Chapter 12

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Paige POV

Today is the day my best friend walks down the aisle to marry the man of her dreams. I couldn't be happier for both of them. They have the love that everyone wants. The way they treat each other and even the way they look at each other is heartwarming.

Somehow with finals, Alexis still found time to go with Jake to apartment hunt. Luckily for them, they found a decent one. I should say lucky for me. They picked one that has three bedrooms. They told me I could stay in one of the rooms and they will keep the other as a spare room. I thought about not taking the room, but every time I tell myself no, I think of those eyes staring at me constantly in my dorm. I need to get out.

The wedding is at four and it is now nine in the morning. Callie, Jordyn, Alexis, and I are all on our way to the hair salon to get our hair done. Alexis picked out all our hair styles. They are going to be in an updo with braids. She picked a hairstyle for herself that fits the best for her veil.

To get everyone through, it took us about two hours. The only reason it took so long was because Callie has thick hair, so it took longer on hers.

"We will meet you guys at the Church." Alexis tells Callie and Jordyn.

"Call if you think of anything you might have forgotten." Jordyn says as she gets in her car.

Alexis and I are on our way to the mall so she can get her makeup done.

"I'm nervous." Alexis says as she plays with her fingers in the passenger seat.

I don't blame her. This is a huge step in life.

"It's normal to be nervous. Try to breathe slowly and everything will be okay. Remember, the love you have for him and the love he has for you."

Alexis POV

We get to the church with two hours until the wedding. The photographer was here and ready to take pictures. We are doing bridesmaids pictures and the groomsmen will do theirs. Jake and I are doing the whole not seeing each other until I walk down the aisle.

Jordyn and my mom help me get in my dress. The excitement overcame me as they zipped up the back. This is really happening, isn't it?

When everyone was ready, we went to take pictures. Outside pictures would look nice, but not in this cold. We are taking pictures in the church. Luckily, the church is beautiful. I will give it to my mom. For how much she was against the wedding, she did an outstanding job with decorations. She told me to let her take care of it so I could study. I wasn't too fawn by the idea, but she did an amazing job.

We take a million pictures, from being serious to not. We couldn't resist pulling the bridesmaid pose. That movie is probably one of the funniest.

Derek walks in with his tuxedo on looking very handsome. Seeing him makes me more anxious to see Jake.

"Jake wants to know if you want to do a prayer before."

I nod my head. "Please make sure he can't see me."

I followed Derek to where the guys were. Jake was staying in the room. He put his hand outside the door. I grab it and put my fingers between his. We did a prayer, and the photographer snapped a photo.

When we were done, I heard the photographer say. "The sweetest prayer. I love seeing the power of god shine through."

I went back to the room with all the girls. My stomach is in knots again.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I look to the door and see my dad.

I walked out to the hallway with him. I could see tears in his eyes.

"You look so beautiful. I wanted to give you this now." He hands me an envelope.

I look up at him. "What is this?"

He points for me to open it. "It's a gift from your mother and me. I know Jake and you couldn't afford to go on a honeymoon, so here is a little something."

In the envelope there were tickets to a ski resort here in Washington. "This is for Jake and you. I got you all a driver to drive you there and back. Everyone deserves a honeymoon."

"I love you." I wrap my arms around him.

My dad hugs me back. "I love you too."

Jake POV

I'm standing at the front of the church as everyone starts coming in. First down is the grandparents and mothers. I had no idea my mom was showing up, until the usher took her to her seat. For the first time in a long time, she looks cleaned up. She looks up at me with teary eyes.

"Thank you." I mouthed.

Seeing her here means the world to me. I know we have a rocky history and I have a lot of anger towards her, but the love I have for my mom is bigger than it all. My battle buddy Josh walked down with Paige. After them was Jordyn and Scott, then Callie and Derek. The ring bearer and flower girl then walk in.

The ushers then shut the door. The music starts playing and everyone stands up. The doors open. My mind went blank as I stared in complete awe. Alexis looks beautiful.

I feel tears in my eyes. I walk down to meet her dad for him to hand over Alexis to me.

Jordyn POV

I have been to weddings before, but I have never been a part of the wedding. I never knew how emotional they can be. From the tears in my dad's eyes to the tears in Jake's eyes, I could barely keep it together. I glance over at Paige who has tears streaming from her eyes. Well, there goes mine.

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