Chapter 4

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Jordyn POV

It has been three weeks since I smoked weed for the first time. The only people who know about it is Christian and Callie.

Since then, we do it around three times a week. I honestly don't know why I participate. I feel like every time I get sad or lonely, I call one of them up and that's what we end up doing. They are always down to do it.

The way we hangout is like how I hung out with Alexis and Paige last year. We come in a pack. Thinking of Paige and Alexis. I haven't seen them since I went there when Paige broke up with me. I'm going to go down there later today. We don't have school and Paige has an intramural flag football game.

I don't think she was so happy when I told her Christian and Callie were coming. Not the fact that Callie is coming, but Christian is coming with.

Paige and I talk every now and then. I can feel like we are drifting apart. In a way, I see how the distance would have caused a problem eventually. When you can barely see someone it's hard to go to them when you have problems. Yeah, I could text or call her, but it's not the same at the moment.

She is the one who actually doesn't talk to me much anymore. When we text or talk on the phone the conversations are usually short. The one thing she still does is tell me she loves me. Really that's what I look forward to when we talk. I'm so excited to actually get to speak with her but can't wait for it to end to hear the words.

As for Alexis, I feel like we talk nonstop. She is turning into our mom. She is constantly on my case about everything. I don't really tell her much about what's going on in my life.

Neither Paige nor Alexis knows what I have been doing. They have no way of knowing unless I tell them. I will not be doing so either.

Around noon, Callie and Christian show up. They get in my car then we head over to WSU.

"Who wants to enjoy a party favor on the way?" Christian questions from the back seat.

I look in my rearview mirror seeing him pulling out a joint.

I quickly pull over. "You cannot have that in here!" I

I reach for the backseat. He stops my hand from grabbing it.

"Relax Jordyn. Are you afraid of what your sister and ex-girlfriend will think?"

I sit back in my seat. I grip the steering wheel as I take a deep breath.

I then look in the rearview mirror again. "You are not smoking that in here, now put it away." I then shifted the gears and got back on the road.

The rest of the ride there was silent, an awkward silence. My nerves were going crazy. This is the first time I have seen Paige since we broke up.

A part of me is hoping she is doing well, but then there's the part that wishes she was miserable. If she is miserable, maybe she would want me back.

I parked my car when we met up with Alexis once we arrived. She is showing us where to go for Paige's game.

Before getting out, I looked in the mirror and fixed my eye liner. I could hear laughter coming from the backseat. I ignore him.

I get out when I see Alexis. Callie and Christian follow me as I walk towards my sister.

I spotted Alexis's walking and got out. Callie and Christian followed my lead. We all walked towards her.

I give Alexis a hug. Once we break the hug, her eyes scan me up and down.

"This is Christian." I introduced her to Christian before she could analyze me.

Alexis barely gives him any attention. She didn't say hi or even crack a smile.

If this is how she is going to be towards him, I can only imagine how Paige's reaction will be.

Alexis starts leading us down where the game is being played at. I walked along Alexis as the other two were checking out all the guys and girls walking by.

"Is there anything I should know?" I whisper to Alexis. She looked at me and knew what I was asking.

"No, she hasn't hooked up with anyone. She goes to the LGBT meetings a lot and takes part in the events. I went with her for the first time. Some girl was flirting with her."

My heart sinks.

"If she did anything with anyone, would you really want to know?" Alexis questions me.

I feel like I would want to know but then again, I wouldn't want to know.

"What about Christian and you?" She looks back at Christian who waved at her. "Wow." Alexis says not impressed.

I feel my face get hot. Not because I was upset that she didn't seem to like him, or because there is something going on with him, but I started to feel overwhelmed.

"He is only a friend."

She doesn't believe me. Before I could defend myself more, we were at the field.

We walked up and sat on the grass.

My stomach drops when I see Paige with her team. She was directly in front of me, but a hundred feet away facing to the side. She has on booty shorts as did the other girls. They all were wearing knee high socks. Her hair was in a ponytail. She had her signature softball headband on and eye black.

God, she looks hot.

I notice the girl she is talking to has a giant smile on her face. Paige playfully pushes the girl laughing.

I can feel my heart trying to break out of my chest. I thought this would be easier, but it's not even close.

Paige turns her head towards us. She then jogs over towards us.

