Chapter 6

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Paige POV

It's been a week since Alexis, and I were at her house for homecoming weekend. We both had different outlooks of it.

She is clearly mad as hell with her mom. To find out it was her dad's idea to hide the letters, but her mom went along with it.

This now makes Alexis want to get married right when Jake gets back. She at first was wanting a year or two long engagements, but now she wants to do it the month he gets back which is December. I don't know how this will work out with only three months to plan. Looks like I will be dealing with a bridezilla.

I look down at my phone when it buzzes.

Jordyn: Have fun on your date tonight!

Paige: Good luck or you hope it fails?

Jordyn: Both;)

Paige: Lol I figured. I would tell you how it goes, but you said you didn't want to know.

Jordyn: I don't want to know, but I do. You can use a simple word later to tell me how it went, no need to tell me details.

Paige: You're something else.

Jordyn: Yes, but you love me.

Paige: A little bit.

Jordyn: I think more than a little.

Paige: < ---- > That much?

Jordyn: That's more like it. Ttyl

I set my phone on my bed laughing. Who knew that Jordyn and I would be joking right before I go on a date with someone else?

I go to my closet to find what I want to wear. I grab out a pair of jeans and a decent looking shirt. Moments after getting dressed, I hear a knock on the door. I open the door to see Alexis standing there.

She helps herself in. She looks me up and down. "You cannot wear this."

I roll my eyes at her. "What is wrong with it?"

She goes to my closet pulling out a dress. "You should wear this. You wear that kind of stuff every day."

I put my hands up to decline the dress she is trying to throw at me.

"Look cupid, I'm wearing what I have on. Besides, this date was your idea, not mine. I'm not dressing up all formally for a first date."

Alexis looks at me. "Exactly. It was my idea, so you should wear what I picked."

I laugh in her face. "It doesn't work that way."

We walked out of my dorm and went to her room before I left.

"Are you nervous?" Alexis questions.

I thought about it for a second. "Not really. I feel like this is going to be kind of pointless."

Alexis didn't like the response I gave her.

"You need to change your mindset. I know the old Paige is in there somewhere. Stop being so tied down when you aren't even in a relationship anymore."

Alexis keeps on nagging, so I head for her door. "Yeah, yeah. I will see you later."

I'm walking out to meet Hannah.

We are going to a movie to see The Heat. I know it comes out on DVD in a couple of weeks, but it's playing in the dollar theater. What a great date right? I'm not complaining, I don't have to spend too much.

I met Hannah at the theater. She was standing outside waiting. She looks like she had the same idea as I did. She is in jeans and a jacket. I would have looked like a fool if I came in the dress Alexis was trying to get me to wear.

We walked in the theater. I paid for her ticket even though she offered. Again, a dollar isn't going to break me. We then got a drink and some candy. I paid again. I'm trying to make this feel like a date.

There were a decent amount of people in the movie we were seeing. We took a seat towards the back where people weren't. The one thing I hate about going to the movie theaters is when someone sits in front of you.

The movie started and I was instantly laughing. I think it's impossible not to laugh out loud watching this movie.

Halfway through, Hannah takes my hand in hers. I could tell she was trying to be sly, but it didn't work too well. I could see it coming the whole time.

Her hands were a little rougher than Jordyn's. I kept trying not to compare her to Jordyn, but it is hard not to.

"Do you want to come back to my apartment?" Hannah asks when we walk out of the theater.

I looked down at the ground like I was trying to get it to answer for me. I look back at her. "No, not this time."

Hannah looks let down. "Okay, maybe next time."

I nod. I give her a hug before we go our separate ways.

I go to give her a kiss on the cheek, not expecting her to turn her head. Our lips hit each other. This threw me for a loop. I instantly pull back, but she pulls me back in.

"Until next time." Hannah says winking as she walks away.

I start walking back to my dorm.

I pull my phone out to text Jordyn.

Jordyn POV

I have been trying to keep myself busy tonight. I don't want to constantly be thinking about Paige on her date.

Claire and Kailey came over after the football game. The normal after game bonfire party is moved to tomorrow because it was raining. Washington never fails with the rain.

They are talking about their boyfriends. Kailey is still dating the same guy from last year. Claire is dating someone new. I feel a little left out.

"Do you have an extra charger?" Claire asks me. She can barely stay off her phone so no wonder it is dead.

I point to my desk. "There is one in the top drawer."

She gets up to go get it.

"Who are these from?"

Shit. I forgot I put those in there. Claire is holding a couple pieces of paper with writing on them.

Claire starts reading the top one. So much for privacy.

