Chapter 2

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Paige POV

Jordyn should be here in ten minutes. Her mom believes that she is staying with Alexis in her dorm. Whatever her mom needs to believe is okay with me if she is here.

I go to the mirror in my room to look at myself. I tried to look my best for Jordyn.

My phone buzzes. I quickly look at it feeling anxious.

Jordyn: I'm in the parking lot.

I take a deep breath. I walk down the flight of steps to get to the lobby. I feel nerves overtaking my body. I get to the main door and see Jordyn. She is standing there with her bag.

To open the dorm doors, you need to have a key from the outside or someone from the inside has to let you in.

I open the door and Jordyn hugs me right away. I wrap my arms around her. I hold on to her tight. Jordyn's hugs are something of which I have been deprived.

People in the lobby are staring at us awkwardly. I broke the hug and had Jordyn follow me. Instead of going back up the steps, I took Jordyn to the elevator since she has her bag.

When we got on, I was happy to see we were the only ones occupying it. We both had the same idea. Once the doors closed and the button was pressed, we crashed our lips on one another's.

I pull away slightly to look at Jordyn. My eyes were caught in hers when I noticed the same sparkle in them from the first time, she told me she loved me. A smile crept on my face realizing that our love is still alive and isn't going anywhere.

I placed my lips back on hers and brought her body close to mine. We mimicked each other's movements as our tongues danced around each other's mouth.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

"Oh my god, really?" I hear from the hallway. I turn my head knowing who is standing there.

"Alexis!" Jordyn runs off the elevator to give her a hug.

I grabbed Jordyn's bag that she left in there and walked out.

Alexis is acting like she is repulsed. "Why is it when I haven't seen you for weeks, I find you with your tongue down Paige's throat?"

I roll my eyes at Alexis's question to Jordyn.

We start walking towards my room with Alexis's walking with us.

"It's better down her throat then it being somewhere else." Jordyn says laughing.

I choked on air hearing her comment.

After a minute, Alexis understood what she said. "You aren't allowed to say things like that to me. Not a picture I want in my head."

Alexis is now pretending to vomit. She looks at me as I'm in a daze thinking about Jordyn's remark.
"Obviously, your girlfriend likes the images. Good luck with that with her crazy roommate." Alexis says as she gives Jordyn another hug before walking away.

"Your roommate isn't that bad, is she?"

I shrug my shoulders. "You can judge for yourself." I unlock the door and we walk in.

Jordyn POV

Going to Paige's dorm, I had many thoughts running through my head. This is the longest we have been apart besides when she was gone for Christmas break. When she came back, we all knew what happened.

I realized I became attached to her. Now that she is at college, it's been really hard on me. I can't stand her not being around. I haven't said anything to her because I don't want her to get mad about it. I don't know if she would or not, but I don't want to risk it or have a reason for her to push me away.

When we got into her dorm, I quickly saw what she meant when she talked about her roommate. She was sitting there on her bed the whole time we were in there staring at us. I swear if I go to sleep tonight and wake up in the middle of the night to her staring at me, I'm going to freak out.

"Can we go do something?" I whisper to Paige. I was feeling uncomfortable being in there with her roommate.

Paige nods.

We get up and leave. When we got to the hallway, I finally felt like I could breathe.

"You weren't joking."

Paige slides her hand down my arm and takes my hand in hers. "I told you."

We go on a walk outside as she shows me around. The breeze outside felt amazing. There were people everywhere. I always had expectations of what college life would be like but never pictured this.

Everyone looks like they are enjoying themselves and the people around.

Paige takes me up to a hill that oversees the college. We sat on the grass instead of the benches that were around. She wraps her arms around me, and I lean back on her chest. We stayed silent for a while and enjoyed the view.

After a while I tilt my head up and look at Paige. She is staring off and then she catches my eye. Her lips are coming towards mine. I smile as my eyes close.

My phone then goes off killing the moment. I thought I had it on silent. I grab it out of my pocket. I saw who it was and quickly tried to hit the locked screen.

Paige releases me from her hold.

"Why is he calling you?" She didn't sound happy.

She must have seen Christian's name appear. She didn't give me a chance to answer. She got up and headed down the hill. A part of me was angry at her reaction. The other part of me, that took control, went chasing after her.

"Paige stop!" I yell running down the hill.

Paige stops, but she wouldn't face me.

"He is a new friend. Why are you mad?" I tried staying as calm as I could, but it was hard.

Paige wasn't answering. I walk in front of her. I place my hands on her arms. She brushes them off, but I put them back on.

"He is all you have talked about all week. You know you never once ask me how my days are. You don't ask about my life. It's all about you and this guy." Paige started to walk away again.

I stood there feeling terrible. I never realized that was happening.

I chase after her again. There were too many people around, so I took her hand, and I pulled her towards a less busy area.