"Hey, you guys made it." Her smile was melting my heart.

"You sound surprised." I hear Callie giggle.

Paige shakes her head. "I'm not surprised. It's good to see you guys. I will talk to you after the game if you stay."

Why would she think we are not staying?

"It's nice to meet you Christian." Paige then runs back to her team.

I was expecting her to treat Christian like Alexis did, instead she greets him. She didn't really acknowledge I was here. Maybe this means she is over me.

I look over at Christian who is staring at Paige across the field. He turns his head towards me after a minute.

"Your ex-girlfriend is hot as hell." His voice was loud, loud enough that Paige looked back at him.

She shakes her head before turning away. He was smiling from ear to ear practically drooling over her.

Paige POV

This is our final game for intramurals. Let's just say we haven't won a game yet. We aren't the best team, but it's because the guys on our team are annoying. They won't pass the girls the ball.

After getting stretched out, I'm talking to one of my teammates and a new friend. Her name is Hannah. Hannah is a year older than me. She is about my height with a similar body type as me.

"Is that Jordyn?" She nods her head to the side.

I turn to see where she is looking. "I'll be right back."

I ran over there for a quick second before they rang back to my team.

I made sure to say something towards Christian to look nice. I really don't like him here, but it's whatever. Jordyn and he are friends so there is nothing I can do about it.

To top it off, he is now staring at me after shouting he thinks I am hot. He reminds me a lot of Scott.

The game is getting underway. I enjoy being out here. I don't take this seriously, but it would be nice to get at least one win. The other team scored. They are about to do a throw off. For flag football they say you can either punt it or throw it off. Most of the guys throw off trying to show off their arms. I looked over at Hannah who gave me a nod.

She calls for the guys to let her catch it. Surprisingly, they let her. She catches the ball and starts to run. I run behind her in a diagonal. Someone was about to pull her flag when she laterals the ball back to me. I catch it and take off running. They weren't expecting it at all, and I had a clear lane to the end zone.

The refs they had for the games blew his whistle and signal touchdown. Hannah signals for a chest bump. We were imitating how the guys on our team act when they score. I hear Alexis and them cheering for me.

The game was going back and forth. For once we weren't getting blown out. The score is tied 35-35. They were running for a touchdown when one of the guys knocked the ball off their hand. Another guy on our team picked the ball up and started running. He laterals the ball back to me.

I was running down the field and knew I wasn't going to get there without my flag being pulled. I dodge one person then lateral the ball to Hannah who had an open field. She crossed the end zone and we scored.

We finally won a game. My whole team was jumping around acting like idiots. I jumped on Hannah's back as she spun us around. We both fell and I fell on top of her. We were both laughing.

Jordyn POV

Just looking at Paige seeing how happy she is, makes me happy. She looks like doesn't have a care in the world.

That is how I should be, yet I'm here miserable. Her and that girl on her team look close as well. If I didn't know any better, which I don't, I think she likes her.

Paige comes over to us after the game.

"Good job." Everyone congratulated her at once.

She is still carrying a smile on her face still. I try to avoid eye contact with her because I don't want her to know I'm not doing as well as she is.

"Hey, are you going to Tyler's party?" The girl from her team asked Paige as she walked up to us.

Paige looks at us then back at her. "We might. It depends on if they stay. I'll text you."

The girl then walks away.

So, they text each other...

Paige looks back at us. "So, you are staying right?" She questions all of us.

I look at Callie who is nodding her head. "Hell yeah. We better be going to the party too."

Great. Here goes for a fun night.

We started walking towards my car so we could get our stuff. I was trying to avoid Paige, but she walked right next to me.

The other three were in front of us quite a way.

"We can leave if you want or hang out with Alexis so you can go to the party with your friend." I said quietly but Callie heard me.

"Girl, we are going to the party." Callie yells out.

Paige stops me as the others keep walking. "I think you should stay. We barely see each other." Her eyes were gleaming with the sun hitting them as it was setting.

I look down trying to avoid eye contact with her.

Paige puts her hands on my arm causing me to look back up. "Please stay? Please? Please? Please?" She was making her puppy dog face. She knows I can't resist.

"Ok we will stay."

Paige pulls me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her, and I feared I wouldn't let go.

