Chapter 27

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Jordyn POV

My body is shaking as fear starts to overwhelm me.

"I don't think this is a good idea!" I yell to Callie who is sitting right by me. "I don't think this is a good idea!" I repeat.

Callie starts laughing, but I don't find it funny.

"Relax Jordyn and live a little."

"That's the point, I want to live. We are going to die." My palms are getting sweatier as the seconds go by.

Callie puts her hand on mine for a quick second. "Jordyn we aren't going to die. Stop being paranoid."

She moved her hand away and before I could respond we rapidly went forward. I grab the rail by my side and scream at the top of my lungs.

Faintly through my screams I can hear Callie laughing. How can she be so calm? We come to a screeching halt and then start making our way up slowly. I take a short breath as I try to catch my breath.

We make our way up to the top. There was a split second when I could look down to see a huge drop.

"How did I let you talk me into this?"

As I finished the question we zoomed straight down. With violent turns and a fast pace, we finally made it to the end of this rollercoaster.

Callie and I get off. I walk towards the exit.

"You're safe now." Callie teases. "Who knew you were such a chicken?"

I give her a death glare while we keep walking.

"This is your fault, you know?"

Callie chuckles. "How are you being scared my fault?"

We went through the gate and that's when I stopped her.

"Really? I'm pretty sure it was your idea to watch Final Destination 3, you know the whole beginning when she visions the roller coaster going off tracks and killing everyone." I reminded her of her genius idea before our senior trip.

Christian walks up to us with Claire, Kailey and Kelsey. They were all behind us on the ride. By the looks on their faces, I'm assuming I amused them.

"I cannot wait to see the picture from that ride." Claire comments.

Everyone starts laughing but me. We go over to the place where they show the pictures. Callie and mine showed up first since we were in the very front.

"Look, you are smiling." Kailey says as she points at the picture.

I lean closer to look. "Good thing pictures can be deceiving." I say as I pull out money to get a copy of it.

This is one of those memories I will want to keep. Now that I know I survived, I can laugh at myself.

The weather is hot today. Usually in May the weather is around the sixties and seventies. We lucked out and it's in the eighties.

I remember Paige and Alexis's class trip was raining and cold. I had to hear both complain about it. Let's just say I might rub this in their face.

"Do you guys want to ride more rides or go to the waterpark?" Callie asks everyone.

Kailey, Kelsey, Claire, Christian, Callie and I are all hanging out in a group. This is something I would never have thought of happening. Christian has changed a lot since he opened up. He still has the same problems, but he tells us and communicates differently.

There will be times where he will get up and leave. We could be at the mall, and he will disappear. The first time it happened we were confused, but now we understand he needs space.

Claire was never a major fan of his. She thought he was an ass. This is going back to homecoming games when he was a douche to me, but she seems to be getting along with him now. I think he needed to talk about what happened.

Back to Callie's question.

"Waterpark." Everyone says at once.

The lines for the rides are at least twenty-to-thirty-minute wait. It isn't worth it in the heat. At least in the water we can have fun and not be sweaty.

We all go to the waterpark. The girls go to the girls' locker room and get our swimsuits on and put our stuff in the lockers. When we get out of the locker room Christian is there waiting. All the girls' eyes were drawn to his abdominal muscles.

I shake my head. He seems to notice.

"You don't like it?" Christian comes up and puts his arm around my shoulders.

I look at Callie quickly and give her a wink. I was giving her a heads up on what I was about to say.

"Derek's are better."

Christian quickly gets defensive. He starts huffing and puffing.

"Aw, did I hurt your ego?" It was fun teasing him.

He stays quiet as I walk over to the water. The pool we are at is a wave pool. You walk straight into it and the further you go the deeper it gets. Every now and then a wave comes through. I start to walk to feel the water when I feel my body get lifted off the ground.

I feel Christian's arms around me as he runs into the water.

"Put me down!" I demand.

"Okay." He says as he lets go of me.

I go underwater. As my feet hit the ground of the pool, I push off it and shoot out of the water. Christian is standing by me laughing and the others are walking towards me laughing. My body is in shock from the cold water.

"Thanks, you ass." I say trying to push Christian back but he doesn't budge.

He grabs my wrist stopping my attempts.

"Who has better abs?" He smirks.

I break my hands free and roll my eyes.

"You can't stay mad at me." Christian put a pout on his face.

