{11} Chapter - Edited

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 Hush, Howl  


I sat down my favorite spot under the tree like I did before and flipped open the book to my bookmarked page. I allowed my eyes to scan over the words, ignoring the noisy crowd that was walking across the grounds, enjoying their lunch. Remaining focused on the storyline, I still can’t seem to pay much attention because my mind kept drifting to him.

           Hearing some grass rustling beside me, I looked beside me and found Darren staring down at me with pleading eyes. I exhaled loudly with frustration. I felt guilt slice through me at the image of his eyes. They were kind of sad.

           I slapped myself mentally. What's happening to me? Can’t a person have some space?

         “Hey, um, sorry if I’d been stubborn from the last few hours.” He said, scratching the back of his neck. “It’s just . . . I want to tell you--I just want a real friend.” His voice grew fainter at the end and he allowed his hands to drop beside him. “It’s just because . . . ” he sighed. “Okay, I’m tired of hanging out with those good-for-nothing jocks and fake, preppy cheerleaders. I want a real companion who wouldn’t mind how I act or how I move. All my life, I felt… trap. This year, I want to be free.” He paused as he looked at me directly in the eye. “And I thought that you would be a good start.”

         I must admit--his choice of words touched me. I do understand the feeling of being trapped. Though I’m in a complete different position. There is something I feel inside me that wanted to break free. Since that day my parents died, there was a huge crack in my heart that felt empty—a void that somehow made me feel like it needed to be filled up with a missing piece once more.

         “Look,” he paused. “I’m sorry if I’ve been very persistent. But if you don’t want me around. I won’t bother you anymore.” His voice kind of broke in the end and his head dropped with sadness. He began to turn and walk away, but it took me a couple of seconds before my mind registered what he said.

         Without even thinking, my hands flew without my consent and grabbed his. Sparks erupted once more and it traveled down my spine, making me shiver at the sensation. I can say he felt it too, because goose bumps rose on his skin. He stopped and looked back at me with confusion while a smile just broke onto my lips.

         Maybe I could give him a chance. He isn’t the boy that I expected to be. That type of jock that does nothing but make fun of those people that are lower than him. He’s different . . . but unfathomable. Perhaps I allowed my instincts to take over. I shouldn't have judged him. 

         I gently dragged him back and pulled him down to take the seat next to me. “Are you sure? I just thought you’d need some space.” He told me with hesitance in his voice.

         I nodded my head and smiled at him in response.

         We sat there in awkward silence. He gazed out into space while I resumed reading my book. My focus was on him, alright. I was examining him with the corner of my eye.

         There was something about him. I just don't know what it is.

         “So what were you doing in the cafeteria lately?” He asked, breaking the silence.

           Thinking that maybe he was referring to my sign language, I grabbed my backpack and zipped it open.

         Pulling out the paper I was looking for, I handed it to him. He took it in his hands and scanned over the illustrations. His brows puckered on his forehead while his gaze lingered on the pictures. “Sign language?” He looked at me with confusion and I nodded. “Could you teach me this?”

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