Chapter 3

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So, it's the day of Bill and Fleur's wedding. When I got back to Draco's last night, I'd already hung up the dress I was going to wear. It was a light yellow dress, which came down to my mid thigh, and I was wearing white heels, and my blonde hair was going to hang down my back, with a braid at each side.

Draco showed me where the shower was, so I could shower and dry my hair naturally before getting ready. I shampoo'ed and conditioned my hair, and washed myself with some of my strawberry scented shower gel.

When I got out, I squeezed my hair to get as much water out of it as I could. Then, I wrapped my white towel around me, and walked back into mine and Draco's room.

Draco was laid in bed, shirtless. He was only wearing his navy blue pyjama bottoms. He noticed that I was only wearing a towel and his eyes went wide. I went behind the screen and put my pyjamas back on, until my hair had dried.

Draco and I spent half an hour in bed together, before I had to get ready. I stood opposite the mirror, and brushed through my wavy hair, making sure that there were no tangles in it. Then, I applied some mascara, to make my eyes stand out, and then I put on some clear lipgloss to make my lips shine. Finally, I slipped into my underwear, and then my dress.

I walked out from behind the screen and Draco looked at me like I was the most beautiful girl on the planet.

"Will you zip me up please?" I asked him, and he got out of bed, and stood behind me.

He zipped up my strapless dress, and then pushed my hair to one side, and kissed my shoulder. It was cute. Finally, I put my white heels on, and did a twirl for Draco.

"What do you think?" I asked and he put his hands on my hips.

"Perfect" he said, and he kissed my cheek.

I smiled at him, and then I realised the time.

"I better go-" I started, and I pecked my boyfriend on the lips. "I won't be back home too late"

Draco nodded and then took the towel that I was using, and headed for the bathroom.

"I love you, have fun" Draco said, from the other side of the bedroom door.

"I love you" I said, and then I disapperated.

When I got to the Weasley's, the tent had been put up and everyone was ready. The place was decorated. Everyone looked great.

I saw Hermione in a red dress, so I walked over to her, trying to make sure my heels don't sink into the ground.

"Hermione!" I called and she turned around and she came over to me.

"How are you?" she asked, embracing me into a friendly hug.

"I'm feeling much better now, thanks" I said, with a smile. "How're you?"

"Oh, same old me" she replied and I looked around.

I saw George with his ear bandaged up.

"George!" I called and he just grinned at me.

"I'm still holey Jameson" he said and the three of us just laughed.

Me and Hermione walked into the house, and I saw Mrs Weasley dressed in her best. She took a look at me and her eyes widened.

"You look beautiful darling" she said, embracing me.

"Thankyou Molly, and you look beautiful too! But I can't wait to see Fleur" I said and Molly chuckled.

I looked around, but there was no sign o-

"Harry's just through there" Molly said, pointing towards the archway to the living area.

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