Chapter 13

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"Fetch Draco" Bellatrix whispered from behind the gate.


He was here?!

I haven't seen my boyfriend for 5 months, and now he is here, and hopefully I'll be able to get to him.

The gate opened slowly, and I was dragged in by the arm. This man's grasp on my arm was tight. I could barely move my wrist.

This will definitely leave bruising tomorrow.

We entered the building, and I knew exactly where I was. I was at Malfoy Manor. That means that all my things are here, and I would be able to change into something that was more to my comfort.

The man gripped the blonde locks at the back of my head, and was pushed to the back of the line. Harry was shoved into the room first, and I heard Bellatrix's cackle. Then, Ron was shoved in, followed by Hermione.

The way that all of the men handled them didn't seem as rough as the man that was gripping my hair.

Before I knew it, I was getting pushed towards the door. But, before I was thrown in, I heard Draco scream.


Then I heard his sobs, and that was when I was shoved into the room. I landed funny on my already injured ankle, meaning I'd made it worse.

I scanned the room for Draco, and then I saw him, sat in a corner, crying. When I saw Narcissa, she knew how much pain I was in.

She dragged me to the side and Harry, Ron and Hermione just stared at me.

Annoyingly, I was on the other side of the room to Draco, so I got up and ran as fast as I could, just so I could hold him.

"Draco, it's me" I whispered and he looked up straight away.

When he saw me, he looked at my every detail, and then embraced me into a tight, warm, and loving hug. I cried with happiness, but then my ankle hurt, and I fell sidewards.

Draco got up, and helped me stand.

"Bellatrix, this girl isn't your problem anymore" Draco said, his arm around my waist.

He helped me walk out of the room, and that's when I leant against the wall and cried.

"Noelle? What's the matter?" Draco asked me, cupping my face.

"They're going to get hurt. Please Draco, you need to do what you can to stop them from hurting" I cried, and Draco nodded.

"I'll do my very best, I promise you my love" he said and I nodded.

He wiped my tears away with his thumbs, and then he embraced me and kissed my forehead. I pulled away and smashed my lips against his.

Our kiss was rough, full of need, love, and desire. I'd been away 5 months. I needed this.

We pulled away from each other, and that's when Draco saw how much worse I'd become in the last 5 months. He noticed that I had been sleeping rough. He noticed that I'd been cut, due to scaring everywhere. And then, he noticed my ankle.

"I'll get you something for it" he said and I shook my head violently.

"No, I need to be in there with my friends. They need me Draco" I said.

"You've just come back, and now you're going to leave again? At least spend one night?" he suggested.

"I can't. I've got to keep finding these horcruxes, otherwise not one of us will live" I explained and Draco sighed.

"There's something I need to tell you" he said.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked and he looked at me.

"The Dark Lord knows all about you. He's promised you a safe passage. At the end of all of this, you get to come back home with me" he said.

"Really?" I asked, a little too excited and Draco nodded his head.

I grinned at him and he picked me up and spun me around. But, he noticed how bad my ankle was, so he put me down gentle.

"Wait a minute, so if I decided to go back to Hogwarts, to help them, then I would get out alive?" I asked Draco.

"Yes you would, and then we can come back here and live the rest of our lives together" he said, and I blushed.

He could see a future with me. That made my heart flutter. I stood on my tip toes and pecked his lips. But then he decided to deepen the kiss. This time, the kiss was soft.

I pulled away, and then I remembered that my friends were in there, but I needed to rest my ankle, otherwise there is the chance of it breaking completely.

I could always just hop, but then again, I wouldn't be able to catch up to everyone.

Draco picked up, bridal style, and carried me into the room where my friends were. He sat me on a chair, and put my bruised foot onto a dark, wooden table so that I could rest it.

I watched as my friends had to suffer at the hands of the people who were going to keep me alive.

Harry had been pushed to the floor and now Draco was kneeling in front of him. Bellatrix wanted Draco to identify him as Harry, but Draco glanced at me and he knew what I was thinking.

"I can't be sure" he said, worrying.

"Look Draco, don't be scared. Just take a good look" Bellatrix said and Draco shook his head.

"What happened to his face?" Draco asked and the leader of our kidnappers spoke.

"He came to us like that. We think it's something that he picked up in the forest"

I coughed to myself, and Draco looked at me, knowing that someone had actually done this to him.

Why does Draco have to work for people like this? I wish he could just leave it all behind, and we can start fresh well away from this damned place.

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