We started walking when the others were yelling at us to hurry up. We all got into the building and got on the elevator. The elevator is really cramped when there are five people on it along with our bags.

I was by Callie and Paige. Paige was by Christian.

"I better not feel anything popping out." Paige hissed at Christian.

All the girls laugh.

"Don't act like you don't want me. I saw the way you looked at me when you first laid your eyes on me." Christian is full of himself and way out of his league.

Paige chuckles. "Do I need to define what the word lesbian is for you?"

Christian went to speak, but Paige hushed him up.

This is the first time I heard Paige completely define her sexuality. To be honest, I didn't know if she was gay or bisexual. I am still not sure what I am. I haven't thought about it since I was with Paige for so long, I didn't think it mattered.

We get off the elevator and walk down the hallway. We all stop in front of Alexis's room.

"Where is everyone staying?" Alexis asks us.

"You tell us." Callie says.

"Well, my roommate will be gone tonight so her bed is open. Callie can sleep on her bed. Christian can sleep on the floor."

I looked at her when she did not say my name. "Where am I staying?"

Alexis looks at me like I am an idiot.

"With me." Paige says pulling my arm so we can go to her room.

We get to her door. Before going in, Paige yells down to Alexis. "We will be down when I finish showering and getting ready."

Alexis gives her a thumbs up.

"I can go to Alexis's room to wait for you to get ready." I went to her door after setting my stuff down.

Paige stops me from leaving. "Why are you avoiding me?"

I look down at the ground while answering. "I'm not avoiding you. I'm trying to stay out of your way."

Paige puts her hand under my chin to lift my head up making me look at her. I see she has a frown on her face. "Do you not want to be here?" Her voice was soft.

"I do." My eyes lock with her brown eyes.
Paige smiles. "Good. Wait in here and I'll be back."

She leans in kissing my cheek. Paige leaves her dorm with her towel.

I sit on her bed placing my hand on my cheek. Where she kissed feels warm and tingly. Still, she only kissed my cheek, which is a sign of friendship.

I lay back on her bed waiting for her to get back.

About twenty minutes later, Paige walks in. She is only in her towel. My body suddenly feels hot. I try not to look at her. She knows I'm trying to avoid looking, causing her to laugh. I'm looking at the ceiling trying my best to fight the urge to look at her.

"Jordyn." Paige whispers.

I turned my head thinking she was dressed. She is still in her towel.


Paige quickly opens her towel and shuts it.

I shake my head smiling. She would.

Paige finally finishes getting ready. We went to Alexis's room. They were all ready as well. They gave us crap for taking too long. They all had their assumptions as to what we were doing. They were all wrong.

We end up walking to Tyler house. I guess he is one of the guys that were on Paige's team. He rents a house with a couple of his friends right by campus.

While walking, I decide to talk to Paige and stop trying to avoid her.

"Who is that girl who asked you to come?"

"Her name is Hannah. We met playing flag football. She's cool." Paige didn't go into much detail.

Paige POV

When Jordyn asked me about Hannah, I knew what she was thinking. She thinks there is something going on there. She is like Alexis. Every time I meet someone new that is a girl, Alexis automatically assumes I want to jump her bones.

We got to the party. There were a good amount of people here. We all went in together. We started to drink and had an enjoyable time. At least I was and hoping they were as well. Jordyn seemed to get livelier as the drinks got in her.

I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I turn around seeing Hannah now in front of me. She pulls me in a hug.

Jordyn sees the hug take place. She walks out at once. I take a deep breath.

"Is she okay?" Hannah questions.

I shrug my shoulders. "I'm not sure."

I talk to Hannah for a bit then go look for Jordyn. I looked throughout the house and could not find her. I went out back to see if she went out there. I spot Christian. He is tall and his hair color makes him stick out.

As I walk towards him, I see Callie is by him. As I get closer, I see Jordyn is walking towards them from the other side of the yard.

When I get closer, I see Christian put something up to his lips. The smell hit me and I knew what he was doing.

Jordyn spots me. She instantly freaks out.

"Do you smoke weed?" I ask her.

She looks at her two friends then back at me. "No."

I look at them. They are shaking their heads.

"She doesn't." Christian claims.

I turn my attention to Jordyn. "Ok, well I came to see if you are okay. It looks like you are, so I will leave you alone." I turn to walk back to the house.

