Chapter 13

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Well this is it, the last chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed the story, I've been working on a new fanfic since last year of another one of my favorite bands: MCR and i hope to upload it soon, so stay tuned for more, cheers. :D

** Burton's POV **

As we drove to the hospital Ray was losing a lot f blood and fainted, i was really worried for her and the baby, i really hope everything turns out ok. I called Dr. Duchette on the way to the hospital so when we got there he was waiting for us.

- Looks like she's lost a lot of blood, nurse take her to the delivery room and prep her, we have to get that baby out before we lose them both.- The doctor said as he quickly checked Raven's vital signs.

- She doesn't look to good but I'll do everything i can to save them both.- He looked really concerned as he said that and walked towards the maternity ward.

I called the guys and Ville to tell them the news and they all came to the hospital except for Ville, he didn't answer any of our calls. A few minutes later Linde got a call.

- It was the police, they said they found Ville's car near a lake not to far from here, looks like he was in an accident and is badly injured they're bringing him in.-

We saw the paramedics burst in the emergency room with Ville on the gurney, pale and bloody, trying to keep him alive they took him to a nearby operating room. The hours passed us by and we had no news from either one of them.

- Whats taking so long?.- Said Linde finishing his fourth cup of coffee.

- Who's here for Mrs. Raven Valo??.-  A nurse called out from the reception desk.

- We are!!.- Gas, linde, Mige and I yelled.

- You all can go see her now, she's in room 43.-

We got up and rushed to find her room, when we got there Ray was awake but looked pretty weak and the baby was nowhere to be seen.

- How do you feel?.- Asked Gas, carefully placing a hand on her shoulder.

- Hey guys, i'm fine the doctor said I'll have to be here for a few days. Have you seen my baby??.- Ray's eyes lit up as she said those words, my baby.

A nurse came in pushing one of those hospital cribs, placed it beside Raven's bed and carried out a small lump handing it over to Raven, - I believe this one is yours too.- The nurse bet over again and pulled out another small lump.

- No wonder she was as big as a planet!.- Joked Mige making everyone laugh.

- I'm gonna need a couple more arms!.- Giggled Raven, for the first time in a while now she actually looked happy. She had two beautiful and healthy babies, a girl and a boy. We had a few laughs with the babies which were quite fond of beards, i kinda felt sorry for Mige and Gas their beards suffered the most. 

- Are you guys here for Mr. Valo as well?.- A doctor came in and asked.

- Why? What happened to Ville??.- Asked Raven surprised.

- He came in a little after you did, he . . . he had a car accident.- Answered Linde.

- Well is he okay??.- Raven asked sounding desperate.

- I'm . . . I'm sorry ma'am but your husband didn't make it, the internal injuries that he suffered were too severe, we did everything we could, I'm so sorry.-  The doctor apologized and left.

- He's not dead, he can't be! We were just . . . we were just . . .- Raven burst into tears, me and Gas each took a baby and Linde held Ray to try to calm her down.

*** 1 YEAR LATER ***    ** Raven's POV **

- Wow, look at mommy Saana doesn't she look pretty in her dress?.- Sara came in carrying my baby girl Saana. 

- Its pretty mommy!.- Saana said stretching her arms towards me, i took her from Sara, - Yes it is!! do you like it?.- I tickled her tummy.

- Ray, we have to get going, we don't want to keep everyone waiting.-Sara said taking Saana and leading our way down stairs.

It's been a year since Ville passed away in that gruesome car accident, it was very shocking for me since on that same day i had given birth to our twins, Saana and Ville, I hate the fact that we didn't get to say goodbye and that he never got the chance to meet our children but i'm sure that he would have loved them just as much as i do.

Tonight we're having a party at our home to celebrate the opening of my second restaurant. Everyone here was definitely enjoying themselves, the food was delicious, i had gotten a lot of compliments on the tiramisu and i never saw someone with an empty glass.

After a few hours things started to calm down and soon everyone had left, Sarah helped me put the kids to bed and after a few minutes she went home as well.

After everyone else had left, we finally had a moment to sit and relax. 

-I thought I'd never have a moment alone with you today.- Burton said kissing me softly on the lips.

-Hahaha, you could've swept me away at any moment Mister you just didn't make a move.

-I should've but let's face it, that wouldn't have been fair to the rest of the guests.

-I'll have to agree with you there. I'm gonna make some coffee, you want some?- I kissed him on the cheek and made my way to the kitchen.

-Sure, I'll be right there.

I started the coffee maker and set out some cupcakes. After a few minutes Burton came in.

- I'm very happy for you sweetheart.- He kissed me and placed a small gift box in front of me.

- What's this?.

- Open it.

I opened the box and i saw small note that read "Marry Me?".Burton took my hand and placed a small silver ring in it.

- I ... i don't know what to say.

- Just say "Yes".

- Yes ... yes i will.

He put the ring on my finger and we kissed. I never felt so happy in my life, i hugged him and never wanted to let go.

Love, The Hardest Way (Ville Valo & Emerson Burton Fan Fic.)Where stories live. Discover now