Chapter 8

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- Raven please forgive me. - I stepped away from him slightly so i could see ivory face and his beautiful green eyes that drove me crazy when i saw them.

- Ville, where have you been all these months? , I've hardly heard from you, the little that i know is because I called Linde to see if you were okay and he told me that you were with that woman, Sandra. You never called to check up on me or ask me about the baby. - I let nim go and went to sit on the other side of my desk , ville noticed I was having a little bit difficulty doing it and helped me with the chair.

- I know darling and I'm sorry I just did not want to hurt you more than i had. What i had with Sandra is done, I ended it, I realized that I love you and I want to be with you and our baby. - He leaned on the desk and took my hand, i didn't want look him in the eye, he had a sad puppy look on his face and it just broke my heart to see him like that. 

-Ville, you dissapeared completely!! I needed you beside me, I know i said I did not want to see you but at least you could've called to see how my pregnancy was going . . . I don't know if it's okay for us to do this. A part of me wants things to be back the way they were and be happy with you and our baby but the other part does not want anything from you, you hurt me a lot and when i needed you the most you weren't there. -   I Don't know if i should give Ville another opportunity is the right thing to do but he is the father of my baby and he at least deserves to know and spend time with him. I'm so confused.

- I know Ray and I want to make it up to you, I really regret what I did. -

- I don't know Ville . . . I need you to show me that you really want this, you have to re- earn my trust , I need to know I can trust you and that you'll be there not just for me but for our baby. -

- I'll do anything you ask me to baby. - I heard a knock on the door but I couldn't ask who it was, Ville had taken my face and kissed me by surprise. I didn't know how to felt when his lips touched mine, i know i still have feelings for him or else i wouldn't had reacted the way i did when Lauri told me he was here, or was that just an impulse reaction??. 

- Ville enough. - I pulled away from him and gave him a serious look.  The look on his face turned sour, he stood up and turned away. 

- Just because i decided to give you another shot at this doesn't mean that i've forgiven you that i've forgotten what you did. - I stood up and grabbed my bag, i needed to go home and rest all of this  was making me a little sick.

- What else do you want me to do Raven?. - He screamed, i don't understand what 's wrong with him, he had never done that before, this was not the same Ville I met years ago. He walked over to me  and took my arms roughly.

-What more do you want?!. - He yelled again.

- Ville, let me go you're hurting me. -  Hot tears began to make their way down my cheeks and i started to feel really dizzy. There was another knock at the door.

- Not until I get an answer. -  He snaped again and I started to feel worse, i thought my heart was going to explode because of hot fast it was beating.

- Ville please ii don't feel good. - I replied breathlessly .

- Raven  what's wrong??. -

***  Burton's POV  ***

These past weeks I've spent with Raven have definetly been the happiest of my life, I'm really in love with her ​​and that beautiful feeling grows a little more each day i spend with her. Raven asked me for some time to analyze what she feels for me and I agreed, i know that there is a possibility that she'll choose to be with Ville even though he isn't even a little worried about her and the baby but if that's the case I don't care, I made her a promise and i  will keep it.

Today was going pretty well until we got to the restaurant a couple of hours ago and Raven locked herself in her office with Ville. I'm worried about her, i don't want her to get too upset that it could harm her and the baby, I'm also a little nervous beacuse maybe Raven will make a decision today.

I heard screams and i could hear Raven's voice, i walked  to her office and knocked on the door but no one answered so I knocked again and got the same result so I decided to go in.

- Ray is every . . . What happened??, Ville What did you do?!. - I stepped inside her office and Raven was lying on the floor passed out while Ville tried to get her to wake up.

- I didn't do anything you idiot, i don't know what happened, one minute we were talking and suddenly she  fainted. -

-You're the idiot! Ville you probably did something that made her upset and she fainted. I'll call the doctor and tell him to meet  us at home so he can check up on her, help me get her in the car. -

Between the two of us we got Raven in the backseat of my car and Ville sat with her, i took the driver's seat and started our way home, i  Called Dr. Duchette on the way there and he agreed to meet  us at home. When we arrived the doctor was waiting outside and i took Raven to her room. The doctor made us wait outside while he examined Raven. Ville just sat on the stars smoking a cigarrette looking ever so calm.

- You shouldn't smoke in here its bad for Ray and the baby.- Ville stood up and gave me the most angry looki've ever seen him do and jabbed one of his long fingers in my chest.

- First you leave the band, you take my wife then my house and now you want to tell me what to do?!.- He said bitterly.

- That's not true and you know it! You left her alone for some grupie when she needed you, all i did was help her! What was i supposed to do?? She's my best friend i couldn't leave her alone. You have no idea how  devastated she was after you left.-

  Ville put out his cigarrette and went downstairs, probably to get some coffee. I was so worried that something bad had happened to both of them i pased up and down the hall for about 30 minutes which felt more like 30 hours until the doctor came out.

- How's she doing? and the baby? are they okay??.-

- She's fine, they're both fine. She was put under a lot of stress and her heart couldn't take it and she fainted i gave her some medication so she's feeling better now. You need to keep a close eye on her, she was a little dehydrated and make sure she doesn't preasure herself too much, if she does there could be irreperable damage to her heart and she could go into early labor.

- I see. Is there anything that we can do in case this happens again?.- I didn't know what to do i was heart broken. How could something like this happen to someone so beautiful and caring? I shouldn't have let her talk to Ville, we were fine until he showed up, none of this would've happened if he would've just stayed away.

- Well there really isn't much you can do, make sure she eats well and drinks plenty of water and most importantly don't preasure her or make her upset, i suggested she stay in bed for a few days to make sure she's better. You can go in and see her, she was asking for you.-

- Thanks for coming out here Dr. duchette, i'll look after her and make sure she's calm until it's time for her to give birth.-

The doctor left and i walked into Raven's room, she looked so weak and frail laying on the bed but never the less beautiful as always.

- Hey you, how do you feel?.- I sat beside her on the bed and gave her a kiss.

- Much better thanks. The doctor said i would need bed rest for a few days and asked me to stay away from stress for a bit so i don't have another episode.-

- And i'll do ewhatever it takes so you'll get better and everything is ok for you and the baby.- I held her tight and gae her a reassuring smile. - Don't worry everything's gonna be ok.-

- Thank you Burton, for everything.-

She brushed my long hair back and pulled me in for a kiss, i inched closer to her and i felt Raven's warm hands caress my cheek and neck , our lips danced together in perfect scync as our kiss became deeper and more passionate, nothing could be compared with what i was feeling in that moment all i know is that it was perfect and i never wanted it to end.

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