Chapter 26

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Jordyn POV

We are about to play in our sectional game. A lot of people didn't expect us to make it this far. With losing a lot of key seniors last year, people thought we would have a down year. I think they forgot that Callie would still be here pitching.

Callie has been heavily recruited to play in college. She has been offered numerous scholarships.
She has turned them all down since they are all small schools, similar to Alexis.

I tried to convince her to accept one because I know she loves softball and is good, but she has her mind made up. I shouldn't complain though because she will be my roommate next year.

We get to the field our game is at. We are playing Riverdale. I never heard of them until now. They are ranked higher than us.

I get off the bus and I walk alongside Callie. There was a nice breeze going which could come into play when the ball was hit. I turn my attention to the field. The backstop in the outfield is higher than most and the fence is solid wood. There is also no warning track to let you know when you are close to the fence.

We go through warmups. Alexis and Paige came to support us. Jake is off at drill for the weekend. Derek has football of some sorts and couldn't come, which bums Callie out. It was nice to see Alexis come. She hasn't been to a game all year. It was a little discouraging.

The game gets underway. We are the away team, so we are up first. I am the leadoff hitter. I get in the batter box after watching the pitcher warm up. She has good speed. I start in the back of the batter box. The pitcher releases the ball and I run towards the ball to slap it. Before I had time to react, the ball nailed me in my side.

I go to the ground holding my side. The coaches ran to me to see if I was okay. I nod not wanting to be pulled from the game. My side was stinging where the ball hit. They help me up. I walk to first base. I keep my hands over my head trying to walk the pain out. Where the ball hit me, made it hard to breathe.

I get on first and look for a coach at third base. He already is having me steal. Maybe he thinks I will catch them off guard or maybe he has short term memory and doesn't realize I got nailed with the ball moments ago.

I run as the pitcher releases the ball. I hear the team yell down. I slide into second. I see the ball hit off the corner of the bag and go towards right and second. I pop up and run to third. I didn't look back to see how far away the ball was from the defenders.

The coach is yelling down and doing the hand motion for me to get to the ground. I again slide and the ball is thrown past third base hitting the fence close by. I pop up quickly again as the coach is yelling for me to run home. I try to move so fast that I start falling forward. I put my hand out to catch myself and regain my balance. I sprint home and slide as the ball is coming. I slide over home as the catcher rams her glove into my side where I got hit by the first pitch of the game.

I look up at the ump

"SAFE." The ump yells.

I pop up holding on my side as Callie is right there to high five me. I walk gingerly to the dugout and sit on the bench, trying to catch my breath from the frantic running that just took place.

Alexis and Paige walked over to the dugout where I was sitting. I stand up and look at them through the fence.

"Are you okay?" Alexis was first to ask.

"Yeah, I will be fine." I tell them who don't look like they believe me.

I don't know why. I just ran around the bases fine.

Paige was eyeing where I got hit. "Let me see." She says with a protective voice.

I untuck my jersey and lift it up. I watched both of their eyes as they got big. I look down and see a bruise. You can see the marks where the seams on the ball hit me.

"I'll be fine." I start to tuck my jersey back in.

They both give me a blank stare. I turn to the other fence to watch the game before I get in trouble.

The next couple of innings flew by. The score is still 1-0. No one can hit off either pitcher. The only time someone's been on base was when I got hit and a couple of walks that have been allowed.

It was the top of the fifth inning, and I was up again. This is my third time being up.

On the first pitch I swing. I watched the ball rocket off my bat going foul, nailing Callie in the right thigh. The coach went over to her as she was on the ground. She bounces back up, giving me an evil eye, but also laughing.

The game resumes. I ended up hitting a slow roller to third but beat the throw. Coach pulls Callie from hitting. He put in a freshman who usually bunts. As I expected, the coach signals for a steal and a bunt. As the pitch is released, I take off. I made it to the base safely. I turn my attention to home where the freshmen still are.

Not sure what happened, but I know I'm at the base safe. Coach still signals for her to bunt again. On the next pitch she bunts the ball towards first. I take off to third knowing it would be a hard play for them to make if they try to throw me out.

The girl ended up tagging the runner out and I was at the base safely. I ended up scoring on a hit from Kaylie. We ended the inning being up 2-0.

The score is still the same and we are in the bottom of the seventh.

Callie walks the first two batters and then the next strikes out. On the next batter, the shortstop made an error which loaded the bases with only one out. Their best hitter is up. Coach calls times and brings us all in to talk.

We go to the mound as he addresses us. "This is their power hitter. We can either pitch to her and risk her hitting in everyone or walk her and hope we get the next two. Callie, you have pitched her well tonight, but I can tell you are getting tired."

He looks at Callie to make the decision. "Let's walk her." She says with confidence.

I was surprised with Callie's decision. She is usually fearless and giving up a run isn't like her. We all ran to our position and like planned, Callie walked her. The bases are loaded with one out and we are now only up by one.

Callie strikes out the next girl on four pitches. The next batter ends up being problematic. She works Callie to a full count. On the next pitch the girl rips the ball. The ball is going over my head.

I sprint after it. I need to catch the ball, or the game is over. With two outs, I know the runners are running.

I track the ball and as it hits my glove...

SMACK. Everything goes black.

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