Jordyn rushes to my side. She grabs my hand, turning me to her. I look at her eyes, she looks out of it. She rubs her other hand on my face and leans in. She stops and looks at me. Her eyes are asking me if it's ok to kiss me. I lean in the rest of the way and kiss her.

"Can we go back to your dorm?" She asks me with an innocent voice.

I point back to her friends. "What about them?"

Jordyn looks back at them. "They will be fine. Please?" This time she is giving me the face I gave her to get her to stay.

It's hard for me to say no to Jordyn.

"Let's go."

We start walking back. I text Alexis to let her know we left. Jordyn was stumbling while walking, so I took her hand to help her balance. She held onto my arm tightly.

We got to my dorm and my roommate was asleep.

"Shhh." I whisper.

We take our shoes off and change. I had to help Jordyn who could barely stand up. I have seen her drunk, but it's like something else is influencing her. I don't feel like we were at the party that long for her to be this drunk.

I get in bed and Jordyn lays beside me. She turns to her side to look at me. Her eyes were bloodshot.

"I miss you." She says softly.

"I miss you too." I say to be honest.

Jordyn leans and we start kissing. It went from short pecks to a long make out. I had my hands on her back, running my fingers down her skin. She had her hands everywhere. One second, they are on my ass pushing me towards her then the next they are getting tangled in my hair.

I finally pushed Jordyn to her back and got on top of her. I lift her shirt over her head and start back kissing her. I had my body to the side of hers. I know what she is wanting and I'm going to give it to her. I slide my hand down her stomach which causes her to laugh. She is one of the most ticklish people I know.

I then take my hand by her waistline. I slowly make my way down. I gently touched her at first. She is getting frustrated with me teasing her and pushing my hand down more.

After a while of touching, I went down. Jordyn is a lot more sensitive when she is drunk so it wasn't hard to please her. When I was done, I could see the happiness in her eyes. I laid right beside her. She looks at me and I can tell she is sobering up.

"I love you, Paige." She says with a smile on her face.

"I love you too Jordyn." I pull her into my arms. I held on to her until she fell asleep. I eventually fell asleep as well.

The next morning, we woke up and she was still in my arms. I was beyond happy. Last night with Jordyn reminded me of what I missed. I miss her next to me. We both get up and get ready. She goes down to her sister's room to see if the others are ready. They need to go back home. I told her I would be down in a minute

I was giving myself a pep talk before saying goodbye to Jordyn. Last night showed me that I want to be with her. I don't want no one else with her. I don't want us to be broken up. I don't want to be friends with benefits. I want our relationship. I'm tired of running.

I finally got the courage to talk in the hallway. I open my door slowly. I look down the hall to see Jordyn, Christian and Callie outside Alexis's room. I opened my door more and they didn't hear me. I then listened to what they were saying.

Jordyn POV

I'm so in love with Paige. I know I'm only 17 and still in high school, but she is what I want. She is who I need. Waking up next to her was amazing. The way she looked at me, I know she loves me just as much as I love her.

I had to go see if Christian and Callie were up. We had to leave early of course. Paige told me she would be down in a second, so I went to see if they were ready.

When I open the door, I see them walking towards me. "We were just going to see if you were up. How was your night?" Callie asks me with a smile.

I rolled my eyes because I'm sure they know what happened. "It was amazing."

I couldn't hide my smile. We stopped in the hallway. We were halfway between Alexis's room and Paige's room.

"Good thing we covered for you last night." Christian says. I look up at him confused about what he is talking about.

"What are you talking about?"

He looks at me thinking I'm playing stupid, but I really have no idea what he is referring to.

"Paige came outside when we were all smoking. She asked you if you smoke weed. You told her no and we covered for you."

Before I could react, I heard a door shut. I look down the hallway to see Paige standing there.

I quickly walked down to her.

"Paige." I say softly.

I had never seen so much anger in her eyes before. "You lied to me." Her voice was soft but stern.

"Paige, I didn't..." Before I could say anymore, she cut me off.

"Not only did you lie to me, but you smoke weed now? What the fuck is that? Is this who you are now Jordyn? Do you skip school, smoke weed and lie? I feel like I don't know you anymore."

My heart was racing.

I didn't know what to say. "I trusted you. I have always been honest with you." Paige's face was breaking my heart. Her words were breaking my heart.

