Chapter 3

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Jordyn POV

It's Monday which means I have school. I'm not looking forward to this day at all.

My friends are going to ask me how my weekend went. None of my friends know about my breakup with Paige. It's still on Facebook as we are in a relationship. Honestly, I'm not messing with that until she takes it off.

I get ready for school. I decide to try to put Paige to the back of my mind for now. I need to focus on myself. I get dressed then leave.

I don't bother to see if my mom made something for breakfast. She has been constantly asking me questions since I have returned home. When Alexis visits, she is going to have a rude awakening if mom acts like this to her.

I pull into the parking lot at school. I get out of the driver's seat and open my back door to grab my bag. When I close the door, I notice a motorcycle pulling in next to me.

The guy riding the bike pulls off his helmet.

"Do you like it?" Christian grins.

I walk up to the bike to get a better view.

"How long have you had this?" He stands beside me as I'm drooling over his bike. "I got it for my 18th birthday a couple of months ago."

I look up to him confused at how old he is. "How are you 18 already? Did you get held back?"

We start walking towards the school. "My birthday is July 1. My parents waited to start me so I wouldn't be the youngest in my class." I guess that makes sense. "Why didn't you call me back?" He questions me. "Were you too busy with your girlfriend for your new friend?"

When he said the word girlfriend, my heart sunk. "I was busy, and she isn't my girlfriend anymore." I look at him. I wanted to blame him for calling me.

I see a smile appear on his face. I nail him in the stomach with my hand.

"Thanks for your concern." I pick up my pace to try to get away from him.

Christian is the hardest person to get rid of as he is now walking right beside me again.

"Long distance relationships never work out." He gives his opinion. I have no energy to argue with him.

I don't want to talk about this, not with him. I went to my locker. Christian is still following me. Callie is also here, but she has a reason since her locker is by mine. She is the only one I talked about what happened with Paige. I told her I told her everything last night.

"Why don't we skip class today? I know you don't want to be here. The whole world knows I don't." Callie whispers.

It only took me a second to answer. "Let's do it."

We throw our stuff back into our locker. We walk back out the front door since school hasn't started. I turn my head when I notice Christian is still following.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

He put his arm around both of our shoulders. "Don't think you can ditch without me."

I looked over at Callie hoping she would tell him to go back, but she didn't. I don't want to spend the day with him. Not when I half blame him for Paige and I breaking up.

As we got to the parking lot, students were all walking the opposite directions we were.

"I can't take my car." I tell them. "I know my mom. It won't surprise me if she drives by here on her lunch break. I can only imagine how she will react if she sees my car not here."

Christian throws me his helmet. "Callie can take her car. I'll give you a ride."

I look at him like he is crazy. I don't know him well enough to get on the back of his motorcycle.

"I can ride with Callie."

They both are staring at me.

"Stop being a pussy Jordyn." Callie laughs as she walks to her car. "You aren't riding with me. You need to live a little."

"What about you? You won't have a helmet." I said trying to get out of this. Christian got on his bike. "I'll be fine, now get on."

Seeing that I have no way out unless I go back to school, I put the helmet on.

I then get on the back. Christian pulls his phone out.

"I don't think you need that if you are going to be responsible for my life."

Christian turns his bed at me laughing. "Are you always this uptight? I'm just going to take a quick picture then I'll put the phone away."
He extends his arm out holding his phone.

"Smile." He says with a sarcastic tone.

I threw up a peace sign. "You better send that to me." I told him.

Christian kicks his bike to get it started. He used his feet to back it up. I could see people in the parking lot staring at us.

"Hold on." He says with his signature grin. I put my arms on his side to start out.

He follows Callie out of the parking lot. By the way, she is going to the lake out in the country. I felt Christian speeding up when we got to open roads. I wrapped my arms completely around his stomach and held on tight.

I didn't realize I had my eyes closed until I felt him slowing down. I opened my eyes. As I thought, Callie led us out to the lake. When the motorcycle stopped, I hopped off. I then kneel to the ground and pretend to hug it.

"Don't pretend like you didn't enjoy that." Christian gets off the bike.

I see Callie walking down to the lake, so catch up with her. Christian is still by his bike.

We both sit down by the water.

"You have to admit he's cute." Callie whispers to me.