"Paige. There is nothing going on with Christian and me. He is a new friend. There is nothing more and there won't be anything more. I'm sorry I have been so caught up in my own life and have ignored yours."

Paige's expression stayed the same, which scares me.

"Jordyn." Paige says hesitantly. The hesitation made my heart break. "It's only been two weeks. I can already tell you are slipping away."

I shake my head no. I know where she is going with this.

"I love you, but if this continues, we are going to turn into those long distant couples that can barely stand each other."

I could feel tears running down my face. "You said you would love me forever." I said softly.

Paige places her hands on the side of my face. "And I want to keep that promise."

"Then why are you breaking up with me?" My heart was racing as it broke.

Paige moves her hands from my face to my arms. "I don't want to break up, but I don't want to hold you back. I feel like we both are so used to each other that we don't know who we are by ourselves anymore. Every day when I wake up and want to do something, my first thought is what Jordyn will think. Not what will make me happy."

As much as I don't want to admit it, she is right.

"What does this mean for us?" I ask.

Paige takes a seat on the ground. She signals for me to sit as well.

She takes my hand in hers. "It means I'm Paige and you are Jordyn. We need to start putting ourselves first. We can still see each other if you want, but we can also see each other if that's what we choose."

The thought of anyone else with Paige is a knife in my heart.

"I wish I didn't, but I agree with you. I would rather hurt now, then hate each other in the future. I know we can't predict the future, but I think we will be back to where we were or even better."

I don't know if I believe in the last part. It's what I hope, but I feel like every couple says that. I'm trying not to completely fall apart right now.

Paige looks me straight in the eyes. "Let's agree to never do anything in front of each other. No trying to make each other jealous. What you do is your business. What I do is mine."

I nod my head in agreement.

I lean in to give Paige a hug. "Well, I guess I'll go back to your room to get my stuff and head out."

Paige raises her brow. "I don't think so. You are still staying with me. Jordyn, I love you. I'm not cutting you out of my life. I'm not going to stop enjoying myself with you."

A smile inched to my face. Paige leans in giving me a quick kiss.

"What if this ends up hurting us more?" I questioned.

Paige kisses me again, and again. "I don't think something so right can hurt us in the end."

Between receiving multiple kisses, I try to talk. "So, we are friends with benefits?"

She looks at me. "If that's what you want to call it. It's two people who are in love knowing they need time to grow individually. If you end up liking someone, I'll back off and support you. We both know this isn't going to be easy. We have a lot of history. You never know, maybe in a month we will see that we are the people we want to be and get back together. It could take months or even a year. It might even be where we realize the people we are, aren't meant to be together. Time will tell."

Instead of going round and round in the conversation, I decided to enjoy my time with her while I'm here.

"So, I can still do this?" I lean in.

I give her a small kiss on her neck. Paige moans as I went straight for her weak spot. "Yes."

I bring my lips to her ear. "Let's go to your room."

Paige grabs my hand, and we start walking. I know her roommate will be in there, but I don't care.

I want one more night with her, before this new change occurs.


Before going back home, I stopped by Alexis's dorm. Luckily for me, her roommate wasn't there.

I sat on her bed. She knows something is up right off the bat.

"What is it?" Alexis takes a seat on her chair that she had in the room.

"Paige and I broke up." I thought I was going to break down by saying it. Saying the words aloud was harder than I was predicting.

I look at Alexis who doesn't look surprised. Did Paige tell her this was happening? Was this planned?

"This is good for you." Alexis claims.

I look at her to explain.

"You need to enjoy your senior year."

I don't get why everyone thinks I can't have fun and be in a relationship at the same time.

I laid back on her bed, tired from not sleeping much.

"I love her." The words flowed freely out of my mouth.

Alexis came over to sit by my side.

"Paige loves you too Jordyn. It's an opportunity for you to enjoy your senior year with your friend with no regrets."

"What if Paige finds someone new?" My voice already sounds defeated.

Alexis laughs. "What if you find someone new? You both are young. If it helps any, I don't think Paige is going to go off looking to find someone. She has her heart set on you. Sometimes when you love someone you have to let them free. If they love you the way you think, they will come back. You have to live your life Jordyn. Don't sit around waiting for her."

I sit up and give Alexis a hug. She pushes her finger against my neck.

"Ow." I grab my neck.

Alexis laughs. "See, by the view of this hickey on your neck, it's not too bad being broken up."

I roll my eyes at her. "I have to get back. Mom has been calling me nonstop."

This time Alexis rolls her eyes. I give her another hug then head to my car.

On the drive home, I lost myself in the music. The thought of being apart from Paige is hard, but now that we are over, the heartbreak is hitting.

Everyone thinks this is for the best. I keep trying to agree with them, but I don't know if I believe it. This is showing me my point though. I'm too dependent on her. To be honest, I don't even know who Jordyn is anymore. It's time to find her and see what I'm about.

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