Chapter 7

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We arrived at the restaurant and got out of the car, and i took Burton'shand again and now he was the one who was blushing, I just smiled and entered the restaurant. Everyone was happy to see that i was better and that my pregnancy was going well. I don't kno why i took Burton's hand but it felt good, like it was the right thing.

- Raven! I am happy to see you guys are better . - Lauri hugged me and kissed me on the cheek .

- Thanks Lauri, I hope to return to the restaurant soon so you can take a beack, you've earned it!, Everything is going great! seems as if I had never been absent. -

- I do what I can, Burton's the one who bends over backwards so everything runs acording to plan here, he's very dedicated. - I gave a little hug to Burton and his face turned even redder. After a few hours we said goodbye to all the staff and we went home.

Burton got set up in one of the guest rooms and after unpacking we prepare something light for dinner.

- Burton that was so good, thanks. - I got up from the table and picked up the dirty dishes.

- I'm glad you liked it no go upstairs and lie down, you've done too much today, i'll bring you your dessert.- He took the dishes from me and gave me a little push toward the stairs.

- Hey, nothing is gonna happen to me if I do the dishes . -

- You're supposed to stay in bed besides you did way too today going to the restaurant and walking around and making sure everything was as you'd expected it to be. -

- How did you know?. - He was right, I would escape a few minutes saying that i was going to the bathroom when I actually went to the kitchen and helped a little.

- Mario the dishwasher told me now go up to your bedroom and i'll catch up with you in a minute. -

- Okay I'm going. -

I went up to my bedroom and as I stepped in i imediately wanted to break down crying, i remembered the last night i spent next to Ville in that bed and the night that I almost lost my baby.  i Took a deep breath and send those sad memories away, i put on my pajamas,  layed down on the bed and turned on the TV to watch a movie. A few minutes later Burton came in with dessert .

- I brought you your favorite, blackberry ice cream. -

- I don't know what would i do without you Burton. - i Smiled at him.

- You'd be okay Ray, a little upset but okay. -

I hugged him and we ate our dessert while we saw television, it started to get late and sleep took over my eyes, I layed next to him and wrapped an arm around his waist so i could sleep but Burton peeled my arm off and got up.

- I 'm gonna let you rest , see you tomorrow girl. -

He rubbed my belly and gave me a kiss on the forehead, I felt my face turned red at the touch of his skin, we just stared at each other for a few minutes their were only millimeters between his lips mine, i slowly closed my eyes inhaling the sweet scent emanating from every poreon his body, i didn't want that moment end, It felt so good to be with him there, i hadn't felt that way in a long long time, I couldn't resist the urge anymore and i kissed him and he answered my kiss. His lips were soft and fit perfectly with mine, nothing and no one else existed in that moment, the urge of being with him had been growing day by day and without realizing it he was indispensable to me and to only think that we could e apart made my heart ache, I had fallen in love with my best friend without realizing it and perhaps i always had been and I refused to see it. We continue kissing a few more minutes until the lack of air forced us to pull apart and Burton took my face in his hands .

- Raven, I . . . I love you Ray. -

 I Took his face in my hands and kissed him again. I'm still not sure how I feel about Burton but I sure i don't see him as a friend anymore.

- Burton I have to be honest with you, I'm not sure how i  feel about you, I need you to give me a little time so i . . . - He kissed me again.

- Ray do not care, no matter what happens I'll always be here for you . -

- Thanks Burton . -

- I love you ray. -

 *** WEEKS LATER ***

The following weeks were pretty calm my pregnancy was going great , i wasalmost seven months and i looked like  a walking planet. Dr. Duchette finally gave us the OK so I could leave the house and go about my day like normal even though I couldn't spend much time standing up but was happy to finally do my thing.

Things between Burton and I were going great, we decided that we wouldn't have sex until after my baby was born and was sure about how I felt about him. I hadn't had many news about Ville, the last time I talked to Linde he told me that he had heard Ville talking about a divorce with Sandra, did he really not have feelings for me anymore?.

I woke up that morning to the scent of fresh coffee and pancakes that came from downatairs, i got out of bed and took a hot shower, I wore a maternity dress because nothing else would fit.

- You should've waken up , it's not fair that you do everything around the house, the doctor gave us the OK so i don't have to just sit around anymore. - I told Burton taking away his cup of coffee and taking a sip.

- I know the doctor said it was OK but that doesn't mean i have to stop pampering you. -

We finished eating breakfast and got ready to go to the restaurant, Lauri was outside when we got there, he looked worried.

- Hey Lauri , what are you doing outside?. - I asked giving him a big hug. Things between Lauri and I were well, he invited me to dinner after i was released from the hospital but we decided to stay as friends.

- Hey guys, umm there's someone  waiting for you in your office Ray, it's Ville. -

- Are you sure?, did he tell you why he was here?, How long has he been there?, ? Did he come alone?. - I was very nervous and i bomarded Lauri with a bunch of questions. He saw how worried i was that took me inside and I gave some water.

- He didn't say what he wanted to talk to you about but he was very serious, he came alone. -

- Sweetheart calm down everything will be okay just breathe, remember that you can't get too upset.-  Burton was right i had to stay calm for the baby. I hugged him and breathed in his delicious scent and finally managed to calm down a little.

- You're right, I'll go to see what he wants. -

- I'll be in the kitchen with Lauri if you need us . - Burton gave me a kiss on the forehead and left with Lauri.

I picked up my bag and went to my office, I was so nervous, i hadn't seen or talked to Ville for months!!. Why did he come to see me now? As far as I had understood he did not want to know anything about me or our baby, it's partly my fault because I asked him to stay away but he didn't even  try after I was admitted to the hospital. I took a deep breath again and opened the door .

- Hello Ville. - I said trying to sound serious but my voice betrayed me and sounded as if i was exsited to see him, the truth is that  a part of me still felt something for him and wanted to be with him but the other part had forgotten and was very happy with Burton, he had been there when i most needed someone.

- Hello . . . you . . . you look beautiful Raven.- I blushed as i heard his velvety voice and he enveloped me in a warm hug which took me by surprise, his intoxicating smell of wine and cigarettes comined with the natural fragrance of his skin made ​​me remember all the beautiful moments that we had had together and soon the tears came out of my eyes .

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