Tears start streaming down my face. I can't take it anymore. I ran down to Alexis's room. I couldn't face Paige right now. I went in there slamming the door causing Alexis to jump from her bed.

"What's wrong?" She hugged me.

I tried talking clearly even though I was crying. "Paige hates me. I lied to her last night."

Alexis pulled away. "What did you lie about?"

"I lied to her about smoking weed." I blurt out. Alexis's eyes got wide. "You smoke weed?" She yells. "How can you be so stupid Jordyn?"

I look at the time. "I have to go."

Alexis gave me another hug but didn't say anything. I cursed at myself when I realized I didn't grab my bag from Paige's room.

Paige POV

How could Jordyn lie straight to my face? I can care less if she smokes weed. I rather her not do it. It's the fact she lied to me about it. I never felt so betrayed before.


I go to my door. I open it up to see Jordyn. She looks like a wreck.

"I forgot my bag." She says avoid me again.

Even though I'm hurt, I can't stand seeing Jordyn hurt. Before she could walk out, I gave her a hug. This causes her to cry more.

"I'm sorry Paige." She says repeatedly.

I want to keep a hold of her as long as I can.

"I have to go." Jordyn finally says.

I break the hug. I take my thumbs trying to wipe her tears away.

"Do you hate me?" She questions.

I looked her straight in the eye. "I could never hate you. Right now, I don't know if I can trust you. You out of all people know how much trust means to me."

She nods her head. "I know."

"I was on my way to tell you I wanted to get back together." I whispered.

Jordyn looks up at me.

"Now I can see that you changed. I don't know if I like the change. You fooled me last night I felt. You were this completely different person. I'm not mad at you for it, because maybe that's who you are. Maybe we aren't meant for each other." Saying that was like taking a knife to my own heart.

Jordyn surprisingly didn't break eye contact. "That's not who I am. I'm lost. I don't know how long this downward spiral will go on, but I will break it. Believe in that."

I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I will. You know I'm always rooting for you."

"I know I screwed everything up with us. I just hope we can eventually be friends." Her voice went back to being soft.

"The problem is that we weren't really friends before we started dating. We just need to learn to become strictly friends and nothing more first."

Jordyn nods. "You are right. I have one last question..." Jordyn was hesitant.


She takes a deep breath. "Is there any hope for us or did I ruin it all?"

I grab Jordyn's hand and place it on my heart. "Do you feel that? There is always hope with us. This time when you go home, try being the person you want to be. You have never been the one to give in to peer pressure. You have to love yourself again, before you let me or anyone else love you."

I give her one last hug and kiss her on the cheek.

"I love you Jordyn."

Jordyn grabs her bag.

"I love you too." She then walks out.

Alexis POV


I'm driving Jake to where he will get on the bus to head to camp. I'm staying as strong as I can, so he stays strong. I know he will be safe there and bettering himself, but it's going to be lonely without him.

He has been the person who has always been there for me. Paige is also someone, but Jake has a different comfort level.

We pulled up and the sadness kicked in. I look over at Jake. His eyes were full of tears. Just looking at him made me lose it. He pulls me into a hug.

"I'm scared."

Jake's words broke my heart. Through everything he has been through this is the first time I have ever heard him say he is scared.

I moved back and looked at him. His hair is the shaggiest he has had it. I move it to get it out of his eyes.

"You will be fine. You overcome everything that has ever been thrown at you. You will come out on top, and you will be even better as a person."

He opened the door and got his stuff. I got out and walked over towards him. He gives me another hug. I held on tight knowing this is the last one for a long time.

"I will call you when I can. I will write to you and I will always be thinking about you."

There was a horn saying they had to go.

He leans down and kisses my lips.

"I love you Lexi."

Jake is the only one I allow to call me that. Others call me it too, but he is the only one that doesn't annoy me.

"I love you too Jake."

He then walked away. Watching him walk away was extremely hard. I wanted to chase him. I wanted to put him in my car and drive away.

Instead, I'm left getting in the car by myself. Tears were overflowing. I don't know how I'm supposed to make it through six months without him.

