Chapter 16

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"Call him!" Bellatrix shouted.

Draco's father stepped forward even further. He pulled his black sleeve up, and then his shirt sleeve. His hand hovered over his Dark Mark, but then we all heard a jangling sound.

I stepped towards Draco, and he put his arm around my waist. I placed my hand over his hand, the one that was around my waist. I felt him look at me, so I glanced.

I looked up, towards the sound, and I noticed that Dobby was on top of the chandellier, unscrewing it. Then, I saw it fall, and Bellatrix had pushed Hermione back towards her friends.

"You stupid elf! You could've killed me!" Bellatrix yelled.

"Dobby never meant to kill, Dobby only meant to injure, or seriously harm" he said and I chuckled.

Then, I saw Narcissa pull out her wand. She was about to cast a spell, but Dobby snapped his fingers and Narcissa's wand flew to him.

"How dare you take a witch's wand?! How dare you defy your masters?!" Bellatrix then screamed, and Dobby's face turned sour.

"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby is here to help Harry Potter and his friends escape" Dobby said.

That was when I got up and run. I ran from my chair and over to my friends. I ducked behind the goblin and touched someone's arm, and we began to disapperate.

--Draco's POV--

"NOELLE!" I screamed, but she didn't bother to listen to me.

I then saw Bellatrix's arm fly backwards, and then forewards again. Then, I noticed that she had the blade in her hand, and I ran forward, trying to grab her arm. But I was too late.

Her arm was out of my reach.

"BELLATRIX, NO!" I screamed, but she didn't listen to me either.

The blade flew, in a circular motion, towards Noelle and her friends. The anticipation of whether or not it would go into the disapperation loop made it look like it was happening in slow motion.

I could hear the blade, cutting through the air, making a whoosing sound. That was when the worst happened. The blade went into the disapperation loop.

Once Noelle had disapperated completely, I stormed out of the room, and my mother, father and Bellatrix followed me.

"Draco?" I heard my mother say, and I immedietly stopped.

She rushed over to me, and cupped my face in her hands. I tried to struggle free, but my mother didn't let me.

"She could be dead!" I yelled, and then I removed my mother's hands from my face, and I walked off.

I could hear them all following me, so I headed upstairs, and I went to my bedroom. I saw Noelle's clothes that she had left behind.

Instead of picking up her clothes, I sat on the edge of my bed, and I put my face into my hands. I started crying, because I was worrying about Noelle.

"Draco" my mother said, entering my room.

She saw Noelle's suitcase, and put everything back for when she returns home. I just watched her move around the room, collecting Noelle's things, and placing them with my own.

"Mother, what are you doing?" I asked her, as she started to put Noelle's clothes in my wardrobe.

"She needs a welcoming place to come home to-" she said. "She's going to be living with us here, so there is no point in leaving her things in a trunk"

I got up and hugged my mother. It made me feel a whole lot better, seeing my mother put my girlfriend's things in with mine. It reminded me that she would be returned home to me, safe.

Mother was about to put her shoes on the shoe rack, but I took them from her.

"Let me" I said and my mother nodded.

I wanted to help Noelle feel at home, well, when she eventually arrives. I just hope that it will be soon. I can't go for another few months without seeing her. It will kill me.

And, once I'd finished putting Noelle's shoes on the rack, I went to sit downstairs with my mother and father.

They were sat in the kitchen, talking about everything that's happening.

"Noelle is the girl that had an injured ankle isn't she?" my father asked me, and I nodded. "Well, she is very beautiful"

"I know she is, and the things she has done so she could be with me are remarkable" I replied.

"I know of these things. Your mother told me before I told the Dark Lord" he said. "The Dark Lord thinks she would be a wonderful person to join the ranks"

"No! I am not having Noelle involved" I said and my mother held my hand from across the table.

"Draco, Noelle is already involved. She is fighting with her friends to stop the Dark Lord, yet she is with you. She is far too involved to back out now" she explained and I sighed.

She was right. What Noelle was doing was dangerous, but I can understand why she's doing it. Her friends love her, an she loves her friends, which is why she is fighting with them. But, she is in a relationship with me, so then she will be on out side once all this finishes.

I sighed a deep sigh, and left the kitchen. I sauntered off to my room, where Noelle was once laid. I could smell her perfume on the bedsheets, and when I closed my eyes, I could see her lying there, next to me. Her hand was on my face, touching me for the last time before leaving me again.

Opening my eyes, I sat up from my bed, and stood at the large window that was opposite me. I looked at every detail of the outside.

Noelle? Where are you?

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