{27} Chapter

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{26} Hush, Howl


I ran through the trees as fast as my feet can take me, the falcon must’ve reached the house any second by now. Adrian now knows my weakness, I can never let him get to Sapphire—if it ever will be the last thing I’ll do. But I know by the howl that I released a few seconds ago, it would have alerted them. They have to be gone by now.

I arrived at the house only to find a huge hole marked on a wall. A body was laid on the floor, swimming in its own pool of blood. I was shocked to see Sapphire’s flute buried in its chest. Other than that, I saw nothing more. There was a trace of Sapphire’s smell, Rosy’s, my mom’s, and Zoe’s.

After sniffing around the room and detecting no presence but the dead body in here, I shifted back into my human form and crouched down beside the corpse. Nudeness is common to us wolves, we are not ashamed of our body because we pretty much had a good one—and we have shifted often in front of others, so it’s no big deal.

I examined the body in front of me. There were shards the broke the skin of his face, a few of it still buried. I gripped Sapphire’s flute and pulled it out, only to be greeted by a sharp blade protruding out of the crown—or the hole by the other end of the flute. For a moment my eyes widened in shock, but I wasn’t more surprised when the blade retracted back and disappeared.

Where did Sapphire get an instrument like this? I stood up and looked around some more. The front doors were left open, but I can see Zoe’s car gone and Rosy’s Volkswagen remained. I felt a smile tug on the corner of my lips. I hope they’ve gone to the safe-house—no one knows that place except my closest friends and family.

I looked down at the silver flute of Sapphire in my hands, wondering what kind of instrument would have a sharp blade as such. Another thought crossed my mind, how could Sapphire even get this? After all those years and days she played this, I can never guess it would be this lethal.

I should mind the flute later, getting back to the war would be my first priority right now. Hopefully, Sapphire, Rosy and my family would be safe. I placed it down on top of an end table and proceeded out of the door.

I just hope the girls would be able to travel safely all the way back to North Carolina.

The Aves would never suspect that. They’ll be back in our old town, yet, stay in a safe-house that’s only open for the most trusted persons only. Still, it would be best if they do not come back. The situation we’re all in is dangerous.

And I’m certainly going to end all of this now.

I ran back into the battle currently going on after shifting back to my wolf form. I spotted a couple of my pack members lying on the floor—either dead or unconscious. Aves flew off almost everywhere, dropping wolf bodies from high up in the air, and releasing them so that they’ll fall off in the ground ruthlessly.

I spotted Daniel. An Ave was clawing his body with its talons, flapping its gigantic wings and slowly progressing on flying higher.

I shifted my gaze around and growled low. Running towards them as the Ave snapped its beak, I opened my jaw wide and jumped aiming a good shot at a strategic location. I bit its leg—causing it to scream in shock and release Daniel into the ground.

Daniel whimpered as he fell on the floor with a small thump. His fur caked with blood, cuts running across his kin, his hind, right front-leg injured mostly. So I think he could not move that much—but he’ll be able to heal.

A squawk came above me and sharp talons scratched my back, causing me to whimper in shock. I stumbled over and slid off onto the ground with a loud thud.

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