** Back to Reality**

It's been a couple of days since Jordyn and her friends were here. First Jordyn and Paige leave me to babysit the other two at the party. Then the next day I find out Jordyn has been into weed. She is lucky I didn't call mom to let her know. I'm not one to do that, but I'm not there to knock sense into her.

If she doesn't quit, you best believe I will make that phone call or personally come there to kick her ass. I knew when I saw her in the parking lot there was something going on, but I would never have guessed it was drugs.

Anyways, today Paige and I are having a girl's day, which means we are going shopping and talking about our lives. We took a bus to get there instead of driving. It was our mindset that if we don't use gas, the more we could spend shopping.

The bus was crowded and smelled awful. Some people don't care about personal hygiene. We got to the mall, and I was relieved. We went in and out of stores. We then went into Victoria Secret and that's where all our money ended up going.

Paige picks up a cute lace bra. It was a turquoise color which is one of my favorites.

"You don't need that."

Paige stares at me. "Why not?"

"Since Jordyn and you are on a complete stop and you turn down every girl who hits on you, no one will see it."

Paige puts it down, so I grab it.

She looks at me with glaring eyes. "And why do you need it?"

She has her hand on her hip trying to give me attitude. I give her an evil smile. I put it with the stuff I was getting.

We left the store. We grabbed some Starbuck coffee then went to sit down.

Paige and I haven't talked about Jordyn and what happened yet. I just know Paige feels let down.

"How are you holding up?" I ask her.

Paige knows what I'm talking about. She fiddles with her straw before talking. "I feel stupid. I feel like I should have known. I kissed her right after she was smoking, so I should have known. Then when she lied to my face, it made me question what else she lied about."

This is a sticky situation for me. I have my sister and best friend. In this case, I'm on my best friend's side. Jordyn should have never smoked weed and she should never have lied about it.

I watch Paige as she is still playing with her straw.

"I think you should try dating someone else." I tell her truthfully. "I'm serious. It doesn't have to be anything serious, but you need to get out there and meet more people. It will help both of you."

Paige sits back with her arms across her chest and laughs. "How will that help either of us?"

"How are you so sure that you two are meant to be if you don't stray for a bit? You might find someone and realize that you were settling with Jordyn. The same with her."

I watch Paige. She seems aggravated with what I'm saying.

She exhales sharply. "First you tell me we are meant to be, and we have love like Jake and you. Now you're telling me that we might not belong together."

I don't think Paige is fully listening to me. She is being stubborn and it's frustrating. She ends up changing the subject.

"How about Jake and you?"

I figured she would bring up Jake. "It's different. Jake and I had a different path. Jordyn and you dated before a friendship. You two used to hate each other and then fell in love. You all don't fully know each other like we do. You only know each other from being in a relationship."

Paige starts busting up laughing and now I'm getting angry.

"Serious Paige."

She puts her hand up and shakes her head no. "I'm not laughing at what you're saying, I'm laughing because that is what I told Jordyn. You are right about us not knowing each other besides a relationship."

My anger level went down. I was seriously about to cross the table and slap her. She looks up at me. "Seriously though, what about Jake and you? Have you heard from him yet?"

I put my head down. "Not since the day he left. He told me he would write and call, but he hasn't. I understand that he might not be able to call, but he hasn't written a single letter."

Paige stares at me. "Have you asked your mom?"

I was confused as to what my mom had to do with this. "Why would I ask her?"

Paige looks at me like I was stupid. "Well, you didn't know what your dorm would be until after he left, so therefore he couldn't send you a letter here."

I smack my head to my forehead feeling completely stupid. I get in my purse grabbing my cell phone out. "Mom?"

"Yes, it's me." She says in her high-pitched voice. "Do I have any mail there?"

There was a long pause. "No, nothing important. Honey I am busy, I will call you back later." The phone hung up before I could say anything.

I set my phone down. "That was weird."

Paige looks at me to explain.

"We are going home next weekend. It's Homecoming anyways."

Paige was on the verge to come up with a reason to say no, but I wouldn't let her.

"We are going."

Alexis: We are coming home next weekend. When I say we, that means Paige too just a heads up.

Jordyn: I can stay at Callie's.

Alexis: And smoke more weed, I don't think so.

Jordyn: It was a mistake.

Alexis: That's the damn truth.

Jordyn: ...

Alexis: Don't be so dramatic. See You Friday

Jordyn: Yes... see you then.

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