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Oh, god! I know. You were not expecting this. But yeah, this is originally were everything was supposed to end. I know you’re all so disappointed that the story ends here. But you should remember I’ll be making a sequel any time soon. Anyways, I do hope you enjoy.


It’s been weeks since the last tragedy had occurred between Darren’s pack, and Adrian’s flock. No one really wanted the battle between the Aves (bird-shifters) and the werewolves (wolf-shifters) to occur. But we all must admit that this occurrence brought great changes in our lives.

      Without this battle, Darren’s pack wouldn’t have moved to another place in order to find refuge from their enemies. This move, however, caused Darren to find his long-awaited mate who so happens to be silent because of her grieving past. Without this battle, me and the others wouldn’t have passed back through the mountain—and most of all, cause me to get my voice back again.

      We all had pulled off great lessons from the mistakes we had—isn’t that as always as it is? Both me and Adrian now knew that living the past won’t lead you into any progression, but merely lead you to your own destruction. This was mostly Adrian’s dilemma. Mine, however, won’t have any development if I allowed my own fear to take over.

      This battle may have brought great harm to the people that got themselves involved. But of course, on the bright side, this also did great twists and brought us lessons which we all know we’ll be remembering for life.

      Darren may have been badly hurt from the injuries he acquired during his fight with Adrian. But he hopefully healed from the severe condition and was able to regain back his strength. My wounds by my shoulder where Adrian had struck me had healed over time, but it will surely leave a scar. Zoe was proud she found a way to put a stop to the havoc Adrian was causing, and finally convinced him to put everything through a more appropriate way. It is unbelievable of how your mate can change you. The same goes for me and Darren.

      If Darren never came, I might’ve lost hope of getting my voice back. And if Zoe never even had the guts to wake Adrian from his past, he may still be causing chaos not only to himself, but also to the people around him.

      I contemplated how I fell in love with Darren. In a week’s time—he managed to change my life. I was happy, though. Adrian did help sort everything out. He agreed upon the way Zoe suggested it—justice.

      Holding the flute tightly within my hands, I remembered clearly how Adrian came up upon us and apologized. And to express us his sincerity, he handed me back my silver flute. The silver flute which he used to track us down. I couldn’t really forgive him with all my heart, but I accepted his apology in hopes of getting everything settled.

      I guessed that’s what mates are supposed to do. They’re there to lead their other-half the right way, and to awake them to a whole new possibility.

      Darren’s father was put through trial. Not by the normal court of the humans, but furthermore, there is a court intended for the supernatural. He filed a non-guilty plea and the investigations were started ever since.

      Even though Adrian and Darren never really got along from the month’s time, both of them agreed upon a certain treaty—the peace would never be disrupted between the two beings as long as both of them did their parts in the treaty. I never really bothered to ask Darren about it. But all I hoped is that he knows what he was doing.

      “What are you thinking about?” Darren’s voice snapped me out of my trance. I was staring out the balcony of the pack-house—for auntie’s house was severely destroyed from the past battle (and Aunt Farris never really was happy about it).

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