"I don't know who they are from." I answer. "I keep getting random letters in my locker. Every one of them are signed by Anonymous."

I get off my bed. I grab my school bag and pull out the one I got today.

"Read it out loud." Claire begs.

Why can't they read it to themselves?

I can see the pain behind your eyes. It has been there for quite a while. I just wanna be the one to remind you what it is to smile. I would like to show you what true love can really do.. I know you have been knocked down when it comes to love, but maybe you need to get back up. There is someone out there who wouldn't let you go.

"Aw." Kailey and Claire make the same sound.

I thought it was cute as well, but I have no idea who keeps sending me these letters. I wish they would show their face or give me a sign of who they are.

Maybe like Paige, I need to go out on dates. Someone is going through the trouble to get my attention. They also know how to make me smile through a letter.

"Paige isn't going to like this." Claire says after she finished reading the rest of the letters.

When did she care what Paige would think?

"I don't think she would mind. She is on a date tonight anyways."

"Crazy." She mumbles.

They both end up leaving a little after eleven. I decided to take a shower to keep my mind distracted.

When I got out, I saw Paige had texted.

Paige: Aggressive.

I guess that is her word to describe the date. I debated in my head if I should ask more or just leave it.

Jordyn: It sounds like you had a wonderful time then ;)

Paige: The movie was funny, but I don't know.

Jordyn: Will there be a second date?

Paige: Not if it's my choice, but your sister thinks she runs my life again.

Jordyn: Sounds like the old Alexis.

Paige: When are you going to go on a date with someone?

Her question caught me by surprise.

Jordyn: I don't know if I want to go on dates. I kind of like the whole independent feeling. It's nice not relying on someone.

Paige: There is nothing wrong with having fun.

Jordyn: I know

Paige: Like last weekend... you know that was fun ;)

Jordyn: Which part, you scaring the shit out of me or my friends getting in trouble for weed?

Paige: I was more thinking about you jumping my bones and then fighting the temptation.

Jordyn: I'm pretty sure you kissed me first.

Paige: Guilty
Jordyn: Lol. Goodnight

Paige: Goodnight beautiful.

I put my phone on its charger. Paige and I are gaining that friendship that we need. I feel so much relief talking to her even if it's only through a text.

She just went on a date with another girl and I never in a thousand years thought I would be going to bed with a smile on my face.

Paige POV

When I was done texting Jordyn, it was about one in the morning. I decided to text Alexis to see if she was up.

Paige: Are you awake?
Alexis: Yes
Paige: I'm coming to your room.

When I get to her dorm, Alexis is browsing through wedding stuff. She has a notebook with a lot of stuff written down. I look over everything she has. This girl has gone crazy.

Alexis stops what she is doing to ask. "How was your date?"

"It was okay. She isn't my type. She is good for a friend, but I wasn't into it more than that."

Alexis sighs. "We will find you someone else."

I stop her in her tracks. "We won't find me anyone. If it doesn't come naturally, I don't want it."

Alexis stares at me like I am crazy. "You can't be lonely."

"I'm not lonely." I assure her "Besides, I love your sister. We didn't necessarily break up to date other people. We broke up to grow as individuals."

"You can't be glued to her." Alexis says.

"I'm not glued to her. You have it in your mind that I have to date someone, but I don't. If Jordyn goes and dates someone then fine. If someone comes around and I decide to give them a chance, then fine. Have you ever thought maybe I just don't want to date anyone?" I questioned.

She tilts her head as she stares at me. "You can do what you want. As long as you stay smiling and are truly happy then I will stop pushing."

"Thank you."

She then points to the paper where she has something written down.

"I want you to sing at the wedding."

I was rapidly moving my head back and forth. "No way. I don't sing."

Alexis huffs. "You do too. I have heard you. It would mean a lot to me." Alexis is sticking her lower lip out in a pout. "Please!! You are my maid of honor."

This is the first I heard of this. I didn't know if she was going to pick Jordyn or me.

"Okay." I say in defeat knowing she would talk me into it eventually.

Alexis claps her hands together.

"What song am I singing?"

She looks up at me. "That's your choice."

Great. Not only do I have to sing in front of people, but I have to pick the song. What if the song I pick isn't good enough?

I didn't want to break Alexis's excitement about the wedding, but there is still a big unknown.

"Are you sure Jake is going to want to get married right when he gets back?"

Alexis looks unbothered by my question "I don't know yet. I asked him in my letter. If he is still the Jake I knew when he left, then he will."

I hope for her heart's sake that she isn't getting her hopes up. I get he is the one who asked her to marry him, but a lot of things change when you're apart and especially for what he is going through being at boot camp.

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