Before I could say anything in response, I heard a voice from behind me.

"Is he bugging you?"

I turn around to where Kyle and Jed are standing in the water. Where did they come from? Kyle moves past me and gets in Christian's face.

I pull Kyle's arm to get him away from Christian.

"We are just having fun, relax." I told him.

He looks back at Christian and stares at him.

"Kyle stop!" I shout.

Kyle is squaring off with Christian. He seems really heated and I don't understand why.

"Why are you hanging around him? Doesn't he hit girls?" Kyle barks.

Christian takes off in the water. Callie and the other girls swim after him.

"What is the deal, Kyle?"

He puts his hand on my shoulder. "You don't need to be around him."

I shrug his hand off me. "That's not for you to decide."

"I care about you Jordyn, you know that." He claims as he puts his hand back on my shoulder.

He is staring right in my eyes making me uncomfortable. "You care for me how?"

Kyle smirks as he rubs his chin. "You know I have feelings for you girl. I always have."

I sigh. Why is he doing this? We already went down this road once.

"Kyle, you know I'm dating Paige. When we went on a date you got mad because I tried to make her jealous. It's always going to be Paige." I try to make myself as clear as possible.

"You just got burned." Jed says laughing at Kyle.

I look back to see if I can see the others. They are in the deepest part of the pool.

"Look, I'm going to go hang with my friends. Please do me a favor and leave Christian alone."

Kyle is being stubborn as he refuses to agree.

"Please?" I say one more time as I swim away from them.

We ended up staying in the water park all day. We went from the wave pool to the lazy river, and to a couple of the water slides. The water slides were long waits like the rollercoaster, so we did them a couple of times.

We are staying overnight in a hotel that is attached to the waterpark / amusement park. Kailey, Claire, Kelsey, Callie, and I are all sharing a room. The rooms are only supposed to have four, but we had an extra girl in our class and we volunteered.

When we all got showered and cleaned up, we went down to the lobby to hang out.

"Did you think we would be here?" Claire asks everyone. We look at her confused about what she meant, so she elaborates. "All of us are still friends. I know we said nothing would change us, but it did for a while."

"That's the beauty of us," Callie says. "We can drift, but our friendship is strong enough to bring us back."

"I love you guys." Kaylie says with a sad voice. "I am going to miss you all next year."

Everyone stays quiet. This is the first time I really thought about the fact that we are going to be going our separate ways. Only Callie and I are going to the same college. Everyone else is going to different colleges.

"Group hug?" I suggest.

We all piled into each other. Not wanting to let go, we were broken up by a familiar voice.

"Where's my love?" Christian says.

I feel bad for what happened with Kyle earlier, so I get up and give him a hug.

"There you go." I break the hug and sit back down.

Christian is standing there with a smirk on his face. The smirk isn't from the hug, but what is it from?

"What are you up to?" Callie questions him.

He points over to a group of guys that were not from our school.

"When I was walking down those guys were behind me. They were saying there was a group of hot chicks in the lobby they were going to hook up with." He whispers to us. "I got a plan."

We all lean in looking at him.

"What's the plan?" Claire asks.

"Callie and Claire lure them outside. I checked where your room is and if you all get them to the right spot, we can drench them in water when they are under the balcony."

Christian seems to have everything thought out. It sounds a little childish, but I was definitely down.

"I'm in." I speak.

I look at the others to see if they are down.

"Can Kelsey and Kailey go with Claire? I want to be a part of drenching." Callie questions.

Both girls agreed. Christian, Callie and I went upstairs to get ready. When we found something to put water in we text Claire to tell them to work their magic.

We go out to the balcony and wait. Callie pulls out her phone and snaps a picture of us. About ten minutes later the guys are under our balcony. We get ready to dump the water.

"CA CAWWWW." Callie yells out giving Claire and them a sign to get out of the way.

Moments later we dumped the water, and the guys were drenched.

They look up at us pissed.

"Why don't you leave the girls to me?" Christian yells out.

Callie punches him in the stomach. "That's why you had this planned."

We watch as the guys walk off. They were muttering every word possible. Words ranging from slut to bitches.

The girls walk into the room, and they were cracking up. We all high fived each other as Christian's plan was a success. We ended up watching a movie before Christian had to leave our room. Once he left, we stayed up most the night doing each other's nails and talking about boys and Paige. It was a great way to end senior year.

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