Chapter 6

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Still no reply from Noelle, and it's been 3 weeks since I heard from her.

I'd just woken up, so I decided to get a long, cold bath. I got in the bath and my whole body relaxed. I've been way to tense lately. I closed my eyes and I saw Noelle.

In my mind, my girlfriend was safe, and happy. Yeah, she may be with Potter, Weasley and Granger, but she's happy. She's happy because she's with her friends. I wished that I was there too, and then I saw myself running towards her, crying because I'd missed her that much. Then I noticed she was crying.

"Noelle!" I shouted, and she looked at me.

She had a huge gash on the side of her face, blood seeping out of it. I ran faster to get to her, but my imagination wasn't letting me. My mind was blocking me from getting to my lover.

Giving up, I opened my eyes, and I was laid in the bath. Noelle wasn't here. She wasn't here, and I couldn't get to her, neither in my mind or in reality.

I washed my hair, and then go out of the bath, leaving the water to disappear into the drain. I rubbed my hair with a towel, and then wrapped it around my waist. I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my pale body. My figure had gotten worse. I've lost weight since Noelle had been gone.

With everything going on with the Dark Lord happening, and with Noelle searching for horcruxes with the most Wanted man, I didn't have time to eat. I was too busy, either working or worrying.

Everything was a mess, and it all needs sorting soon.

--Noelle's POV--

We were now in a new place, and it turned out to be Yorkshire. Around Malham to be exact. We were on top of hills, where there was stone that had been separated by something, more than likely water.

At least being in Yorkshire meant that we were far away from everything that was happening. But I doubt it would be long before Voldemort works his way up the country.

Myself and Hermione were sat together, reading. Harry was sat somewhere by himself. He told us that he wanted to be alone to think, so we left him.

"Noelle look, it's the same mark" Hermione said. "It's appeared again"

I looked over her shoulder and it was there, plain to see. I frowned, trying to think of where I last saw it, and then I remembered. It was around Mr Lovegood's neck at the wedding.

"Hermione?" Harry said, and we both looked around.

"What is it Harry?" Hermione asked and he came over.

He sat infront of us and looked at us both.

"I want to go to Godrick's Hollow" he said and Hermione let out a sigh.

"Wouldn't it be too dangerous?" I asked and Hermione nodded.

"Yeah, you're wanted Harry. People would know you'd go. But even I've been thinking that we need to go there" Hermione said, and then we walked back to the tent and packed everything into Hermione's beaded bag.

--Draco's POV--

Nothing has come through from Noelle yet. It's 1pm and all I've done today, apart from get a bath, is sit in my room alone.

With regards to Voldemort, he's been following Potter's footsteps, trying to get him, but everytime Potter has got away.

I decided to go downstairs, and then I saw my mother in the kitchen. I walked over and stood next to her.

"When do you think the Dark Lord will get Potter?" I asked her.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that it will be on school grounds. We'll have to go back to Hogwarts" my mother replied.

"I haven't yet told him about Noelle, so I'm just worried for her. I don't want her being hurt. Potter is with her, and if the Dark Lord finds him, then she could get hurt, or even killed" I explained and my mother nodded.

"But the thing is Draco, she chose to go" mother said and I sighed.

"She didn't. I was at the wedding, but I got there too late. Death eaters crowded the place, and Granger had a hold of her. She saw me, but she couldn't get to me" I said.

"I'll talk to your father" mother said, and I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you" I replied, and then I went back to my room to see that an owl had landed.

My dearest Slytherin Prince,

We've moved again. We've gone somewhere close by, and I wish I could tell you where I was, but I can't for personal reasons. All you need to know, it's about Harry.

I'm sorry that I haven't spoken to you for such a long time, I just haven't had the chance. I've been busy lately, because things have just been mad.

I have a feeling that I'll see you sometime soon, because it's been 3 months since we last looked into each other's eyes.

I miss you, Draco, so much. But, I shouldn't be too long now. But, promise me one thing? Look after yourself.

All my love,

I could feel my eyes filling with tears. She has told me to look after myself, yet I'm barely eating or sleeping, because she's not here. She is my saviour, and she doesn't know it. I was a broken man before, and I was slowly fixing when I had her by my side. Now that she's gone again, I can feel myself breaking.

But I have to promise her that I'm looking after myself. I just have to do it for her sake.

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