Chapter 7

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We arrived in Godrick's Hollow, and we noticed christmas decorations. Also, the bell in the tower was going off. I looked at Hermione and Harry, who were stood looking around.

"I think it's Christmas Eve" Hermione said.

Then, we walked through the fresh snow, hearing it squash underneath out feet, making the familiar crunching sound. We were looking around, but the place was empty. There was literally nobody out. It's Christmas, people are usually out visiting family, or singing Christmas Carols, or just having a good time.

But no, not here.

This place was dark, and gloomy. Nobody was here. It sort of looked abandoned. It was very taboo.

We walked past a grave yard.

"Do you think my parents are in there?" Harry asked and I looked at him.

The look of hope mixed with saddness stood out to me.

"I think they might be" Hermione said.

"Shall we?" I asked and Harry nodded.

There were numerous rows of headstones so we split up and looked for Harry parents. I noticed that there were a number of people who died around the same time. I looked over my shoulder and noticed that Hermione was rubbing the stone.

"Er, Harry?" she asked.

Then, I noticed that Harry had stopped. Hermione noticed too. We looked at each other, and then we walked over to Harry, who was staring at a long, rectangular, light grey coloured headstone.

That was when I noticed whose gravestone it was. I linked my arm with Harry's but he put an arm around my back, and rested his hand on the top of my hip. Hermione knelt down, took out her wand, and moved it in a circle motion. A circle of flowers appeared infront of the stone.

Then, she stood up, linked arms with Harry, and rested her head on his shoulder. I looked up at his face, and I noticed that there were tears slowly falling. I reached up and wiped them away for him. He sniffed and then looked up at the dark sky, then back down at Lily and James.

"Merry christmas" Hermione said, quietly.

"Merry Christmas Hermione" Harry and I said and the same time.

Then, I noticed Hermione look to her left for a moment, and then she looked back at us.

"There's someone watching us, over by the church" she whispered.

Myself and Harry both looked over for a second, and there was a woman standing there. She was dressed in all black. It was kind of scary to be honest.

"I think I know how that is" Harry said, and so, we decided to follow her.

--Harry's POV--

Coming to Godrick's Hollow was a huge decision for me. I knew we had to go there, but I didn't want to go because I thought it would be hard. And I was right.

When I saw my parent's headstone, I instantly wanted to leave. But I wanted to stay forever, so I could be with them forever. The thought of people with parents made me jealous, because my parents were taken from me. They still had theirs, and they were lucky.

We decided to follow the woman. It led us around a few corners, and then to a house, which I recognised.

"This is where my parents died. This is where they were killed" I said and they both looked at me.

"This is where you lived?" Noelle asked me and I nodded.

"Yes it is" I replied, and I lead the way inside, where the woman was waiting.

--Draco's POV--

My Noelle,

I'm so happy that I got to hear from you. I'm glad you're safe enough to write to me.

I actually have something to tell you, and it's about what you said about looking after myself.

I took a good, long and hard look in the mirror, and I noticed that I am looking ill. I've not been sleeping or eating right. It's not your fault, but it's been happening because you're not here.

I just hope you're right about seeing each other soon, but I hope it's in a good place at a good time.

I love you, my Slytherin Princess, and just remember that I'll be waiting for you when you return to our home.


I sent my reply off to Noelle, hoping that she will get the letter soon.

It's Christmas Eve, and I have bought a present for Noelle. I hope she likes it, because I'm no good at picking female presents. Well, apart from that necklace I bought Noelle.

This time last year, we were deciding what we were going to do for Christmas day. This time last year she was by my side. This time last year, I could kiss her and tell her that I love her, in person, but now? It's hard to tell her by owl because it doesn't feel the same.

When I tell her I love her, in person, I can see the happiness in her eyes. I feel it radiating off her, like heat from an open fire.

I was laid on my bed, shirtless, and in my pyjama bottoms, thinking about Noelle, again. At times I lay here, late at night, thinking that something has happened to her. Or, I have nightmares that she gets injured and there is nothing I can do to save her.

I dream she is being beaten by death eaters and I'm not there to tell the death eaters who she is to me. I need to speak to my mother, and see if she has spoken to my father.

I jog downstairs to my mother, who was sat by the blazing fire, with her elbow pressed against the arm rest, and her head in her hand. She looked so stressed, and I didn't want to ask her, but I knew I had to.

"Mother?" I said, as I sat down next to her.

"I've spoken to your father, and he has told the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord knows that she is a Slytherin, and pure blood, so he's content. He said that you will have to play along with what happens, but he will make sure that she is alive and she is returned to you" mother explained.

She will get to be with me! I am so happy, no one would literally understand how happy this makes me feel. I just can't wait to see her.

--Noelle's POV--

We were still in Harry's old house, but something strange was happening. Something very strange.

The woman, who Harry knew, was starting to shake as an evil smile spread across her face. I was feeling scared, because we followed her here. We were alone with her, so anything could happen to us.

"Harry? What's happening?" I whispered and he just shook his head.

He didn't know. If Harry didn't know what was happening to the woman he knew, then no one would know.

Then she disappeared, and her clothes fell to the floor. After a moment, a snake's head appeared from under the pile of black clothes. And it looked like Voldemort's snake, Nargini. I was literally terrified for my life.

The snake hissed and we backed away. The snake followed, and then lashed out at me. But, I managed to jump back quick enough, so the snake didn't strike me.

We all took out our wands, and tried to strike the snake with multiple spells, but none of them worked. The snake kept coming forwards, but we could nothing.

We were useless.

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