‘Way Back Into Love by Hugh Grant’ and it was totally relating. Closing my eyes, I started to feel it.

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