I look back at Christian then to the water. "He's not bad."

After a minute, Christian joins us.

"What took you so long?" Callie questions him.

He reaches in his pocket. "I thought I would bust out the party favors."

I glanced at Callie who looked excited.

"A blunt?" I questioned.

He puts it in his mouth and lights it up. He takes a couple of puffs and hands it to Callie. Callie takes it. The way she is acting, it seems like she has done this more than once shocking me.

Callie tries handing it to me, but I shake my head.

"Come on Jordyn, it won't hurt you." Callie griped as she handed me the joint.

I look at Christian who is trying to encourage me to do it. I sit there staring at the joint in-between my fingers.

Paige POV

When walking between classes, I noticed a bulletin board that I have walked by for the last three weeks. This time I decided to stop and look at it. I couldn't believe all the different clubs they have. I almost fell over when I saw we had an intercollegiate quidditch team. Are you serious? I kept browsing the board.

I put my name down for a couple of the teams. There was a flag football co-ed team. I don't know anyone's name, but it looks fun. I was going to put down Alexis's name, but I would probably be killed.

My eye then caught another flier. I get closer to reading it. It was about the school's LGBT club.

I was putting in my phone the information about when the next meeting is when I hear a voice.

"Are you going?"

I look over to see a girl who is a little shorter than me standing.

"I might." My voice cracks unexpectedly.

This causes her to laugh. "Are you still in the closet?"

"No. I'm out." This time my voice comes out clear. "I'm Paige and you are?" I felt dumb for extending my hand for her to shake.

She reaches out with a smile. "Come to the meeting and maybe I'll tell you." She then walks away.

I watched her until I couldn't see her anymore. Mysterious.

I walk off to get to my next class. I realized I only have ten minutes to get across campus. I started to pick my pace up. Unlike in high school, I didn't run into anyone. I made it to class with no injuries. All this class is a lecture hall. I sat on the way back trying not to fall asleep in boredom.

I grabbed my phone out and noticed I had a snap from Jordyn. I click on it to open it. It was a picture of her on a motorcycle. Before I could completely analyze the picture, it disappeared. Shouldn't Jordyn be in school?

I shake the thought of her away.

Jordyn POV

Lunch at school should be over, so we start to head back. I had fear running through my body. Every little sound and every car made me paranoid. Is this what it's like to be high?

Why did I let them talk me into it? We get to the parking lot and those two are both completely calm. Why don't I feel the way they are? Callie doused us in her body spray to cover up the smell.

We then snuck into the school as the bell rang for lunch to be out. I walk to my locker. I felt like everyone's eyes were on me. I don't know if this is how it's. To be honest I really can't even focus. I decided to go to the nurse's office.

All I did was say I didn't feel well. She signed me out and let me go home.

I guess that's what you get when they think you are a "good" kid. I didn't tell Callie, or Christian I was going home. I need to be alone. I walk to my car and try to get myself to focus. I shouldn't be driving, but I have no way else home. I know weed isn't supposed to be like this. This is all in my head.

I slowly backed my car out of the parking lot. I turn the radio on without bothering with my iPod.

-When you said it was over You shot right through my heart Why you let these hoes tear what we had right apart? Ooh, I was so mad I should've seen this coming right from the start You should beware, beware, beware Of a woman with a broken heart-

This song would be playing right now. I quickly changed the station knowing my heart couldn't stand listening to songs about being broken hearted. I turn to the country station.

-If I'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose If I'm not that arrow to the heart of you If you don't get drunk on my kiss If you think you can do better than this then I guess we're done Let's not drag this on Consider me gone-

Seriously. What is this, lonely heart hour? I turned the radio down, not taking a chance on the other stations.

I think the hardest thing is not knowing how to feel. I feel like when people break up, they have a way to justify their feelings.

Maybe you broke up because you don't like the person anymore or maybe they cheated. Maybe you broke up because they want someone else. With those, there is at least a way to feel. How am I supposed to feel? We both agreed. We said it would be better.

How do I find a way to cope because my heart is falling into pieces, and everyone keeps telling me it's for the best.

I want to go back this weekend. I want to tell Paige I don't want to break up. I know who I'm. When I'm with her, I'm the person I want to be.

