Chapter 12

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We ran through the forest, leaving everything behind. We just ran. We ran as fast as we possibly could, whilst throwing spells backwards to the people trying to get us.

I threw plenty, and they all seemed to miss. I either got trees, or the ground, or they just went past the men.

My blonde hair was getting in the way of my vision. I couldn't see where I was running to, I just knew that I had to stay close to Ron, Hermione and Harry. Otherwise, I'd be dead.

Still running, I finally struck one of the men, and I grinned to myself. But then I tripped, and twisted my ankle on a large branch that had fallen from a tree. Then, I was caught, and dragged by the collar of my navy blue coat.

When I caught up with the rest of them, Harry's face had swollen that much that his right eye was shut. Hermione looked apologetic, so I'm guessing one of her spells his Harry. Then Ron was struggling.

"Get off me!" Hermione yelled, trying to struggle out of the strange man's grasp.

"Let her go!" Ron growled.

"If he doesn't shut it, your boyfriend is gonna get hurt!" one of the men shouted to Hermione and she carried on struggling, not saying a word about the threat made towards Ron.

I tried to struggle, but I was out of breath and my ankle was in too much pain. I gave up, because I knew I couldn't get a name.

"Names!" a man shouted.

"Dudley... Vernon Dudley" Harry said.

"Check it" the leader of the group said. "What about you my lovely?"

He was speaking to Hermione at this point.

"Penelope Clearwater" she said. "Half-blood"

Then, the man cupped her chin in his hand, and sort of squashed her cheeks together, and I just wanted to grab him, and yank him off her. I would if I wasn't being restrained.

"There's no record of Vernon Dudley here" a different man said.

"That means you're lying" the leader said.

Then, he took a long, hard look into Harry's eyes and sighed. I started to struggle again, throwing my fists everywhere to try and get them off of me.

"Your name sweetheart, and if I think you're lying to me, I'll kill you right here, right now" the leader said and I sighed.

"Noelle Jameson, pure-blood" I said and the leaders eyes went wide.

I raised my eyebrows, and then he went back to Harry. He muttered something but I couldn't quite understand what he said. All I know is that he said something about the Ministry.

--Draco's POV--

Still no reply from Noelle.

If she doesn't reply soon then I will go out there and look for her, no matter how dangerous it is. All I keep thinking about is the potential danger that she's in. I'm a man, I'm meant to protect the woman that I love.

It's been 5 months since I saw her in person. I just hope that nothing about her has changed, because she's perfect the way that she is.

She's probably gained confidence, and become a much more braver person, but I hope that's all that has changed. I definitely hope her feelings towards me haven't changed, because I love the bones of that girl. We've been together for over a year, if you don't count the split we had in May last year. I know that I don't.

Mother has been leaving the house more, so it is mainly me who lives here now. I hardly see my father wandering these halls, unless he absolutely has to.

I laid in bed, dressed in my black suit, and tie. My shoes were by the side of my bed. I was laid on my side, curled up, and I realised that my hair was touching my eye. I needed a hair cut.

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