Chapter 6

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*** Raven's P.O.V. *** 

It's been a week since I was admitted to the hospital. Burton left the band, and he's spending his spare time with me here at the hospital when he's not busy with the restaurant. Sarah and Lauri also come to visit me when they can.

- Hey Ray, How are you feeling? -  Sara comes in with a beautiful bouquet of purple tulips and some chocolates that I immediately open.

- They are beautiful Sarah, you shouldn't have bothered. I feel much better, I wish I was discharged so I can return to the restaurant and stop to take advantage of your boyfriend and Lauri. -

- It wasn't  me. They're from Lauri. He asked me to bring them to you and to tell you that he'll come to see you later and not worry Ray, Burton and I are no longer together. -  

She sounded very sad when she said it, it broke my heart to see my friend so broken.

- I'm sorry, Sarah, what happened? Did you guys have a fight or something?. -

- Something like that. He doesn't love me like I love him, He's in love with someone else. -

- With someone else?. -

- Yes! Raven, haven't you noticed?? -

- I don't understand Sarah, what are you talking about? -

-He's in love with you, Raven! He has always been in love with you, and I still tried, I tried to make him happy, but I can't compete with you. I just can't. - Tears began to spill from her eyes.

- Sarah, there's nothing . . . . -

- Forget it, Raven, I better go. -  She wiped her tears and stood up.

- Please don't go, Sarah, there's nothing going on between Burton and I . . . . - She wouldn't listen. She was gone.

What Sarah had told me had me a little worried. When we were in college she told me that she had feelings for Burton but never said anything for fear of being rejected but now that they were finally together I just don't think it's fair that they break up only because she believes that Burton is in love with me. I have to talk to him and figure out what's going on, Sarah is a good girl and I think that they would be very happy together.

I spend most of the afternoon thinking about Ville. It's been a  week, and I haven't heard anything from him. I still love him, I called Linde to check up on Ville to see if he was okay and he said he had begun to drink again during the shows and that he was with that woman, Sandra. It hurt me to hear that, and I just asked Linde to look after Ville and to let me know if anything happened to him. I thought we were happy, I never gave him reasons to be with other women and I always tried to please him in all that I could, I don't understand why this is happening, maybe he never really loved me. A while later, Lauri came to visit, I had totally forgotten that he was coming in today with everything that I had going on in my head.

- Hi Raven, How are you feeling?. -

- Well, i'm a little tired of being here, but I feel better, and thanks for the flowers they're beautiful. You shouldn't have bothered. -

- I'm glad to hear that, and it's no trouble. At least they'll brighten up the room. I hope you are discharged soon so you can return to the restaurant. Everyone misses you very much. -

- I know I also miss you all. How are you and Burton getting along?. -

- We do what we can. The truth is that it's quite a lot of work I don't know how've you done it alone all this time, but I'm glad that we can help. -

- You get used to it after a while . -

We talked for a while longer until he had to leave to go pick up his son from kindergarten. Before he left, he told me he would like me to take me out for dinner one day when I leave the hospital. It took me by surprise, and I told him I would think about it. What happened with Ville is still very new and I don't know if i'll have feelings for Lauri, he's a good man and very attentive but I still love Ville, even though he apparently doesn't care about what's going onn with our baby. A couple of hours after Lauri left, Burton came to visit me with good news.

- How is the most beautiful woman in this hospital?. -

- Only the hospital?. - I put on a sad face.

- Ok fine! of the whole universe. - I smiled and felt my heart begin to beat faster. The monitor that I was connected started to beep a little faster trying to keep track of my heart .

- Are you all right, Ray? Should I call the nurse?. - He said almost running out of the room to get help.

- I feel fine Burton don't worry. - I took a few deep breaths, and calmed down a bit but I think my face ratted me out because I was blushing like crazy and burton was laughing at me, aparrently I look funny when i blush.

- I bring you good news. I talked with Dr. Duchette, and if you guys continue like this in a few weeks or so, he will discharge you, and you'll be able to go home. -

- Really?! Wow thanks Burton that's the best I've heard since we got here. - I hugged him as hard as I could, and the heart monitor went wild again. We let go and laugh a little.

- Burton, I wanted to ask something, . . . . What happened between you and Sarah? It's just that she came to see me and told me that you two had broken up. She told me that you were in love with someone else. -

- Well I . . . . It's true Ray, I don't like Sarah that way. She's one of my best friends, and I would rather end the relationship before I hurt her more. -

- But she loves you and I'm sure you'll also love her. - I felt very sad telling him that, and I tried really hard to put on my best smile so he wouldn't notice.

- Why don't we talk about something else. - We kept talking until a nurse asked him to leave so that I could get some rest. 


Dr. Duchette finally released me, and I could finally go home. Although I have to stay in bed but it's better than being in the hospital. While i'm doing bed rest Burton is going to stay at my place so that he can keep a close eye on me in case something happens with the baby, I told him that was not necessary and could just hire a nurse to do it or I could ask Sarah even though we haven't talked since she came to visit me a few weeks ago to but Burton insisted on doing it.

I really don't know what I would do without him, he has been there for me always especially since I found out I was pregnant, I would've like'd for Ville to be here but doesn't seem to care, he hasn't even called me once to see how our baby is doing. I've hardly heard from him,  Linde says that he is well, and from what I've seen in TV shows, he's still  with that woman.

- How are you feeling?. -

- Much better now that I left that place, Burton. Thanks for everything. I wouldn't know what to do without you. -

- You don't have to thank me for anything Ray. I'm glad I can help. - He kisses me on the forehead and helps me into the car. He takes my suitcase and puts it in the trunk. I had the urge to check my makeup and make sure it looked ok so I moved the rearview mirror to check that everything was in order and I could see Burton in the reflection, he gave me a sweet smile and I blushed a lot ,I put the mirror back in its place and Burton took the driver's seat.

- Are you okay ?. -

- I feel good, captain now drive. -

- It's just that your face is all red. - He pinched one of my cheeks and laughed as he let go.

- Not funny, Burton, everyone blushes from time to time. Besides, my face is only like that because it's hot in here. - I opened the window and leaned out so he couldn't look at how my face turned even redder . Why did I feel so nervous about him? I never had that happen before.

- Whatever you say, Ray. - He said laughing.

- Could we go to the restaurant before we go home? I have really wanted to be there even if its just for a little while, please. -

- Okay, but only for a few hours. Remember that Dr. Duchette said that you guys had to stay in bed for a while. -

I took his hand and placed it on the small lump that was forming under my blouse, and he rubbed it softly, I smiled at him and intertwined our fingers .

Love, The Hardest Way (Ville Valo & Emerson Burton Fan Fic.)Where stories live. Discover now