Now I'm the girl who skipped school and smoked weed. What is going to happen next?

I get home and go straight to my room. I look at my phone hoping to see something there from Paige. I had a snapchat from her. Any little hope I have in life now is her at least responding back to me. I opened the picture. It's her pretending to be sleeping in class. She had a caption on it. "No skipping here."

The picture went away. I hit the lock screen and just stared at the picture. It's Paige and I this summer when she was giving me a piggyback ride. A small smile appeared on my face. Suddenly I was wallowing. Why is all I'm left with.

Paige POV

I go to the south side quad where the LGBT meeting is. I asked Alexis to come with me. It didn't take too much convincing. She told me no one better hit on her. When we walked in, there were more people than I was expecting.

I had no idea what to expect. Even though I'm out, I feel like I haven't been that exposed to the gay community. I see what they stereotype us on TV, but in person it's different.

"There's the girl." I nod my head toward the girl I met earlier. I told Alexis about my run in.

I watch Alexis looking her over. I feel Alexis give me a push in the back to walk towards her.

I glance back at her, giving her a glare. When I turned back, the girl was standing right in front of me.

"You showed up." She beams, causing me to smile back.

"You seem surprised?"

Alexis walks up to my side.

"So, are you going to tell me your name now?" I ask.

She sits down on the steps. I take a seat as well along with Alexis.

"My name's Brianna but call everyone calls me Bri." She leans over to face Alexis. "Who is this? Is she your girlfriend?"

Alexis's face wasn't too amused by the question.

"I'm Alexis. I'm not gay. I'm happily engaged." She says, showing off her ring. "Paige is my best friend and she is, or I should say was dating my sister."

Bri turns her attention to me.

"Being single is better." Her voice comes off more flirtatious than normal. "What happened with your ex?"

I barely know this girl. I don't feel like explaining to her.

"It's not important." I looked at Alexis who didn't like my response.

We sat through the meeting. It was about the upcoming events that are happening. Next week they are having an event where you write on the sidewalks throughout campus.

When it was over, I saw that Alexis was ready to go. Instead of sticking around trying to get to know more people I followed her.

"You know that's not what I meant back there, right?" I wanted to clear the air with Alexis who was walking at a fast pace.

She turns her head. "What are you talking about?"

I roll my eyes. She knows what I'm referring to.

"When I said it wasn't important. I didn't want to explain to her about Jordyn."

Alexis nods then continues at her fast-paced walking. "Are you sure you didn't say that, so you looked more available?"

I stop Alexis from her high-speed walk.

"I don't want to look available. I don't want to hook up with other people. I don't want people to know my business. The only person I want is your sister, but you know she needs freedom to grow."

"I know." She sounds more worked up than usual. "I'm stressed and overreacted, even though it shouldn't matter what you say. It's not my life"

We started walking again, but this time it wasn't feeling like it was chasing her.

"Jake hasn't called, has he?"

She shakes her head. I could see the sadness on her face build. I pull her in a hug.

"We will get through this together. He will call when he can."

"Jordyn and you will get back together when you both are ready for long term commitment." She

I pull away from the hug. "What do you mean when I'm ready for a long-term commitment?"

We get on the elevators to go up to our room.

Alexis looks at me all serious. "You might say it's about both of you finding who you all are apart, which I completely agree was the right move, but you have to admit another part of it's because you want to commit long term. Committing long term scares the hell out of you because of what happens to your parents. Now both of your parents are out of your life for different reasons. You are pushing Jordyn away, I think to see if she will come back."

I'm not doing that, am I?

"In the meanwhile you will put every scenario in your head as to why you two won't work out. Maybe you both will find someone else for the time being. Maybe random hooks every now and then. There will probably be a point where you two might utter the words I hate you because you guys get so mad at each other because being apart is hard but you both will be so hard headed to say something or scared that the other isn't ready yet. In the end you will both see that your love is the only thing you want and no one else can fill the void you both have without each other. You all have the love that will last but for now you have to ride the rollercoaster."

I stare at her stunned.

"How are you so sure about that?".

She looks at me as the elevator doors open.

"It's what Jake and I have. I know it's what you have. I would bet my life on you two ending up back together."

Alexis walks to her room leaving me in the hallway. I try to wrap my head around everything she says.

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