Chapter 15

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Paige POV

After meeting Kyla and Courtney, we went down to the beach to walk by the ocean. It is crazy how the winter here is like normal weather in Washington during the summer.

Jordyn and I both take our sandals off and walk through the water. I can feel my teeth cringe as wet sand sinks in between my toes.

I ran out of the water trying to keep my toes off the ground. I go to the ground frantically trying to remove the sand between my toes. Jordyn comes over laughing as she kneels.

"What are you doing?"

I lift my head up as I glare at her. I go back to cleaning my feet. She falls to her butt and sits there watching me.

"Have you ever been in the sand?"

"Not wet sand." I speak with clenched teeth. Thinking about it makes me freak out more.

I have never been to a beach or out of Washington. There are beaches in Washington, but I have never seen them. If so, I wouldn't be making a fool out of myself right now.

I know Jordyn is laughing because she thinks I'm being ridiculous, but I don't care.

"I am not going back in the water." I told Jordyn.

Jordyn stands up then extends her hand to help me. She is standing there staring at me with a devilish look. I bend down to grab my sandals when Jordyn bull rushes me. She wraps her arms around my waist picking me up. She takes off to the water. I start flipping out.

"Put me down." I try breaking her hold around me.

"Will do." She says as she is standing in the water. She starts releasing me. I wrap my legs around her. I squeeze my thighs against her as tight as I can.

"Not here." I beg.

I feel us moving. I look down to see dry land below us.

"You are a lot stronger than you look."

"Do you want to go back to the water?" Jordyn looks at me with a grin.

I stick my lower lip out in a pout shaking my head. Jordyn is still holding me up as my legs dangle around her. She is looking up at me and my eyes look at her lips. I bring my eyes back to hers. Her eyes have a hint of desire in them.

"Are you going to kiss me yet or am I going to hold you all day?" Jordyn taunts me.

I went in for a kiss but back off. Jordyn's nose flares as I try to tease her. I try wiggling my way out of her grip. As my foot got ready to touch the ground Jordyn loses balance and we both go crashing down.

Jordyn is lying on top of the sand and my body is on top of hers.

"Kiss me already." Jordyn persisted.

I leaned in, giving Jordyn's lips a peck then got up and started running down the beach. Jordyn starts laughing then begins chasing after me. Jordyn is actually faster than me, so she quickly catches up, but I made some moves to avoid her for a little bit.

When Jordyn finally gets a hold of me, she pulls me in kissing me passionately. I could tell this is what she really wanted back there when we were laying in the sand.

She slips her tongue in my mouth. We begin to fight with our tongues for dominance. Her nails are digging into my back as she gets deeper into the kiss. I pull away slowly

"Babe we should probably head back in case your sister is wondering where we are."

Not that I wanted to stop the kiss, but things were heating up fast and we were in the middle of the beach.

Jordyn POV

For the next day, we hung out with Jake and Alexis. We went out jet skiing which was a lot of fun. I haven't seen Kyla or Courtney around, but we have plans to hang out tomorrow night.

Jake and Alexis keep going off by themselves. We come to find out when they tell us they are doing something, they wait for us to leave and come back to sex it up.

It's New Year's Eve, Paige and I are headed to the beach to hang out with Courtney and Kyla. Jake and Alexis didn't want to come.

Us four are going to set up a fire and hang out.

Courtney and Kyla arrived about ten minutes after we did. Paige gets the fire going.

"Hey." I greet the two as they sit down.

They both give me a friendly smile.

"I will be right back." Paige says as she disappears in the dark.

The two girls look at me with wondering expressions.

"I have no idea." I tell them.

"Are you two back together yet?" Kyla questions.

I shake my head. "Why do you ask?" I was curious because the other day I told her we weren't dating.

Kyla and Courtney look at each other and back at me smiling.

"We saw you two the other day being super cute on the beach. It doesn't look like you two are just friends." Kyla put air quotes around friends.

Before I could respond, Paige came back with four cups and drinks. She sits down and hands everyone a cup.

I whisper over to Paige, "Do you even know if they drink?"

Her eyes flash over to them.

"Do you?" She asks them assuming they heard me.

They extend their arms out. "Pour up." Courtney says.

"That's what I'm talking about." Paige cheers as she pours us all a drink.

We talked for a while, enjoying the fire. Courtney and Kyla were being super cute together. The more I see them and how they are, the more it makes me wish Paige was mine.

"Let's play I Never." Kyla suggests.

Everyone fills their cups up before starting.

"What are your rules?" I ask before the game gets started knowing rules for drinking games seem to differ from person to person.

"You either say something you have or haven't done. If you have done it and you said it yourself you have to take a drink. If I say something that I have never done, but you have, you take a drink." Kyla explains.

I nod in understanding.

I looked around to see who was going to start.

"I never slept with a guy." Courtney takes charge in going first.

Right away I see we are starting off sexually. No matter when I have played this game, it eventually hits the sexual levels.

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